The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 71: The secret of the sea of ​​amniotic fluid

After Eve said this sentence, the holographic projection suddenly showed a sharp fluctuation, and then intermittently said:

"E seems to have noticed something and started a full-scale counterattack! Struggling is very fierce, and my energy transmission has been affected. It is estimated that it will disappear for a while. You remember, I found a place to notify me."

After saying this, Eve disappeared in front of Fang Senyan, but the question she asked was that it really made Fang Senyan a bit worried. How should the energy absorption device installed on the sky get on?

It is said that when some contractors became awakeners, the wings changed and they became capable of flying, but Fang Senyan obviously did not have such ability!

The spectacle of thousands of magpies flying in the sky persisted for at least a full half hour. After mating, maggots actually injected all their vitality into the eggs, and of course they would die immediately. , And then fell on the plants on the island, and then became rotten and absorbed nutrients. If it falls into the water, it will dissolve as quickly as sugar or salt and return to nothingness.

Of course, there are also many creatures that can directly swallow the corpses of these slugs, and then these creatures are hunted by the rest of the food chain! According to Eve, the regular tidal tides can provide the daily basic life energy of the e-space, and these powerful creatures are raised if the battery generally exists. Once the high-energy consumption is encountered, the e-power Space immediately deprives them of life to replenish energy.

When Fang Senyan saw this scene, he suddenly thought that if he did not have the protection of his mother space. Then it will definitely be directly drained of vitality and become a human or a zombie! In the face of the power of space, his own strength is indeed very small, it can be said that it is not worth mentioning!

At this time, he tried his best to extend the tentacles of his thoughts to the top, but still got nothing. Fang Senyan forgave his nausea, jumped into the sea of ​​amniotic fluid, climbed up the algae island, and searched it carefully. There was still nothing to gain.

Just when he felt clueless, suddenly, a light interruption interrupted Fang Senyan's thoughts, which reasonably said that Fang Senyan could not feel the sound. Because in this environment, the sea of ​​amniotic fluid is still rippling slightly, there is wind, and the sound of friction between branches and leaves.

But when Fang Senyan was the executor at this time. The law of nature's sound has been kept in his mind, so that sound is not only the strange sound of nature, but also exceptional clarity.

He bounced immediately, then leapt to the surface of the water. During the process of jumping out, he held several rattans in his right hand to adjust his posture of striking into the water, and then plunged into the sea of ​​amniotic fluid. And the splash of water is almost silent, the strong physical attributes of the contractor and Fang Senyan's own experience combined. Enough to make any world diving champion shame!

After entering the water. Fang Senyan's quilted eyes immediately caught a dark shadow, and he was quickly diving into the depths of the ocean.

"What did this dark shadow just come here for?" Fang Senyan flashed his mind, and found that he was behind him, but he turned his head, and suddenly found that under the island of algae was a large group of floes.物 组合。 Object composition. The closer it gets to the water surface, the closer it is, and the previous shadow seems to shuttle from the depths below the algae island.

Although Fang Senyan couldn't keep up with the dark shadow, he didn't have any problem without going to investigate what happened under the island. He swam in the direction. But suddenly I found that the flocculent pale green filaments quickly rolled over and wrapped around my body, like the tentacles of a jellyfish! The entangled place immediately felt like overpowering, and then there was a burn mark! Even the floc turned brown and died, and they couldn't bear the damage of the secretions themselves.

These filaments are extremely toxic and extremely flexible! Fortunately, these tricks are completely negligible for Fang Senyan. The sun ladder's resistance to toxins is not covered, and the flexible floc can only end in a sad sorrow under the brute force of Fang Senyan, but Fang Senyan has spent For a long time, I still didn't find anything valuable.

Continuous wall collision is not a big deal for Fang Senyan. Instead, he vaguely captured a hidden clue! Yes, why I didn't find anything valuable, the reason is very simple, that black shadow is to take the valuable thing! The reason I couldn't find it was because the clues had been taken away!

After knowing the reason, Fang Senyan immediately swam to the rest of the island. When he is not a contractor, it is not a problem to dive underwater for four or five minutes, not to mention the hundreds of physical strength, plus the title bonus. ? Throw him into the water, it is estimated that no two or three hours will drown.

When the third island was detected, Fang Senyan finally discovered the hidden mystery. The original tree roots on each island were connected. Because they do not need to bloom and bear fruit, they only need to grow the leaves for the cormorant. After that, the remaining vital energy generated by photosynthesis will condense in the center of the root system. When the weight is large enough, naturally, the mysterious shadow will appear from the deep sea for picking.

Now that he knows the reason, Fang Senyan was very curious about the condensed pearl of life, but he didn't dare to act arrogantly. At this moment, he seemed to be a thief who had sneaked in the 1960s, squatting down with his eyes full The wind sword's chest is next to it, but next to it is a big screw! A move is definitely a death!

