The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 9: 1 slap to death!

As soon as the voices of the two men fell, the cube test subject made a breathering sound like a thunderous thunder, and then strode toward the old Charlie with two strangely long arms. Every time he landed, the ground came. There was a slight shock, and even the coffee cups on the table were in continuous contact with the spoons, making a loud noise, showing its strength. []

Old Charlie didn't look at him, picked up the bag, turned and coughed twice, then slowly walked into his box, and regarded the horrible monster as nothing!

You know, the body of this test body is still covered with blood and human tissues! Thanks to him, he dared to turn his back to this monster?

Everyone saw his fearless appearance, and he was very impressed, but they did not know this battle since the old Charlie followed Fang Senyan, and did not know how many winds and waves have been seen. This test body can be said to be really Not worth mentioning.

The test subject strode forward, and the massive muscles on the huge arm even made a creak, and then he slammed it towards the old Charlie!

However, at this time, the wooden floor under the old Charlie's feet was strangely green, and it seemed to have a very strong lifting effect. Therefore, this step of the old Charlie was surprisingly large, and he suddenly broke away. The attack range of the test subject was increased.

So the test subject hit the wooden floor severely!

The issue of the floor is mentioned here, which was originally in interstellar navigation. Building materials and other things are standardized special cements, which have been specially designed so that they can quickly set and are easy to transport. The cost of transportation is now in the case of flying units that are "light years". Is a big problem. So the use of wood in the rest is a very luxurious act.

However, Alps 7 has unique conditions in this regard. []

Just less than 30 million kilometers away, there is a planet with nitrogen on it. The composition of argon is very high, so a very special plant has appeared. This plant is similar to the moss on the earth and densely spreads out on the planet. However, its volume is comparable to that of a banyan tree. Comparable! and so. On the Alpine No. 7 base, it is more cost-effective to use this kind of plant building material called "Big Moss".

At this time, the test object hit the wooden floor. It's made from that giant moss. Suddenly, because of its special texture, the plank burst immediately. And this giant moss was broken very thoroughly. In the face of the irresistible huge force, it turned into a lot of sharp wooden spines like a car glass, and then splashed out everywhere.

At this time, the green light flashed under Charlie's feet again. He immediately stepped back from the forward state, and then the back foot was the center. It swung fiercely and turned 180 degrees, and slap it on the face of No. 1 test subject who hadn't had time to retract the giant arm! !! !!

At this moment. Subject No. 1 clearly opened two horrible giant arms around the old Charlie's waist, trying to brutally break the enemy's lumbar spine in front of him, but suddenly it was stiff, in place for five or six seconds. In the future, this muscle monster, which also resembled a cube, jerked violently up and down, and fell down facelessly! !!

The atmosphere in the entire auction floor was as embarrassing as if it were dead.

Only Fang Senyan knew what happened during this time. He had summoned Ramtas at this time. This guy was already good at first- and second-order natural spells, which caused the old Charlie's speed to increase suddenly, but it was a very simple first-order. Natural Spells: Just stride.

(First-order natural spells: stride, use the power of nature to trigger the potential of the subject, increase its movement speed by 0.8 m / s, and the duration of the spell is 60 seconds. When the vicinity is a forest, grassland, or a large number of plants In some cases, the spell duration will be extended accordingly)

The next shot of the old Charlie's palm was extremely lethal, because when he patted it, he had caught a ten-centimeter-long wooden thorn in the air and caught it. Finger www.7ket gap. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

This wood thorn is very ordinary. When the giant moss was blasted, because of its material, this wood thorn shattered and stirred. I don't know that there are hundreds or thousands of them. And Ramtas cast a second-order natural spell on one of the wooden thorns:

"Activated wood: Turn a small or smaller wooden object into an activated object."

Then the old Charlie slapped the wooden spine into the right eye of the subject No. 1 and penetrated deeply into the brain. Then the wooden spine was activated into a hedgehog ... The frightened hedgehog came to the warm and thick In the brain environment, the first thing naturally is to erect spines on the body!

