The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 38: Strong

"Dh's letting the bullets fly should prompt o to aim for ten seconds." At this time the reef wondered: "Did you not receive Sanzi?"

Sanzai sighed:

"The rest of the summoner wants to control the creature's entry, so he must first control the creature, then let it pounce, and then order it to attack the opponent's throat, heart, or genitals. However, Kurutuo is highly intelligent. Creature has a strong autonomy. I almost always use general methods to issue orders to it, and I said directly to him: Thousands of guys, as for how thousands of thousands, it was up to Kurut himself. Go for it. "

"So, it is reasonable to receive a threat from dh without telling me-you know, Kurut's perception is not too high, and he can't clearly understand how much dh's blow is. Sharp, maybe the arrogance of the higher creature feels that the threat is not taken into consideration at all, or maybe it is unconvinced and wants to challenge the opponent's limits ......... hey. "

After hearing the words from Sanzi Fang Senyan, they also realized that the original family had a difficult scripture. The summoner looked very beautiful and did not need to kill himself, but he wanted to serve the summoned grandpa properly. Makes the head big.

At this time, the contractor on the dark side also noticed the change on Minas Tirith's side. Both Jax, Berhaven and Laxili were shocked. Although these guys were greedy, they knew of course The importance of Gersmore must not be lost! ——

At least in this respect, the interests of all dark side contractors are common.

Therefore, the two sides gritted their teeth and separated two batches of hands. One left and one right began to pinch the contractor who emerged from Minastiris, just like the two big tongs of the Cancer, which were severely clamped towards each other. The contractor of the Minas Tirith side also immediately relied on the long-range advantage to fight back, and he was very happy for a while.

Wu Fangsenyan glanced at the reef at this moment and smiled:

"We have the opportunity."

The reef hesitated for a moment:

"If you don't do it, it may be difficult."

Fang Senyan shrugged:

当然 "Of course it is impossible. How can such a big scene be played without my virus? However, if I can make my hole cards, then it depends on whether they have this ability."

I walked side by side and laughed while walking side by side, pulling my teammates behind, the kind of leisurely coziness, as if two old friends had dinner and then crouched around the quiet lake! However, at this time they are on the battlefield where the crisis is perilous, and they have to face the elites assembled by several teams!

However, the opposite affiliate alliance team did not take Fang Senyan's two views into account-this is also quite normal. In their eyes, these two 2

Qiu didn't even have the qualifications to attract firepower. What they were concerned about was the Blu-ray team and the twenty-odd contractors of the Maritime Alliance, which were killed from one left and one from the right.

Although the number of teams in the alliance is actually three times that of the other party, they are also very clear that the contractor on the Dark Alliance side is much better than them, whether they are well-equipped or their own grade. They The only thing that can be counted on is the number advantage.

Because the affiliate alliance also exchanged a large number of rifle infantry as cannon fodder, the number advantage was particularly prominent ... ... to the distance, it seems that more than twenty Blu-ray teams and the maritime alliance The impact of the contractor is as if hitting the stone with a pebble, and the behavior of Fang Senyan and the reef is even a moth fluttering fire!

Suddenly, the side that entered the league opened fire, and they were obviously assigned very regularly. It can be said that they aimed at a few who appeared to be the leaders. The confederate alliance was known for its long-range attacks. After this round of firing, even the opposite defense and the honor potion were used, they were immediately killed and two were dying. Teleported away.

However, at this time, the re-entry of the reef and Fang Senyan was suddenly accelerated!

Fang Senyan rushed forward, and the reef followed behind!

Even though the two are not known for speed, they are powerful wakeners after all. The speed cannot be slowed down. Within a few seconds, they have rushed into the distance of two hundred meters. At this time, the two of them have become the focus of the battlefield without any doubt.

Although the sniper on the opposite side of the alliance just fired a shot and was in the cooling-off period, at least more than half of the snipers had the ability to shoot continuously, and immediately set fire to Fangsen Rock in front.

However, weapons with fast attack speed often have a disadvantage, that is, the damage is often unsatisfactory, so the rate of fire is used to make up for the lack of damage. It's just Fang Senyan's endowment and his attributes, and the contractor attacks him and adds 40% damage reduction. Most of the opponents on the opposite side are still one level lower than him, and even a quarter of them are still colonies. Hunter!