Once the Orb of Life was moved, Noah Space e would have been vigilant. Fang Senyan was caught almost nailed, so he could only resist curiosity and wait for the beads of life to grow up and mature slowly. .

Soon, because the condensed pearl of life chosen by Fang Senyan was close to maturity, he felt the tentacles of the thought sinking into the depths of the ocean and found the dark shadow that came to collect the fruit.

This thing is a toad like a fish, or a fish like a toad. The whole body is light black with no fish scales, but the streamlined body looks very slippery.

This creature has a large toad-like mouth. After the bead of life is contained in the mouth, it can successfully avoid falling or wasting. The two sturdy thighs and the thick tail can provide very abundant kinetic energy, and the swimming speed is strange. fast.

After a little hesitation, Fang Senyan found that the dark shadow that had dived was lost. If it hadn't been for the tentacles, it would have completely lost control of this stuff. If it were replaced by the rest of the contractor, then the natural fear of the deep sea would not follow up, but for Fang Senyan, who was fighting on the sea in his teens, there was no such innate fear, plus he fought The tentacles of his own thoughts are under the focus, which can reach two kilometers in length, so he dived with his teeth.

However, Fang Senyan soon regretted it, because when he dived to 300 meters, he suddenly noticed something, not that he couldn't bear the pressure of the seawater, but the deeper he dived, the water flow started to grow underneath. It seems that there is a huge vortex below the entire ocean, and the increase in the power of the vortex is very slow. It is as if the frog is boiled in warm water. When it feels hot, it is already in a conspiracy.

"Hell!" Feeling the increasing suction power from his body, Fang Senyan decisively stopped the invalid resistance, but instead transformed the big wrench giant wrench out of his face. When he was forced to helplessly, it was also Only a fish dead net broke.

After being dragged down by the vortex for nearly two or three kilometers, the water pressure has become alarmingly high. At this time, it is not an ordinary person. Even the contractor who has digitalized the body feels very struggling. Fortunately, Fang Senyan is physical. Specialty, in addition to feeling a bit tight skin, there is nothing uncomfortable.

It was dark in the deep ocean, but soon, a faint light appeared in Fang Senyan's eyes, and it was particularly clear in the deep darkness. When I got closer, I realized that it was a giant monster fish. A long beard grows, and at the end of the beard there is a ball of phosphorescent balls. From time to time, the phosphorescent **** attract a lot of curious fish, and they are automatically delivered to the strange fish's mouth and eaten in one bite.

However, the position of the strange fish was already at the bottom of the sea. Fang Senyan arrived here, and he felt the pressure disappeared. The power of the vortex was like a rope, and it was bound to his body. At this moment, The son has disappeared. Then the light from the strange fish, he saw the shadow of the building under the water, and immediately swam past it.

In less than five minutes, Fang Senyan has entered this place called the "Sea Station No. 1,374". The function here is to collect the life energy generated by the islands over a thousand square kilometers, and Store excess life energy.

Yes, to store those inexhaustible life energy, which means that the life energy of the cricket eggs absorbed by the sky will be summed up here! Therefore, in fact, the secret that Eve asked Fang Senyan to find is not on the sky, but on the bottom of the sea. In fact, the sky only has a refracting mirror-shaped umbrella, once it has absorbed enough life energy, it will look like a particle cannon It is generally bombed into the storage device of the sea base station.

More importantly, Fang Senyan got the first-hand horror data. In this world, there are 16,700 base stations, and the entire Noah Space e has a total of 736. The world of "life nuclear engine"! !! <> <> After Eve finished speaking this sentence, the holographic projection suddenly showed violent fluctuations, and then intermittently said:

"E seems to have noticed something and started a full-scale counterattack! Struggling is very fierce, and my energy transmission has been affected. It is estimated that it will disappear for a while. You remember, I found a place to notify me."

After saying this, Eve disappeared in front of Fang Senyan, but the question she asked was that it really made Fang Senyan a bit worried. How should the energy absorption device installed on the sky get on?

It is said that when some contractors became awakeners, the wings changed and they became capable of flying, but Fang Senyan obviously did not have such ability!

The spectacle of thousands of magpies flying in the sky persisted for at least a full half hour. After mating, maggots actually injected all their vitality into the eggs, and of course they would die immediately. , And then fell on the plants on the island, and then became rotten and absorbed nutrients. If it falls into the water, it will dissolve as quickly as sugar or salt and return to nothingness.

Of course, there are also many creatures that can directly swallow the corpses of these slugs, and then these creatures are hunted by the rest of the food chain! According to Eve, the regular tidal tides can provide the daily basic life energy of the e-space, and these powerful creatures are raised if the battery generally exists. Once the high-energy consumption is encountered, the e-power Space immediately deprives them of life to replenish energy.

