The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 10: 1 punch explosion

In the future, human physique and melee combat technology will not be considered by Fang Senyan at all, but in terms of energy weapons, Fang Senyan has absolutely no meaning. [] He has no doubt about one thing, even if Lieutenant Mongo himself can be killed like a fly, but the ensuing powerful energy weapon counterattack may also make himself even the door of the office Can't get out!

Not to mention the launch of Atlantic-class main guns that I have seen! That is the terror power that even the planet can wipe out. As long as it is a living object, it must maintain the most fundamental awe from the level of genes! !!

Fortunately, the consumption of energy weapons is still a big problem. The stronger the power, the more energy it consumes, and the larger the specifications. The energy weapons that can threaten the life of Fang Senyan are at least tank-class guns. You have to activate this stuff. If so, then as far as current technology is concerned, it is impossible to have a single-arm weapon that threatens Fang Senyan.

Because of Fang Senyan's fear of energy weapons, Ramtas, who knew his heart, shot two sets of bristles again, and a set of bristles pierced the left shoulder of the remodeled man, immediately making that part obvious. Explosion.

Another set of bristle shot him out, rolled at least five or six meters backwards, and in a series of crackling explosions, the black smoke was tumbling and the light was dazzling. This guy has completed a pile of flesh and steel mixed with steel parts. Scrap iron!

In the face of this situation, the sunglasses man could no longer stand idly by, and suddenly fluttered in shape. Already in front of the young man's body at an indescribable speed, said coldly:

"Who are you? You know who my master is? He doesn't say it was an accident, he just lost a hair, and the Alpine Base 7 will be turned upside down!"

At this time, the old Charlie also retired a long time ago. He felt that the sunglasses man had a very terrifying atmosphere, and he also sent some important news to the other side:

The identity of the pale youth who looked very vulgar was uncertain. [WWw.YZUU point m] But there are two points that can be determined:

First of all, his skin was slightly bluish, and his blood vessels looked very clear. It was a trace of poisoning. The noble children of the empire like to popularly take a drug called "heat" in social circles. This stuff is like Jin Wu Shi San, which was popular among the nobles of the modern era, differed in that "heat" did little harm to the body. Not addictive and can cause a slightly pathological weakness. Very stylish.

Secondly. The clothes worn by this person are very unique, and the style is self-evident. The material is very rare blue dugong skin!

Blue dugong is a space creature that can grow only on the planet near the core of the Milky Way. Its appearance is similar to that of dugong on the earth (mermaid). . Wandered in space for a long time.

But once it leaves the core of the galaxy, it will die. After being peeled off, the creature's skin can be worn as a bulletproof vest after special treatment. It is also possible to absorb the energy of the universe at all times to strengthen the wearer's body precisely because of this. So it can be said that it is very rare. Let's put it this way, it is not always possible to get a piece of blue dugong fur for a bar of element!

Therefore, the identity of this person is really trivial. If it is the power of the individual, he may not be as good as the tyrant who is a separatist. However, if the status is noble, it is estimated that it is really far above Mongo. He said he didn't want to see Mongo, but he wasn't really bragging!

However, Fang Senyan is also a suffocating person, and it is very clear that he has already offended this guy in front of him, and he wo n’t die if he fights a snake. If you want to pin your destiny on whether others have a broad mind, it is definitely not the character of Fang Senyan! Of course, the stone that stands in front of you is kicked out. When it is in front of you and can cause serious consequences, Fang Senyan will directly dig a grave to clear it away!

Therefore, the sunglasses man's threatening words did not have any effect at all, and the answer to him was a set of bristles!

However, the sunglasses man actually grabbed the bristles, and then, a faint blue flame suddenly erupted above his fist, and the bristles were burned clean. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

Fang Senyan's heart suddenly suddenly:

"This breath ...... so familiar? Did this guy also come out of that ghost place?"

At this time, the sunglasses man disappeared directly into the air, and when he appeared again, he actually appeared directly in front of Fang Senyan. This was a veritable instantaneous movement, which appeared one meter in front of Fang Senyan.

