The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 23: Love

After Fang Senyan hit the fanatic with a punch, instead of closing his hand, he intensified his bullying and then punched him **** the chin!

This uppercut hit him nearly half a meter away from the ground, and the pale blue body fluid spurted out from the helmet. After the whole body landed, it twitched and stiffened. After detecting the complete disappearance of vital signs, the spontaneous combustion device in the sturdy armor quickly activated, and suddenly his body and the broken armor were turned into a plume of smoke and evaporated into the air ... this is an outsider like a fanatic Hard to understand noble feelings: Even after death, powerful and sacred warriors must not allow unsightly relics. As for the remains, nothing can be blasphemed, and the proud soul will return directly to the kingdom of God in the flames. among! !! !!

However, this unexpected incident also suddenly caused Fang Senyan to feel a great increase in pressure. His next plan was to use the body of this fanatic to block the attacks of the others. Where can I know that I completely miscalculated, I can't help it Hesitated for a moment.

But on this battlefield, a moment's glance is tantamount to a flaw, which is equivalent to giving the rest of the enemy a good chance!

Originally, Fang Senyan suddenly exploded, killing an enthusiast's record in the face, no doubt made the elite in the distance ... widened his eyes, but, before he said "careful", he saw Fang Senyan The smooth linking action frustrated, and then the enthusiast's particle light knife and the dragon knight's photon shells hit him fiercely!

There was a loud bang, and the moist soil was under the bombardment of the photon bomb. The violent explosion burst apart, one after another, and if it rained, for a moment even the sight became blurred, but still a figure stood in the dust.

A ruthless zealot like a combat machine stabbed in the past without hesitation. The translucent purple particle light knife trembled in the air, tearing the air straight away.

Although the hit just hit the target. But the rich combat experience told the zealot that the blade was like stabbing a human steel bunker, and he did his best. The blade is irresistible, and slides away to both sides!

But suddenly a large hand was stretched out from the dust, and he grasped the fanatic's wrist with a strong twist. The enthusiast's wrist, protected by tough armor, was snapped off like this.

Immediately afterwards, the black shadow inside the smoke suddenly burst out, like a giant mammoth, and cruelly hit the fanatic's chest! The tactical armor on its chest immediately gave an overwhelming whine, and then the cracks began to spread clearly, and a large number of splatters quickly fell down and fell to the ground.

When Black Shadow suddenly shrank, he used the fanatic who was walking backwards as a shield, and a photon shell shot by a dragon knight swept past the top of his head and hit the ground three meters behind him. . There was another big crater.

Although the blazing heat and shock waves of photon shells can also cause splash damage, this damage may be fatal to the weak machine gunner, but it is just a drizzle for a monster like a mammoth monster, such as Fang Senyan. That's it.

At this time, the powerful elite ghost snake was also not idle. His veteran is best at seizing opportunities on the battlefield, so he simply raised his special ... spike sniper rifle!

The red dot of the low-frequency laser sight on the rifle was clearly printed on the back of the fanatic fan who was pushed back by Fang Senyan! !! !!

A "snap" sound! The enthusiast who had just recovered burst out of his head, the blue pulp overflowed, quite tragic.

head shot!

This devastating blow made his life disappear instantly. It also caused the self-detonation device to start again in a timely manner, causing it to turn into a smog and disappear into the air.

At the same time, Fang Senyan had already grasped the enthusiast's broken arm holding the particle light knife, and jumped up, stabbed into the main body of the dragon knight in front with the ion light knife, and was in the air. However, he was once again hit by a dragon knight's particle light cannon and hit the front, flying out seven or eight meters with smoke and flames.

The dragon knight, a huge robot spider, was hit by the powerful weapons of the same family, and suddenly a pale blue body fluid was sprayed out fiercely, and the ground three meters away in the distance was poured wet.

The surface of the dragon knight was originally an energy shield carried at full load. It was instantly wiped out and disappeared. Angrily, it rushed to the enemy that was hit by flying. He lifted his hydraulic transmission mechanical foot and stomped it. Go on!