So although Fang Senyan passed by, the smoke was rolling and the gunfire was endless, but soon the attacking contractor exclaimed.

"I can't view combat information !! My perception is suppressed by him!"

"It looks like my attack didn't work for him at all!"

"We have encountered the other top mt of the opponent. Is he a shield that absorbs attacks? My shots are useless to him."

"The anomalous condition lasted less than a third of his normal time on him."

"I received a reminder that the target is immune to my toxin dart!"


This is the case with Rao Rao, and Fang Senyan has used the honor potion within ten seconds. Refilling his life again, from such a horrific set of firepower, he can persist until now, which has caused too much dazzling, especially if he does not have a shield. However, in order to successfully mislead bystanders, Fang Senyan used the honor potion when his health value had fallen to one third, instead of one fifth of the conventional method.

However, within these ten seconds, Fang Senyan has covered the reef and rushed to within 100 meters! Both entrances leaped at the same time, flung forward, and after a roll on the ground, if there was mercury-like liquid flowing on Fang Senyan's hands, then he turned into a pair of large mechanical gloves that spit smoke. In the roar of the engine, Fang Senyan caught Over the reef, then threw him across.

This move was completely unexpected, and nothing else, because at this time the place where the reef was thrown was still fifty or sixty meters away from the opposite side! Many people are aware of this. The ability to make breakthroughs can rarely be shortened by more than 40 meters in an instant, so they do n’t understand this behavior. In doing so, they want the reef to approach each other quickly. ? But what effect can he play on his own?

The reef fell to the ground about twenty meters away from the opponent's mixed formation. A front flip fell to the ground steadily, and the whole entry also squat down. The boots he wore on his feet were also in There was a dazzling, dark golden light. Immediately after, the rock at the foot of the reef heard a crackling sound, and then he stood up and showed his jumping ability, and jumped out a full 30 meters in an instant, like a bomb. Yes, I smashed into the core area of ​​the mixed army! !!

This is the power of Reef Dark Gold Boots: Leapfrog!

This pair of dark gold boots is in the 2012 Doomsday World. Fang Senyan won the trophy when he killed ten in a row. Not only can he provide a considerable bonus of +4 for all attributes, but it also has a 25% reduction in skill cooldown and skill consumption. Reduced the surprise effect by 25%, and after inquiry, this effect can also take effect on the cost of vitality.

And the active ability of this pair of dark gold boots: frog jumping, can make the owner get the jumping ability of shocking in an instant, jump a distance of 5 ~ 30 meters, after landing, it will generate shock waves to the surroundings, and make the Nearby enemies are dizzy!

The landing point of the reef was already on the belly of the mixing team. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he immediately took that point as the core, and a series of violent explosions occurred. The radiating radiation hit hundreds of square meters. The range of the area ~ ~ All the enemy enemies above feel that the earth is shaking and shaking, and the footing is unstable. In this case, let alone the attack, it is difficult to keep the center of balance.

At this time, the entry of the Blu-ray team and the maritime alliance is not a fool. Although both parties have their own ghosts, when they cooperate against the contractor of another space camp, they have the same interests. Seeing that Fang Senyan and the two have already joined forces and will be opposite Stirring upset, what are you waiting for at this time? Don't come when the time is right, and immediately run wild.

After most of the mixed alliances had just recovered from the ability of the dark gold boots, the reef immediately launched the "heartbreaking" ability, and the invisible sound waves spread out in all directions.

The only drawback of this ability is the low priority. However, at this time, the priority has been strengthened first. The second is that the contractor in the mixed team generally has a lower rank. There are also more than 80%, and the mixing team is naturally confused like a drop of water in the oil pan at this time, and it is stirred into a pot of porridge!

But no matter how confused they are, the first thing to do is of course aim at the reef and then fire!

However, their behavior has long been expected by Fang Senyan. Fang Senyan's survival mark: Huyou has been posted in the first time.

The most difficult time for the reef to resist is these few seconds. After insisting on these seconds, the outside reinforcements have been killed in and out. Even if the opponent is organized, it is absolutely impossible to maintain a common attack. The target's attack intensity is bound to be weakened by madness.

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