The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 37: The Butterfly Effect

After listening to Fang Senyan's prosaic analysis, Aziz turned around and looked at Fang Senyan with incredible eyes:

"She has such deep thoughts?"

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"This effort is nothing, she thought that she was kidnapped by all of our contractors using Gesmore. When Gesmore died, everyone was finished and fearless, but she never expected that the reputation of the glorious team would be stink. Who else would dare to cooperate with them? After all, it is the eyes of women, who can only take care of the eyes and not the overall situation, hey ... "

It turned out that after Fang Senyan finished the last sentence, he suddenly noticed that he looked at it with a smile, and he just obediently shut up and didn't dare to say anything more. [Read in full text ..]

Fortunately, at this time, Gesmo's situation was still stable. He was screaming and furious, and looked very angry. There were more than a dozen strong orc elites around him, and he kept directing his men from side to side. Assault on both sides.

It is said that the orcs and strong orcs were not afraid of death, and the strong orc army of Gesmo was the leader. Often, strong orcs were flung up and dragged the guard cavalry from the horses. perish together.

In the eyes of enthusiastic Gersmore, he roared loudly to encourage this behavior, but for Hiyoton, it was bleeding madly in his heart, even if his guard knight lost one, whether it was to people or horses It is quite difficult to refill it.

But at this moment, Fang Senyan suddenly looked into the distance. It can be seen that the part of the orcs responsible for the defense of Minastiris had been defeated by the mixed army formed by the foreign aid cavalry and the contractor in the city. They were also dagger-like and quickly protruded, apparently also unwilling to Gesmo. Intent to capture the thief first capture the king!

Seeing this, Fang Senyan narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"This is an opportunity."

There seemed to be a muzzle of fire sparkling in Aziz's eyes:

"You mean? The chance to come back?"

Fang Senyan nodded:

"Yes, it's very difficult to catch a mouse hiding in the hole, but if it escapes and kills itself, then the defense of the mouse hole will become empty. If we can break through them, we will throw it back into the rice. Nastiris is not impossible. Don't forget that the key to winning the war is not to kill many people, but to capture the white tower of Minas Tirith! "

Fang Senyan said, looking at his hands, he couldn't help but ask himself in his heart: Is it time to fire? If we can end the war here, then it is indeed more wonderful than our original plan.

The entire ace team started to charge in accordance with Fang Senyan's will. Facing the mixed corps on the opposite side, Aziz also seemed to have quietly disappeared into the air. But everyone knows that his bullet will definitely arrive on schedule!

With the double-headed Cyclops Kurutuo howling loudly, two hundreds of kilograms of boulder shells were severely thrown at the opposite crowd, and there were flaming flames and lava on the two boulder shells! And it shattered after hitting the body of the headed iron knight, spreading a lot of arrows around it!

The steel knight who was the first to be hit was smashed to the ground and took five or six steps. His mount was also crooked and screamed. The opponent's mixed legion uses a cone array as the charge. The two stones of Kurutuo are equivalent to biting the tip of the cone array sharply!

But at this moment, there was a red dot shining in the heart of Kurutuo, and the long gunshot sounded in the next second!

Let the bullets fly! !!

It's dh's let the bullets fly!

Kurutgo's range attack was too horrible, and he couldn't stop shooting.

Kurutuo's body trembled violently. He covered his chest with his hands, but blood was still flowing out. The beast made a series of roars! Then there was a terrible red light shining in the eyes of his two heads:

"Mother Earth will watch you forever! The anger of earth has been infiltrated into your soul!"

"The Lord of Lava will curse you forever, and your health will always be affected by the heat!"

After chanting these two mantras, Kurutuo fell very simply. His huge body fell to the ground, and it looked like people were jumping into a swimming pool. The soil quickly liquefied and surrounded him. And then sinking deeply.

The dh who attacked Kurut fruit in the distance suddenly felt something wrong. He took a closer look. The double script came on the hard ground, but he didn't know why it was trampled in the mud, not reaching the calf. After finally pulling out your legs, it was still the same when you settle down again!

