The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 20: Lost ... Temple! !!

Soon, peace was restored in space again, but Fang Senyan's eyes widened again at this moment, because he heard the rattling sound coming from everywhere, as if the entire ship was under tremendous pressure, and then himself The lacquered surface of this spacecraft has begun to glow a little bit of light, scattered in the air, and then, the metallic lacquered surface and patent leather are rolled up, and then quickly dissociated, revealing the internal organs. structure!

It looks like the speed of rust has increased a thousand times and ten thousand times, and the entire spacecraft has begun to roll up and disintegrate at a weird speed!

"... ……. What's going on ?!" Fang Senyan was shocked, and continued at this speed, for fear that he would die here in less than five minutes!

Fortunately at this time, behind a small planet in front of it, a shaky looking "ghost fighter" suddenly flickered. [] Several holes have appeared in the body of this Ghost Fighter, but the intelligent robot inside is constantly up and down, the welding light is faintly visible, but it also seems to lose its propulsion, and there is still a long drag behind the buttocks. Long black smoke.

After seeing this scene, Fang Senyan knew that the matter was specially arranged in space. He hurriedly controlled the spacecraft before the carrier had completely lost its power, and launched two mechanical arms to force the ghost fighter. Pulled over, then opened the emergency escape interface and hurriedly escaped.

Just when Fang Senyan had just boarded this ghost fighter. The carrier of Prince Bombaro, who was riding behind them, thoroughly analyzed the collapse and turned it into the dust of the universe. At this time, Fang Senyan should probably know the cause of the collapse. If the high-tech objects on different planes are not processed, Entering the rest of the plane without authorization, you will also suffer exclusion.

It's like a thorn stuck in the body, and a strong rejection will appear in the body. And he and old Charlie were clearly protected by the power of his Noah space, so they survived. [WWw.YZUU point m] Unless it is like the Jagged World plane and the main plane. The overlap time is too long, and the two sides are relatively mature, so this kind of strong rejection will not occur!

The Ghost Fighter is strictly speaking, its protection and attack power are not high, it is mainly used to attack the enemy, and the air is an Oakley double-barreled missile launcher, and the firing interval is one and one second. . To the ground is a pulsed laser with a diameter of 30 mm. Its greatest feature. It is also a stealth light refraction device installed on the body.

But at this time almost a third of the ghost fighter's body was destroyed. It looks like a miracle to be able to drift in space! The ceiling was full of squeaking flashing electric wires, and dense smoke coming from time to time. The steel walls were clearly twisted and cracked, and even the mechanical parts inside were visible.

A V was holding a cutting machine and was welding a crack with sweat. After seeing Fang Senyan, he suddenly stunned, and immediately saluted unconsciously: "Comrade Brigadier! Why are you here?"

Fang Senyan froze. Suddenly realized that his identity is different, immediately after moving forward. One after another came to say hello, all looking at it with awe and admiration. He even whispered after he left: "Such a big man actually came to us!"

"We can definitely get through it, I have heard his legendary story many times!"

"It was really thrilling just now. We actually escaped the pursuit of the aircraft carrier. Probably because of the intervention of the sailor general!"


Finally, Fang Senyan entered the cockpit. A huge gap here has just been plugged, and the welding traces are still glowing with red light. A large amount of welding waste slags on the ground and sizzles. This is before. The huge damage caused by the dual light photon cannons carried by the aircraft carrier ’s child aircraft severely tore the bulkhead and hit an unlucky egg. At this moment, the blood of this guy was dried up on the floor. Three Fingers www.7ket were wrapped in messy leather gloves, sticking to the side bulkhead and shaking. []

Beside the cockpit, a woman was busy rescuing two wounded people, so busy that she could hardly care to turn back. Fang Senyan walked over and said, "What's going on?"

As soon as the woman turned back, she was startled and said, "Brigadier General Sailor! Why are you here?"

This is the benefit of the legendary degree +2. With the rank of Mori above, it is almost innocent. He nodded, then looked at the wounded, and decisively said, "You get out."

