The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 104: Scarlet Express

In the underground secret laboratory of the E.S consortium, the instrument connected to Fang Senyan suddenly issued an alarm. []

Warning, warning: The patient's non-invasive blood pressure fluctuated sharply, currently at 140/200, and there is an upward trend.

Warning, warning: The patient's breathing / heartbeat fluctuated violently, exceeding 50% of the normal value, and there was an upward trend.

Warning, warning: The patient's EEG dual-frequency index fluctuates sharply ...

Just played here, the 180,000 Euro instrument suddenly emits a cloud of smoke and electric sparks, and then a slight explosion sounds, and then there are screws, gears and the like flying out ... ...

Then I heard the "creak" sound, and listened carefully, turned out to be the sound of Fang Senyan's teeth biting! His chest was undulating, his fists were clenched, and the veins and veins on his body and under his body seemed to be protruding after being strenuously exercised, which was very clear.

Sanzai was so anxious that he wanted to rush forward to pull Fang Senyan out of it, but his posture grabbed him, and Shen said:

"Don't go by. He doesn't look like the virus is out of control. Instead, it seems to have been greatly stimulated mentally. Although I don't know why, if you approach at this time, you will be hurt. . "

It must be said that this unique combination of feminine uniqueness and the outlook of the consortium leader is very valuable. She can always penetrate the truth of things in the first time, and Sanzi also calmed down at this time. . Take a few steps back.

Zi frowned, then said to the horrified medical staff next to him:

"You go out, right away."

The professor suddenly said:


Posture frowned, sternly:

"I don't like to say a word many times. []"

Suddenly, the beauty director's gas field LD lived in the audience, the doctors and nurses retreated, Fang Senyan's abnormality lasted for about five or six minutes, and then slowly subsided. Suddenly he punched him in the aseptic chamber. Although this aseptic tank is to avoid biochemical pollution, it is very sturdy and can almost be compared with the level of bulletproof glass.

But how powerful Fang Senyan was at this time, a thumping punch produced a crackling sound of cracks, and a second punch was added, and the transparent glass fragments were scattered thinly. Only Fang Senyan's **** fists stood angrily in the air.

And the sound of his heavy breathing, like the violent noise of a 10,000-horsepower steam engine.

For a long time ... the sound of that violent breath finally subsided. Fang Senyan slowly opened his eyes. The blood red in his eyes also began to recede quickly, restoring a clear look. At last, he looked dullly at the white ceiling on the top for a while, then turned to look at Zi and Sanzi, exhaling a long breath:

"Sorry, I'm sick."


At this time, the disease was still looting on Fang Senyan. But for him, it was nothing. After exactly three hours, the hint of the Nightmare Mark finally came:

"A virus replication has succeeded!"

"You successfully activated the Virus King's talent tree: the end disease of airborne diseases. Pneumonia (SARS virus)."

"You can activate the remaining Virus King talent tree to make you stronger. Activate the remaining Virus King talent tree requires 80 merit points!"

"Ultimate ability: type pneumonia (inactive), ARS germs quickly propagate in their bodies, showing a crazy value-added effect, and the enemy's respiratory system will collapse like the Empire State Building at 911 in a short period of time. Until they adapt to this great pain. [] "

"Activating this ability requires thirty merit points. You will simultaneously spread the SARS virus to nearby enemies. The virus spreads through air and droplets, so the disease cycle only takes three seconds to take effect."

"At the moment when it takes effect, it can cause severe damage to hostile creatures. When the SARS virus slaughters human immune cells, it will cause severe pain to the enemy ’s nerves, causing it to stun for three seconds. At the same time, Takes 5% of maximum health damage (when acting on a contractor, the damage cannot be higher than 300). "

"Every 10 seconds thereafter, the enemy has a 75% chance of being affected by the SARS virus tentacles, getting one of the three abnormal cases of SARS chest pain / SARS suffocation / SARS fever, and getting special effects for deepening the disease."