This is one of the blood curses issued by Kurut Fruit: the mother's gaze! The cursed will never be supported by the solid surface of the earth! Movement speed is permanently reduced by 5%. This curse can only be removed after returning to space.

Immediately after that, there was a green smoke on dh's hair. He hurriedly patted it out, but it was also very embarrassing. He took a closer look, and found that he had another abnormal state: the spit of the Lord of Lava, any part of your body that was easily ignited will be ignited frequently from time to time, and the curse can only be ignited after returning to space get rid of.

To be honest, these two states are very disgusting. The first curse makes people completely lose their mobility, and the second curse makes them unable to take a good rest. Even hiding is extremely easy to detect.

However, I don't know why. Suddenly, there was a strong sense of crisis in dh's heart, and it was definitely not because of those two curses, but an indescribable fear, as if there was a cold soaked knife, cold and ruthless Arrived on the heart! !!

"How can I feel this way !? How can I feel this way? I'm clearly surrounded by the army, I'm clearly under the arch guard of the team!"

The only explanation why dh had this feeling was that Sanzi was angry.

With the fall of Kurut, Sanzi almost turned red! !! Therefore, he directly exhibited the powerful ability just learned ......... the butterfly effect! !!

Rushing to the crown!

At the moment when the butterfly effect is activated, Sanzi feels that his breathing and heartbeat have all stopped. Between heaven and earth, it has completely changed to black and white, black silhouettes, and white backgrounds, as if they were fixed silhouette paintings. .

And the figures that San Zai's eyes touched all had a lot of lines radiating towards the outside world. These lines were naturally black, thick and thin. When he looks away, the line will be hidden, and only the person who sees it will show it.

According to the explanation of the butterfly effect, everyone cannot live in the world alone. He must interact with the entire world, communicate, and then survive. These lines represent the interaction between this person and the world- -------- This line connects his feelings, this line connects him, this line connects his children, this line connects his parents ...

"It's him." Sanzai locked dh, his eyes glowed strangely. In this black-and-white world in his eyes, the connection line between dh's body and the world was less than other people. , But there is an extra thick connection line.

Sanzi didn't know that this was actually DH's love link, but he knew very well that the thicker the lines would be cut off, the higher the chance of success! A seemingly ordinary little black and white butterfly began to fly past, shaking and shaking, and it circled around the thickest world connection line on dh's body a few times. The wind with wings flickering looked like Slightly, but the line gradually faded, and finally disappeared.

This is the butterfly effect ------- use the wings of ignorance and love to put the fire wheel of life and death.

A slight dust gradually became the peak of the sky. Dripping waves. The waves that swallowed the boat! !! !! !!


The process of displaying the butterfly effect in Sanzi seems to be very long, but that's just for him. In the eyes of Fang Senyan and others, the process was just seeing an ordinary bland butterfly illusion flying from Sanzi's body. Out.

Next, Sanzi was exhausted and sat down on the ground, sweating with sweat, and gasping and vomiting. Fang Senyan couldn't help asking Sanzi:

"Is Kurut alright?"

Sanzi fell to the ground and smiled bitterly:

"Finally, it was not the worst result. It did not die, but it was bound to fall into a long dormant period. It is estimated that the next battle cannot participate. However, ~ ~ The sniper who just attacked him must also discuss it. Not good! "

Fang Senyan's eyes flashed:

"Did you use that trick?"

Sanzai said tiredly and indifferently:

"Of course, I want him to die!"

Fang Senyan also recognized the old man of dh at this time, but in the final analysis, neither side owed anyone in the **** battlefield last time, or even Fang Senyan rescued dh first, at this time they are their masters, then There is no need for mercy. For Fang Senyan, Kurutuo lost his combat power, and the long-range attack that had been strengthened by Aziz's addition became a short board, at least it was equal to one lesser.

Therefore, as Sanzi said, dh must die if it is private or public!

"Butterfly has winged up ... Hurricane will appear in the near future." Sanzi murmured with closed eyes: "If the other party frequently falls into crisis, the faster and more intense the butterfly effect will be realized."


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