The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 103: life experience

After this series of inspections, Fang Senyan's health report was submitted, and the professor in charge looked at it and couldn't help feeling:

"Oh, this volunteer's body is almost as strong as a bear! Is he a professional athlete?"

The corner of Zi's mouth couldn't help showing a smile:

"That's why he dared to lie here as a little mouse. []"

The professor nodded with satisfaction, and then persuaded Zi:

"In fact, you can go to your own business and wait for the results. Sars looks like a frightening disease, mainly because it is highly pathogenic, highly infectious, and there is no symptomatic medicine. As a result, its mortality rate is only 9.3%. "

"Therefore, sars, which is almost talking about tiger discoloration, is far from dangerous for AIDS, Ebola virus, and rabies with a lethal rate of almost 100%. The deaths of sars are rarely young, and the resistance of adolescents A group with strong strength and vitality. Usually, the dead die from complications such as dyspnea caused by pulmonary edema, failure, and multiple organ dysfunction. As far as the signs of this volunteer are concerned, it is almost It will definitely be healthy. "

Shaking his head in a pose:

"It can't be so optimistic right now, professor, the sars virus that we are about to inject into his body is mutated. Except for the way of transmission, the other aspects have been greatly strengthened. Both the onset time and the intensity of the attack."

The professor's face suddenly became solemn, he re-examined the surrounding conditions carefully, including the disinfection and sealing facilities, and then re-assigned a sterile warehouse ---- 唔 就是, everyone is often in The glass cover of the anatomical mouse seen in the movie, any operation is completed by a robotic arm installed on the sterile warehouse, and then the virus box brought by Fang Senyan is taken out, and the virus inside is taken out, and then The injection entered the lung area of ​​Fang Senyan.

The effectiveness of the virus is undoubtedly amazing. [WWw.YZUU point m] It can be clearly seen that Fang Senyan's lungs were severely damaged immediately, and then a large number of black lines extended along the blood vessels toward the surrounding. In the process, the pain suffered by Fang Senyan is undoubtedly very amazing However, he still insisted that he didn't slap his teeth for a while, but gritted his teeth and watched his clenched fist and the blue bulging on his forehead. The expression on Sanzi's face was very worried. Although the expression on her face was indifferent, her nails were dipped into the flesh because of the clenching of her palms, but she did not react at all.

In the extreme pain, Fang Senyan suddenly felt a warmth in his consciousness, and he immediately looked at the past. Suddenly found that the source of warmth was the string of dzi given to him by the person named Rai Luo when his talent was upgraded. This dzi was originally assembled with great desire power, but I don't know why the vision appeared at this time.

What Fang Senyan didn't know was that Tibetan Buddhism originally belonged to the tantra class, which focused on tenacity of hardship, and focused on the words of tolerance and shame, and had to experience the sufferings of the world. Even ordinary believers, there are steps to travel thousands of kilometers to worship in the Holy Land, turning around.

Now there is even a saying that the origin of yoga is actually from a tragedy school in Tantra. The way of this tragedy is to twist one's limbs to the limit and to feel relief from pain.

Ray Luo gave Fang Senyan this string of dzi, only to use it as a connector, but. This is just one of the many amazing functions of Dzi. And its main function is still the magic weapon worn by the Tantric Living Buddha during cultivation!

That plane of Relo. Tibetan Buddhism is very prosperous, so this string of dzi is not a big deal, but for this plane, this string of dzi can be regarded as a very rare gem.

Under normal circumstances, if people are in extreme pain, their breathing, heartbeat, endocrine, their own magnetic fields, brain waves, electrocardiograms, etc. will have very subtle changes. The dzi with a lot of willingness is equivalent to a radio with a fixed band.

Fang Senyan, a very physically strong guy, the fluctuations caused by extreme pain is equivalent to slowly matching the Dzi beads' wave band, which in turn has inspired another function of it ------- The function of the cultivating instrument!

Because that warmth made Fang Senyan feel very comfortable, he instinctively wanted to pursue that warmth, and then took the dzi beads out of the storage space through his mind, and quietly held it in his hands. (Following the leaves, you will see Ye · Yu ~ Yu) When Fang Senyan was doing this, his palms were quietly pressed down to his side, so despite being watched by many people, he did not notice it.

After holding this string of dzi beads in hands, the warmth gradually spread throughout Fang Senyan's whole body, and Fang Senyan gradually developed a strange feeling, that is, from the perspective of the onlooker To treat the pain indifferently, as if the pain appeared to others.

