The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 19: Aircraft carrier

After rushing into the murky white area, Fang Senyan felt extremely weird and extremely painful! !!

Despite the layers of thick and tough airship bulkheads, he produced a completely twisted feeling! The feeling was very weird, as if the whole person was divided into two parts from the waist, the lower body would not move when sitting on the chair, but the upper body was completely twisted like twists for seventeen or eighty laps. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

And this distortion not only acts on the entity, but even the soul also has such distortion.

Just for a moment, Fang Senyan's extremely tough body was about to be completely destroyed! Fortunately, before the critical point was reached, the nightmare mark on Fang Senyan's chest began to become hot and hot, and an invisible force penetrated the distance of unknown billions of trillions, and instantly fell on Fang Senyan's body!

That is the huge power of Noah C! !!

In the face of such a powerful force, Fang Senyan, no, even the surface of the entire ship immediately glowed a little red light, and then the miracle revived in that extreme distortion. At this time, you can see that between the two planes The overlap of collisions between them has reached a very amazing level. No one can describe the despair of destruction that collides with each other, but behind that destruction, there are countless new hopes that are constantly generated like bubbles. ……….

In the face of such a magnificent hidden crisis, the only thing Fang Senyan can do is wait ...

It is said that the fourth heir of the Arno family disappeared at Alpine Base 7. They must not give up, but the members of the Arno family have identified it as the ghost of Prince Bombaro behind it. To be honest, the plots have piled up and are intertwined. The veteran and Monch Kerber analyzed it carefully. All sweated and felt a great threat. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

So they all agreed that since the Arno family had lost a fourth-ranked heir here, and they still fell behind in the confrontation, the man of life and death, then it is obvious that if the first-ranked heir adds A group of veterans fell here again. The loss to the family is even greater, as for justice. At least you have to be in the right situation. How many times are you bargaining when someone's knife holder is on your neck?

So at least when Fang Senyan and they left, the people of the Arnold family still humbled to ask for departure and return several times a day ......... Poor Montsun. Lucy no one dared to raise the matter on earth.


It has been bumpy for a long time in the fierce turbulence, and these strange and strange phenomena in front of him are not used to it, but old Charlie can't help the other side of Mori Road:

"Since the process of overlapping planes is so horrible, how can those Jade Stars enter and exit as easily as they enter and exit their back garden?"

Fang Senyan thought about it:

"It is estimated that the plane overlaps are also orderly. At the beginning, it was more intense, but in the latter case. Then it is relatively better. Both sides should have a run-in period. The time of the plane overlap on the side of the Iron Blood is longer , So the reaction is not so strong. "

The two said while they felt that the spacecraft was suddenly bumping. Although there was nothing left and right, but the spacecraft was very bumpy, just like dragging a suitcase down the stairs, and they stumbled "梆" "Beep", even if the people inside have shock mitigation measures, they have also been beaten.

When the bumps suddenly stopped, Fang Senyan suddenly felt empty in front of him, a completely different feeling passed from his body, like staying in a dull office for too long, and suddenly came to the roof to blow on fresh air. 【叶 * 子】 [悠 * 悠]

The universe is still the universe, the galaxy is still vast, but a taste that is out of place is still ready to come out!

At this time, the place where Fang Senyan appeared was on a dense asteroid belt. The stars on this asteroid belt were probably similar to the moon, densely distributed, as if it filled the entire sky universe.

Suddenly, the light flashed! !!

An asteroid in front of them exploded fiercely. It was a horrible destruction that every particle of dust was directly dissociated from the inside out. The huge airflow had not even hit Fang Senyan in front of them. When I saw a huge iron and steel ship flying from the sky, roaring with majesty and oppression, the huge muzzle of the main gun was still emitting smoky smoke, and even more amazingly, here Beside the steel giant ship, there are more than ten **** spacecrafts. From the model point of view, it is a ghost-like fighter with a swallow-like shape ... It sprays an orange tail flame and looks like it is moving at full speed. .

