The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 22: snake

The plain in front gradually closed, and the mountains on both sides began to bulge strongly. The iron cyan rocks lay on the cliffs, presumably because of the high winds, so the ridges on both sides were only stubborn moss growing on the ground. On the ground, he finally added a touch of life to this desolate, quaint, and distant planet. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

Fang Senyan dipped a little blue liquid and rubbed it on the tip of his finger www.7ket. Then he smelled a mixture of body oil and body fluid in his nose, but the feeling on his fingertips was rough and not greasy. Kyrgyzna His face was a little pale, and he whispered:

"It's the body fluid left after the Dragon Knight was wounded. Mr. Brigadier, this is very dangerous ......... As far as our current strength is concerned, once we encounter more than three Dragon Knights, we can't even escape. So for your safety , I recommend retreating. "

Alas, in the interstellar world, the dragon knight is the main force of the Protoss. It has nothing to do with the dime of a human who rides flame-like creatures like gold coins in medieval or fantasy novels.

According to legend, after the veterans of the Protoss suffered fatal injuries or maiming, they will face the choice of becoming a dragon knight. Their souls will be transplanted into this large mechanical spider, and they will control these large mechanical skeletons. Walk as if these bones were born in their bodies.

The Dragon Knights provided an important support fire for the Zealots, firing lightning bolts of anti-particles covered with a layer of charge. These lightning-disrupting lightning bolts are equally effective against air and ground targets. However, when dealing with small units, it will be prone to bias, so in most cases it can only cause 50% damage. (During the game, the dragon knight's attack power is 20 points, but hitting puppies and machine gunners always feels ineffective because of this, hitting small-volume enemies reduces the damage by half)

Kyrgyzna's concern lies in this: In her eyes, herself, Fang Senyan plus the old Charlie three people are at most three machine gunmen, even if the two Vs that follow are added. [Ye Zi] [Yu] You may have a battle with a dragon knight.

However, when facing two dragon knights, there will definitely be casualties. If the three dragon knights can't run, they ca n’t run away ... Because the dragon knights are thick and thick and are very famous: 100 health Point, the energy shield is 80, and the machine gunner has only 40 points of life without a doctor, plus the attack power of the machine gunner is only 5 points ... The two sides are not a level opponent at all.

Fang Senyan smiled. He guessed Kyrgyzna's thoughts, but apparently was unwilling to correct her errors.

Because Fang Senyan objectively evaluated his combat effectiveness. That's not a bunch of machine gunners! It is estimated that it can compete with the elite Mammoths that have all the Zerg's enhanced genes. The common Mammoths are perverts with 400 points of life, 6 points of defense and 25 points of attack. Elite Mammoths are at least 600 points of life, 10 points of defense and 30 points of attack!

Therefore, if there is no team of more than 12 dragon knights, then don't really let Fang Senyan resign!

After Fang Senyan climbed to the top of the slope, he suddenly felt a powerful air wave coming to his face! Although the rest of the people were repelled by this amazing blast of waves and took five or six steps back, Fang Senyan only covered his eyes with his hands, only his hair and clothes. But it was rolled backwards by the huge air waves, but it seemed that many moist things were splashed on the face. Touch it with your hand and find that it is still the light blue body fluid of the Dragon Knight.

It turned out to be less than five or six meters from Fang Senyan's uphill position. It is a dragon knight that has just been destroyed. This guy uses six steel arthropods to walk, and advanced hydraulic transmission. It has good off-road performance and looks like a mechanical spider with a lower center of gravity.

It is just that this dragon knight has exploded fiercely. The three steel arthropods in front of it are flaming with red sparks. The head and chest are dissolved like a candle, and they flow out. A lot of blue liquid, and those similar to organic plastics. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

There was a deep voice in the air buzzing and echoing. It was the voice of the dragon knight's parasitic soul praying godly before annihilation.

More than 30 meters to the right of this dragon knight, there is another dragon knight, but a round gray-white light shell appears around its body, and the gray-white current will appear around the light shell from time to time. Beating, although the six steel arthropods of the dragon knight are still moving in vain, but if they are paralyzed, they take a step back and take another step, completely paralyzed.