However, the illuminator bombarded Fang Senyan's body, and it was still only a flesh wound. Looking at the steel big foot that was trampled down, Fang Senyan raised his hands and greeted him very simply, Long The hydraulic transmission of the Cavaliers was cushioned in the air at once, it was almost like being embedded in the rocks. No matter how crazy the energy system was, it was still useless!

What's even more amazing is that Fang Senyan actually stood up under such disadvantages, and then made a force! The hydraulically driven mechanical foot "clicked" and then broke off. Then, the entire dragon knight was overturned by this huge force.

Seeing such a horrible situation, let alone Kyrgyzna, who was watching on the sidelines, even Snake was stunned, but anyway, they still understood that it was on the battlefield, so they gave Fang Senyan with firepower. Support, under the harassment of Fang Senyan, the overthrown Dragon Knight failed to turn over after all, and finally died tragically under the scv welding torch ...

It is too simple to solve the locked dragon knights, but after the battle is over, Fang Senyan is regarded as a monster. Only the elite ghost soldier snake can barely keep calm, but in his eyes Surprise was coming out, to be honest, he was also the first time to see such a horrible guy, even in the state of bare hands, dare to face the tough human warrior with Protoss fanatics!

Watching Fang Senyan walk over casually, snake suddenly felt that his mouth was a little dry, and he didn't know what to say, but saw Fang Senyan walked over and patted him on the shoulder ... I am, respected Brigadier General Your Mightiness. Proud and unmanned elite ghost soldiers also bowed their heads.

Fang Senyan positive color road:

"I have a piece of advice for you ... immediately Li Zheng, made a look of ears, Fang Senyan said:

"I know you have certain prejudices in your heart, but there are exceptions to everything. At some point, the rank and combat ability can be directly proportional."

After speaking, Fang Senyan laughed loudly. Snake was a very serious and hard-bodied person, but the person in front of him was a legend. He was thunderous and saw his power with his own eyes. Although he was not comfortable with the randomness and enthusiasm of Fang Senyan, Snake also It is not disgusting, but there is a feeling that the other party has no prestige and is very charismatic.

However, at this moment, Snake's face changed. As a snake, he apparently noticed something that was not right, and immediately said:

"The next patrol of the Protoss is here, let's go ... The warm feeling is passed from the synthetic plastic plate. Although the cold metal is on the other end, the energy of the crystals turns into heat, which immediately makes everyone feel up and down. They all feel warm. Compared with the severe cold outside, which is close to minus 30 degrees, the 18-degree temperature inside can be said to be warm as spring.

Here is a newly constructed supply station.

It turned out that under the leadership of snake, as long as the staff did not have any effort, they came to a hidden mountainside. Here is a branch crystal vein that is left over. The reserve of the vein is at least close to 9,000 units ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ definitely can not be considered low. The original mining here was originally the Zerg, because this vein can only accommodate a mining worker bee in and out, plus the protoss offensive is too urgent, so the efficiency is too low, so it was abandoned. .

After collecting enough crystal resources, the engineering scv first built such a underground supply station. It can be considered as an accommodation. It can be a safe shelter in this ghost place, and you can sleep well and recover. Fatigue, really can't expect anything more.

Fang Senyan gazed at the marching pot on the alcohol stove in front of him. The march dry food inside had begun to slowly emit aroma. This dry food was made with one third of meat, one third of flour, and one third of dehydration. The vegetables are mixed together and pressed, grab a few handfuls of snow in it, and cook it out to a full pot.

The others made a uniform snoring sound, and even Kyrgyzstan curled up in the sleeping bag and did not move. The psychological test was the biggest when forced landing, not to mention a bitter battle later.

Soon, the food in the pot boiled, forming a sticky paste, and for hungry people, it smelled of scent. Fang Senyan sipped a bowl, and touched a translucent brown bottle from the side. He bit open the stopper and drank two whiskies inside, then threw it to snake.

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