This is a veritable instantaneous displacement, because the walls of the box have not been damaged in any way, and even more strangely, because Fang Senyan has been hidden in the depth of the box from beginning to end, no one has ever seen him. Breathing can determine the exact location of Fang Senyan, the power of this combat instinct can be said to be very scary.

The sunglasses man did not have a weapon, and he pointed at Fang Senyan's neck with a simple palm and cut it off.

Fang Senyan turned his head to one side. He suddenly fell into the air with one palm, and chopped it **** the wall next to him. The place he cut off immediately cracked the horrible texture. It seems that this guy has also transformed his body into a weapon.

After this palm fell through, Ramtas had already uttered a roar and raised the wooden staff for a blow, but the sunglasses man actually evaporated again in the air, and when it appeared again, it was already behind Fang Senyan.

It is also a weird space transmission, not only dodging Ramtas's attack, but also came to Fang Senyan's dead end very cleverly, which is a model of avoiding the reality and being based on his strong maneuverability. , And he was not afraid of the old Charlie going to rescue Wei Zhao!

The sunglasses man looked at each other's back, and he didn't know how many similar experiences he had, as if programmed, he started punching ... .. The voice of that **** instructor echoed beside his ears!

"Ten centimeters into this position is the enemy's heart. As long as he has enough power, he can stop his heart with one punch!"

"This position is the enemy's spleen. If you want to delay the enemy's death by ten hours, then use your seven points of strength to come here. The opponent's spleen will be delayed rupture due to cough or vigorous exercise. His blood It will fill the abdominal cavity in an hour! "

"Seeing this rib is not there, look at my hand, clenched my fist like this! Slam this rib with the protruding middle finger, the broken rib will pierce the enemy's unilateral lungs, causing pneumothorax, no matter how powerful Enemies will soon become sheep! "

"If you want the enemy to lie in bed for a lifetime, then attack this part of his spine, that's right! You will have incontinence, impotence, bedsores, and him for life!"


A series of storms also hit the enemy in front of it! At this moment, the sunglasses man felt that his attack was perfect at this moment, and Xingyun Liushui also hit his peak level, and even his attack skills improved to a higher level!

For him, it is not difficult to kill, but it is the first time to beat the person in front of him to the level of complete paralysis without dying like today.

Yes, he has no intention of killing the taunting young man in front of him.

One is that those high-purity plutonium element particles are real, and there should still be a living mouth to pull the plutonium element particles from this puppet's body.

Secondly, he knows that his master must be in a very bad mood today. He must breathe a sigh of relief on this guy, so he cut his meat piece by piece to feed the piranha in the fish tank, or chopped his limbs. Making living furniture is not his concern.

However, just after the sunglasses man finished his job, he was surprised to find that the majestic body in front of him had not collapsed like mud, but an iron hoop was added to his wrist. It felt like it was only taken a closer look and found out that it was actually grasped by the backhand.

Immediately afterwards, the man in front turned around, and at this moment the sunglasses man felt that an indescribable pressure was radiated from him, making him even have a sense of suffocation, and inside the man's mouth The words that came out made his heart sink:

"You should be a product developed in the Big Ben Institute, which is a replica of the top ten?"


"Such a weak level, dare to show up in front of me?" Fang Senyan laughed suddenly, but the teeth in his mouth had the brutal whiteness of a fierce beast: "One punch! You hit me so many times ~ ~ I'll just give you a punch. If you survive, I'll let you go! "

The sunglasses man's pupil contracted immediately, and there was a great fear in it. A flash of light, he even cut off the left wrist caught by Fang Senyan himself, and then launched the transmission ability to escape! Evaporated directly in the air!

However, where can Fang Senyan perceive?

Sunglasses man just appeared next to his master and wanted to take him with his power to escape, but Fang Senyan also activated the transmission function on the dark gold ring, such as the shadow awakened after him, and waved it very simply. Fist up.

One punch!

With just one punch, Fang Senyan showed his domineering awakening! !!

This punch hit the sunglasses man's chest, and it immediately seemed to detonate a bomb in his body, blasting him all into pieces! Even the hardest cranium is torn apart, immature and deadly! (Welcome your support, it is my greatest motivation.)

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