This is exactly the sign of the ST locked bomb! This thing has a wonderful effect on the paralyzed machinery. It is said that some powerful STs can even paralyze cruisers and even aircraft carriers with locking bombs! !!

There are four dragon knights on the battlefield, two of which are locked. The dragon knight, who was just destroyed in front of Fang Senyan, was killed by long-range bombardment by ST!

ST's conventional equipment is a 25mm shotgun rifle, but it is clear that from the situation when this dragon knight was destroyed, the power of that shot is more powerful than the most powerful single-person equipment: electromagnetic guidance Long-range suppression of tactical guns is no worse!

Two hundred meters away, there is still a dragon knight moving his long legs to start chasing. In front of the dragon knight, there are two protossed basic soldier soldiers enthusiast t rushing like a shadow.

Fanatics are thin and long, at a height of about two meters. Although their bodies are fragile, the functional combat clothing they wear can provide them with 100 points of health and 60 points of shields. They form a layer of light blue around them. Colored plasma shield, and equipped with a sharp energy sword on the forearm, this thing can easily tear any creature and armor!

A ST wearing light gray tactical armor is running forward. From time to time, he will turn around and pull the trigger, and then the energy armor on the closest t fanatics will spread a ripple.

Suddenly, a rotating connecting rod was raised at the core of the dragon knight. Then, the muzzle that resembled a shower aimed at the front, and a snow-white oval photon projectile shot out. Suddenly hit the ST's feet, a violent explosion occurred, the wet soil shot around, leaving a deep pit the size of a water tank, after the rain-like dirt fell, the pursuit The dragon knight and t suddenly stagnate ...

They don't have any strange abilities, but because the target to be attacked has disappeared strangely in front of themselves ... The most basic ability is to be invisible. To become a qualified ST, you must first Use your mental power to drive invisible devices!

At this time, Kyrgyzna, old Charlie, and two Vs had already targeted a locked dragon knight and violently attacked. V's melter could also cause good damage to the unit, but the attack The frequency is unsatisfactory.

Fortunately, both Kyrgyzna and Old Charlie use the standard configuration of the machine gunner: 10mm C-14 Gauss machine gun. Under the attack of these two weapons, the dragon knight's energy armor is falling at an alarming rate.

However, when they hit the sky, the air suddenly flashed seven or eight meters away in front of them, causing an abnormal distortion. A burly figure slowly emerged from the air. This was a smoked black smoke. As for the man, his face was covered with stubble, his face was square, his eyes were very sharp and pressing, and his voice was suppressed and exasperated:

"What are you still attacking, run away! My mental strength is exhausted, and if the guys behind me catch up, there will be big trouble!"

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"Why are we escaping?"

After seeing Fang Senyan, the man froze for a moment and immediately stood upright:

"Lieutenant Colonel SNAKE (Oh, this name is from an old age, hehe, the home machine control should look like a thunderbolt), report to you, sir! Why do legends like you appear on this planet?"

At this time, the dragon knights and enthusiasts who had lost their targets in the distance apparently noticed this, and immediately forcefully came over. SNAKE immediately opened the bolt with a click, and then said anxiously:

"You **** your leave first, I'll hold them."

Fang Senyan suddenly had a secret smile on his face, and suddenly broke off:

"Lieutenant Colonel ... Suddenly ... You cover me ~ ~ After Fang Senyan said this, he picked up the combat alloy ballistic shield placed next to him, leaning his body like an arrow off the string He rushed out! The two sides were already facing each other, so a short distance of 100 meters, it took only three seconds to meet each other!

The enthusiast who rushed to the front was the fanatic who had been beaten almost by SNAKE. Its light blade crossed the ballistic shield of the combat alloy, and made harsh noises and harsh scratches!

Among the long overflowing sparks, Fang Senyan's cool eyes were opposite those of the zealot's cold and ruthless eyes. He bullied himself into the arms of the enemy in front of him, slammed his shoulders, and the power broke out. Its backslid.

At this time, Fang Senyan's fist was ruthlessly hit the enthusiast's abdomen. Under the huge impact, the tough and elastic material of the armor reached its limit immediately. Deep in the device, the pale blue body fluid was squeezed by the horrible impulse and sprayed out from the enthusiast's features, looking very terrible! RQ

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