"SARS has severe chest pain. SARS erodes the enemy ’s lungs and causes severe pain for three seconds. During this period, the patient will be unable to perform any attacks, movements, casting actions, and suffer all the attributes of 100+ casters. The sum of the damage. "

"SARS suffocation. The SARS virus erodes the enemy ’s airways, causing it to become unable to breathe. In the process, the enemy ’s movement speed is immediately reduced by 50%, and the hit rate is reduced to 0%. It will slowly slow down in the next ten seconds. Return to the original level, and once SARS suffocation occurs, the enemy will immediately take 100 real damage. "

"SARS has a high fever. The SARS virus instantly raises the enemy's body temperature from normal 37 degrees Celsius to an amazing 41 degrees Celsius. Under this effect, the mental energy consumption of any ability of the enemy will be as high as 500%! The high fever will be in thirty seconds. Gradually showing a gradual downward trend, and mental energy consumption will also decrease accordingly (for example, after ten seconds of high fever, the body temperature is estimated to drop to 39.5 degrees Celsius, then the consumption of casts at this time may be about 300%) Finally Return to normal."

"Every time an abnormal state is triggered, the disease deepening effect is applied to the enemy ’s body. When the disease deepening effect has accumulated to seven layers, the SARS virus will have a severe effect. Under the severe effect, the enemy ’s Severe pain, suffocation, high fever, and all negative states are extended by 200%. At the same time, the enemy ’s damage is increased by an additional 20%. 33% of the damage suffered by the enemy during the severe effect process will be converted into a healing effect and cured. The friendly friends around him cannot be healed by more than 33% of his maximum HP. "

"The severe effect lasts 10 seconds. When it disappears, the disease deepening effect will be cleared on the enemy."

"This branch capability can coexist with some virus-like branch capabilities."

"Please invest merit value quickly to strengthen this branch ability, so as to open the remaining Virus King talent skill tree!"


The power of SARS is in the imagination of everyone, and its lethality has been significantly enhanced compared with the previous simple negative special effects. The 5% damage of the initial infection is definitely not to be underestimated. OK, but remember the monsters on Pandora's planet? Those guys have hundreds of thousands of lives at every turn. This 5% damage means tens of thousands of amazing data!

Fang Senyan looked at this series of data and smiled bitterly:

"Maybe I really should temporarily let the promotion of major general?"

Zi and Sanzi both looked at him with interest, Fang Senyan said:

"What are you doing?"

"Of course I waited for your explanation." Sanzai said with a grinning smile. "What happened to you when you suddenly exploded in the aseptic chamber. The injured sister is worried about death ..." Ah! "

Sanzi had already flew out, and posted a weird gesture on the wall. The power of the Force Barrier need not be said more ......... The other side, Moriya, who is indifferent:

"Since you're fine, I have a business to talk about. Let's go."

"Hey, Zi!" Fang Senyan suddenly looked at her with a solemn expression on her back, and then silently said, "How about the next time on the grass?"

Zi suddenly stumbled as if being hit by a bullet, looking like he was vomiting blood, and then fled with the help of a walled warehouse ... Her elegant and calm temperament disappeared in an instant. Fang Senyan's smile slowly converged when he looked at the figure leaving. At this time, his eyes were full of inexplicable drift and pain.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you everything ... but our team is far from being able to bear such a secret!"


This time Fang Senyan was infected with SARS, but he was very injured. It was completely different from the cold before. After the test, he stood up and walked away. He was still nursing for a while now, and all the infusion antibiotics and the like were used, but unfortunately it didn't have much effect. After a little vigorous exercise, he almost coughed up and almost fell out.

In this case, Fang Senyan can only accept the identity of the patient, slowly rest, and silently endure the torture of the illness. It was so difficult to endure when it was time to return to the space ~ ~ I waited at the entrance of the stairs early, then walked into the space three times, five times and two.

As soon as Fang Senyan entered the space before repairing, the space already reminded him of a functional defect in his body ------- 唔, this is a written statement. For example, if there is no way to walk, it is a functional defect. An erection is also a functional defect, and there is no way to speak is still a functional defect-in fact, it is almost a severe level of disability.

After an inspection, it was found that Fang Senyan's left lung looked intact, but the inside was rotten, and only one third of the normal function of the right lung was available! After consuming expensive general points, Fang Senyan finally restored his health.

He sat on the stool and took a few breaths. At this time, he saw the box on the table of the "Emperor's transit privilege delivery" box. This thing should be express delivery. Fang Senyan had enough at this time With the energy to deal with this stuff, I opened it, and my face suddenly slumped!

Because inside the box, it turned out to be a blood red express! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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