The combination that appears at this time is truly the ultimate human arm: the standard combination of the Yamato cruiser plus the ghost fighter. If you add six transport ships, it is a standard colonial planet base configuration, but I do n’t know why. Fang Senyan always felt that this powerful weapon of humans had a taste of running away! !!

Fang Senyan was still assimilating with the whole world at this time, so although it was close at hand, the human warship group did not notice them, but they only waited less than ten seconds, and flew out of the void behind them. A fancy small spaceship.

The left and right wings of this spacecraft are loaded with two expanded plasma cannons. The shape of the gun body is like a blower, while the nacelle in the middle of the spacecraft is very narrow and completely covered by the design of the two wings. The spaceship has yellow and green stripes, and the rear engine jets a clear blue flame.

But overall speaking, this small spaceship does not seem to have a strong combat effectiveness. It is estimated that the ghost fighter can fight one-on-one in one-on-one combat, but I don't know why, it seems that there is a whole human giant ship formation. Such an insignificant little plane would get the illusion of running around!

"What's going on?" Fang Senyan felt a little stunned in his heart, but suddenly he realized at the moment that there was nothing in front of him, but a strange buzz came from all directions. The sound was intertwined, very slight. But it is very grand. This contradictory feeling is like tens of millions, hundreds of millions of mosquito flies flapping their wings.

Immediately after, the human formation suddenly changed again. More than ten escorted ghost fighters suddenly formed a triangular cone formation, turned around, and headed towards the small spacecraft to rush away. This ghost fighter suddenly It became transparent at the same time and then evaporated into people's sight.

Yes, this is the special stealth ability of the Ghost Fighter. At this time, Fang Senyan also noticed that in the direction of their disappearance, a humble aircraft was slowly flying.

This aircraft looks similar to a human-launched satellite, but when flying, it looks like a bulky swallow. It apparently noticed the bad intentions of the stealth fighter, and immediately turned around and flew away.

Just after it flew out for nearly ten kilometers, Fang Senyan felt the scalp suddenly burst at this moment! !! Because at the moment when the aircraft flew away, there were thousands of small spaceships popping up in his entire small half of the field of vision. It seemed like they had occupied the whole world in an instant! !!

In the gap between the horrible small ships, Fang Senyan faintly saw the hump-like whale-like hulls passing by in sight, and these small ships flew in and out from the hulls like these whale At this moment, he immediately understood that this is the highest technology of the Protoss: the perverted combination of the arbiter and the terrible aircraft carrier! !! !!

In this world, the status of the tribe, the protoss, and the zerg are standing on top of each other. The zerg's power is slightly stronger, but it is not an overwhelming advantage. Tribals and protoss will also compete for energy ore.

When entering the world last time, Fang Senyan was mainly involved in the competition between humans and Zerg, and this time, it is estimated that he will face the most mysterious and powerful race in the universe, the Protoss!

The bulky swallow is also an aircraft ~ ~ is one of the highest technology of the Protoss, the arbiter! !! !!

Its all magic can summon a unit of the Protoss from any place directly to the current position !, and the frozen magic can freeze all the troops within the range of 3 * 3 of the enemy! Even more terrible than these are all next to ter All troops (except ter) are invisible. This is why Fang Senyan saw that a small aircraft carrier can actually hunt down the human fleet, because the remaining forces are completely invisible!

Obviously, each arbiter is the valuable wealth of the Protoss. Those ghost fighters stealthily attack it, which is to attack the enemy's inevitable place, and delay time until the anti-invisible observers of the Protoss ... It was torn into a small piece of space by the angry little aircraft carrier and exploded!

Seeing this amazing fleet roaring past, and then went away, Fang Senyan wiped a cold sweat despite knowing that they could not find his party. When the overwhelming, densely packed small aircraft carrier whistled past, the only reminiscent thing was the locust, fierce, fierce and fearless, and extremely sharp. After it swept through, no grass was born! !! RQ

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