The thick skin of Test No. 1 is difficult to penetrate even with bullets. However, this does not mean that its brain can be used so that it can be used normally after a while! Otherwise, why use alloy steel to build its skull?

This is why the old Charlie took a slap lightly and directly knocked down the fierce test subject No. 1.

At this time, the people around him looked at the old Charlie, and he was already full of fear. To be honest, because the old aristocratic status of the old Charlie, the entire family was more vulnerable to bullying and insults after the hardship. Who hasn't despised him? Even stepping on him as a pool of rice fields, he felt dirty and wanted to rush, and within ten meters near him, he also smelled bad.

However, such a guy who was forced to be reluctant to be a humanoid man was turned over by a salted fish. The powerful biochemical test body and the advanced combat armor of the military system were actually ruined by this bone. The old man slapped him with a slap! !! What the **** is this shit!

The most important thing is that ... this old man has to deal with himself, wouldn't he just bounce to death with one finger.

As soon as the test subject died on the 1st, the faces were torn between the two sides, and there was no need for Fang Senyan to say anything. Old Charlie naturally knew how to do it. He was indecisive at that time, and he lost his reputation. The whole family fell to the bottom of the society. Now that he has powerful strength, there is no taboo!

So after the old Charlie slapped the test subject No. 1, he immediately held his body and aimed at the box and rushed over. At this time, the old Charlie's agility was twice as fast as the healthy adult male of the ancient earth people. When converted, it was 3.5 to 4 times the agility of the human at this time, not to mention the large strides at this time. What a powerful bonus?

Therefore, as soon as the old Charlie sprinted, he rushed to the Grande with a thunderbolt, used him as a shield, pinched his neck, and forcibly pushed into the box.

At this time, the old Charlie was still in a shrunken form, and his partial actions were ghost-like, so the people inside the box broke the fire, and the smoke swirled around the sawdust, which also exposed the people inside.

There are four people in the box.

One of them was a young man in his twenties, with pale face, eyes drifting, and footsteps floating, but his eyes were very overcast, and the clothes he wore were quite unique. Some of them were similar to tuxedos, but the neckline was The large rolled collar used still stands on the neck, and it looks like a twist.

And the texture of that dress is also quite unique. With the movement of the person wearing, the fabric will appear a circle of ripples like water patterns, it looks really amazing.

Only this young man is sitting,

The other three people are standing, but even if they are standing, they can clearly see the difference in identity.

The man closest to that young man is also the kind of muscular man, but he is the same as Fang Senyan, strong and fit, not the bulky muscle accumulation of the test body. This man wears sunglasses and holds his hands on his chest, it seems Disdain everything.

It was clear that he was the young man's last line of defense.

In front of the man is an old man. This old man should be of the type of housekeeper and secretary. He is responsible for arranging chores of a certain size, and of course comes with a bad idea. To put it plainly, if Fang Senyan's incarnation is less evil, old Charlie and gold mine will play this similar role.

Standing at the outer periphery is a dual-handed gun, oh no, it should be a monster whose hands have been transformed into weapons is firing wildly ~ ~ The unlucky Glan's body was given by his bullet Cruelly torn into several pieces, but still could not wipe off a piece of oily skin of the old Charlie, but he was forced behind the obstacles, the pillars were filled with smoke, and a large number of concrete blocks scattered!

At this time, what people waiting for the auction are waiting for, it must be a chaotic mess. Fortunately, it is not a concert here, it is also held very hurriedly. It ’s just about a dozen people, plus accompanying people. There are more than thirty, and it must be quite fast to run.

In the midst of this chaos, a gray shadow of lightning flashed out, piercing through the chest of the transformer whose hands were both weapons! Immediately, the light dazzled, the crackling blasted, and even more black smoke came out.

The grey shadow was really the setae shot by Ramtas. The transformer didn't seem to be hit. Even if his chest dazzled with black smoke, he even tried to turn around and fire, and his left hand was still deforming rapidly. After turning out an energy weapon, he will aim at firing. (Welcome your support, it is my greatest motivation.) RV

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