Immediately after, he could feel that the indescribable pain began to flow into the dzi beads, and the dzi beads gave back an indescribable warmth, as if it were beyond description It's soft and warm, and you don't need to breathe or eat at all.

Darkness, tranquility, softness, and warmth make up the entire world, with infinite peace and joy in the heart. The tranquility is like lasting forever.

Fang Senyan didn't know, this is the extremely deep state of cultivation and the state of birth in Tantra!

The four senses of darkness, tranquility, softness, and warmth, which support the four senses of the entire sensory world, are exactly how the baby develops and grows in the mother's womb!

The fetal situation sounds very mysterious and profound, but most living Buddhas can reach this situation.

On the other hand, the birthplace above the place of birth is the supreme method of Tantra Buddhism. To reach this situation, often when the living Buddhas nirvana before dying, the last life of this body can be reached. The extreme.

The fetal state is the state that can restore the feelings of life to the time when the mother's fetus is born. Then, going to the habitat, of course, you can experience the death of yourself, reincarnate into the fetal state, and then the highest state after birth. This is waiting for the shuttle. The future, to see the world afterwards!

This is why the power of Tibetan Buddhism, the living Buddha can often predict his place of death very accurately, even some details are amazing! That's because they really saw these things! !! !!

But going to the habitat is really a very high level. In general, to reach this level is sublimation for the soul, but it is a great burden for the soul. Therefore, the reincarnation in January means that when you enter the habitat, you often cannot live for a month, and you really have to be prepared Reincarnated.

Even more cruel. Even if the soul sublimates to such a powerful state, when it is reborn, it still cannot escape the harshness and brutality .........

Mystery in the womb!

This is also the saying, Meng Po Tang.

Even if there are many living Buddhas after reincarnation, they can slowly recall some skills from previous lives (such as medical skills, scriptures) according to their living habits. However, in the end, the state of the last life and this life completely overlapped.

In order to break the mystery of the fetus, it is the highest state in Tantra, which requires a long stay in the previous habitat to be able to reach it ..... Heaven and Man are one! !! !!

This is also the realm of great freedom that Leroy is pursuing.

(Note: the birth rate, the habitat, and the unity of heaven and man are all speculative speculations and have nothing to do with reality!)


Including Fang Senyan himself did not expect to want to make the virus king talent tree: airborne diseases to the top, facing difficulties and pain. Turns out so fierce!

He also did not expect that in such a situation, with the power of the almost out-of-print Dzi Bead instrument transmitted by the Rai Luo living Buddha, he accidentally reached the birth rate that many monks and living Buddhas did not reach. territory!

In that infinite tranquility, warmth, and serenity, Fang Senyan noticed that there was light above and below.

It's just that the light above is faint, like starlight. It looks bright if you don't pay attention. I noticed it was very dim, and there was light underneath.

Fang Senyan noticed at this time. Without the body, you can easily float by your mind. It is very difficult to float upwards, and it is effortless to go down.

However, he did not know that if he floated upwards, it would be equivalent to practicing a breakthrough to the habitat. As far as he reached the fetal condition, he was completely relying on external forces to practice, and that was totally an act of seeking pumping.

If you go down, you will go to the albedo environment.

The so-called albedo, in scientific terms, the cultivation method is also very simple. It is to clear out all the memory fragments and clues in the mind, and then push back without missing any memory.

As we all know, memory is gradually blurred with the passage of time. What have you done today and have done a few basics a few times? It must be very clear. Yesterday was also sober, but a month ago? A year ago?

The practice of returning to the light is always pushing back like this ~ ~ First of all, think about what you did today, then yesterday, then last week, last month, last year, one day ca n’t Missing.

Yes, when you practice to the highest level, you can enumerate everything in your mind from birth to the present! It's like what people call “back light and back light”, like a movie in my mind, and it's played in a few seconds.

Then, the highest state of albedo is the first scene I saw with my eyes open when I was remembering that I was a fetus. If I can continue to break through and look for the memory that enters the mother's body, I will be able to break through the fetal state.

Fang Senyan's behavior at this time is equivalent to backtracking and going backwards.

He came to the light below, then stepped back in, and suddenly, into the memory he saw when he opened his eyes. Naturally, I saw what I can't remember ... Father, Mother! !! !!


I'm so stupid, I forgot to post again.

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