The wounded man on the left was severely pierced into an iron plate. The wounded man on the right was covered with blood and his head looked badly damaged. Fang Senyan took out "endless vodka" and gave the left one first. The wounded took a sip, then suddenly grabbed the iron plate and pulled it out, then pressed firmly on the wound. Suddenly the wounded man crouched like a shrimp and made a scream, but slowly relaxed, apparently vodka was slowly playing a role.

Immediately afterwards, the old Charlie took out the hormone needle, painkiller needle, hypnosis needle, anti-inflammatory needle and so on from the first aid kit next to it. If the assembly line is like a brain, it will be skillfully injected. The wounded began to close his eyes, slept more peacefully, and his breathing stabilized. Then the old Charlie moved him aside, connected to an automatic monitor that would alarm if he noticed any abnormal fluctuations. Things are done.

The next wounded was severely injured by the craniocerebral, and the intracranial pressure increased rapidly. Therefore, he had to open the suture to remove the hematoma. Before this difficult operation, when Charlie was an artificial person, although he was involved, in theory, I know how to do it, but I have no practical experience at all, but I still gritted my teeth. Fortunately, Fang Senyan's vodka once again played a role at a critical moment, otherwise he would be killed for work.

There is no doubt that Fang Senyan naturally took over the command of this stealth fighter. The remaining woman was called Kyrgyzna and directly obeyed Fang Senyan's leadership. After more than ten hours of emergency repairs, the five on the fighter aircraft V finally repaired all the repairable places. This is the case, and the list that appeared in front of Fang Senyan is also: "The damage of the body is 28%, and the defense force has fallen to 18.1% under normal conditions."

"The energy system damage is 55%, the power output drops to 45% under normal conditions, and it can only fly at 32% of the theoretical maximum speed."

"The firepower system damage is 18%, and the attack frequency is reduced by 38%."

"The stealth system is 81% damaged and cannot work properly."


Fang Senyan looked at a series of data and frowned. "Where are we now? Kyrgyzna?"

This woman seems to be a fairly qualified assistant, and she is also quite professional in this regard, so she quickly called up a star map, and quickly flew it after a few clicks, positioning it to the current star field.

It can be clearly seen that on the star map, there are brown, blue, and yellow colors. Brown indicates the Zerg, blue indicates humans, and yellow indicates the Protoss. Fang Senyan is currently in an awkward area. A flaming galaxy indicates that it has been covered by the smoke of war. The galaxy that originally belonged to humans is now occupied by the Protoss.

Kyrgyzna's finger, www.7ket, touched, and said, "According to our remaining energy, we can only go to this place."

Fang Senyan looked at the location she was pointing at, and frowned suddenly: "This is the sphere of influence of the Protoss."

Kyrgyzstan nodded and said, "This is a planet that has been mined on a large scale a long time ago. The crystals and rare GAS veins above have been exhausted. Now it is in a marginalized place within the Protoss forces. There should not be many garrisons above, and this is an area close to the Zerg. The Zerg is a race that is good at harassment and guerrilla warfare. Therefore, the security system that landed here is the highest, and according to computer records, humans on this planet I have also left my own traces. Although I was expelled, we have always had the habit of arranging strategic warehouses in advance, so it is still possible to find relevant warehouses to obtain them. "

Fang Senyan nodded and said, "Do we have any other choices?" "Yes." Kyrgyzna smiled bitterly: "The other two choices are the B-A88 planet first, and the other choice is the F-821 planet ~ ~ Fang Senyan said calmly: "What do the M letters on these two planets mean? "

Kyrgyzna obviously felt that Fang Senyan's problem was mentally retarded, but he explained patiently: "This is a sign of full occupation. The enemy's control on the planet has reached a maximum of 98% of the MAX control."

The old Jack pointed his head in a timely manner, adding: "The brigadier's head was severely hit when he crashed, so some memory fragments were missing, so some parts of the memory could not be remembered. "

Fang Senyan nodded: "Well, Lieutenant Kyrgyzna, just follow your advice. Let's go to this ancient abandoned planet you said, right, what is this planet called?"

Lieutenant Kyrgyzna investigated the information, and her eyes were full of doubtful light: "Strange, this planet has no regular number, it seems that only the name of the protoss named it, wait for me to translate it through the channel? It seems to be called ... Lost Temple? "

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