When Fang Senyan saw this scene, he suddenly thought that if he did not have the protection of his mother's space, he would definitely be drained of his vitality and become a human being or a zombie! In the face of the power of space, his own strength is indeed very small, it can be said that it is not worth mentioning!

At this time he tried his best to extend the tentacles of his thoughts to the top. Still nothing. Fang Senyan forgave his nausea, jumped into the sea of ​​amniotic fluid, climbed up the algae island, and searched it carefully. There was still nothing to gain.

When he felt clueless, suddenly, a light interruption interrupted Fang Senyan's thoughts. It is reasonable to say that Fang Senyan could not feel the sound, because in this environment, the sea of ​​amniotic fluid was still slight. Rippling and wind. There is the sound of friction between branches and leaves.

However, when Fang Senyan was the executor at this time, the law of nature's sound has been kept in his mind, so the sound is not the sound of nature's abnormal sound but the extra clarity.

He bounced immediately, then leapt towards the water. In the process of jumping out, he held several rattans with his right hand to adjust his posture of impacting into the water, and then plunged into the sea of ​​amniotic fluid. The posture of entering the water and the splash of water are almost as small as Silent and silent, the strong physical attributes of the contractor and the experience of Fang Senyan itself are enough to make any world diving champion ashamed!

After entering the water. Fang Senyan's quilted eyes immediately caught a dark shadow, and he was quickly diving into the depths of the ocean.

"What did this shadow just come here for?" Fang Senyan flashed his mind and found that he was behind, but he turned his head. Suddenly, it was found that the algae island was composed of large clusters of floes, and the closer it was to the water surface, the closer it was. The previous shadow seemed to shuttle from the depths below the algae island.

Although Fang Senyan couldn't keep up with the dark shadow, he didn't have any problem without going to investigate what happened under the island. He swam in the direction, but suddenly found that the fluffy pale green filaments quickly rolled around and wrapped around his body. Like a jellyfish's tentacles! The entangled place immediately felt like overpowering, and then there was a burn mark! Even the floc turned brown and died, and they couldn't bear the damage of the secretions themselves.

These filaments are extremely toxic and extremely flexible! Fortunately, these tricks are completely negligible for Fang Senyan. The sun ladder's resistance to toxins is not covered, and the flexible floc can only end in a sad sorrow under the brute force of Fang Senyan, but Fang Senyan has spent For a long time, I still didn't find anything valuable.

Continuous wall collision is not a big deal for Fang Senyan. Instead, he vaguely captured a hidden clue! Yes, why I didn't find anything valuable, the reason is very simple, that black shadow is to take the valuable thing! The reason I couldn't find it was because the clues had been taken away!

After knowing the reason, Fang Senyan immediately swam to the rest of the island. When he is not a contractor, it is not a problem to dive underwater for four or five minutes, not to mention the hundreds of physical strength, plus the title bonus. ? Throw him into the water, it is estimated that no two or three hours will drown.

When the third island was detected, Fang Senyan finally discovered the hidden mystery. The original tree roots on each island were connected. Because they do not need to bloom and bear fruit, they only need to grow the leaves for the cormorant. After that, the remaining vital energy generated by photosynthesis will condense in the center of the root system. When the weight is large enough, naturally, the mysterious shadow will appear from the deep sea for picking.

Now that he knows the reason, Fang Senyan was very curious about the condensed pearl of life, but he didn't dare to act arrogantly. At this moment, he seemed to be a thief who had sneaked in the 1960s, squatting down with his eyes full The wind sword's chest is next to it, but next to it is a big screw! A move is definitely a death!

Once the Orb of Life was moved, Noah Space e would have been vigilant. Fang Senyan was caught almost nailed, so he could only resist curiosity and wait for the beads of life to grow up and mature slowly. .

Soon, because the condensed pearl of life chosen by Fang Senyan was close to maturity, he felt the tentacles of the thought sinking into the depths of the ocean and found the dark shadow that came to collect the fruit.

This thing is a toad like a fish, or a fish like a toad. The whole body is light black with no fish scales, but the streamlined body looks very slippery.

This creature has a large toad-like mouth. After the bead of life is contained in the mouth, it can successfully avoid falling or wasting. The two sturdy thighs and the thick tail can provide very abundant kinetic energy, and the swimming speed is strange. fast.

After a little hesitation, Fang Senyan found that the dark shadow that had dived was lost. If it hadn't been for the tentacles, it would have completely lost control of this stuff. If it were replaced by the rest of the contractor, then the natural fear of the deep sea would not follow up, but for Fang Senyan, who was fighting on the sea in his teens, there was no such innate fear, plus he fought The tentacles of his own thoughts are under the focus, which can reach two kilometers in length, so he dived with his teeth.

However, Fang Senyan soon regretted it, because when he dived to 300 meters, he suddenly noticed something, not that he couldn't bear the pressure of the seawater, but the deeper he dived, the water flow started to grow underneath. It seems that there is a huge vortex below the entire ocean, and the increase in the power of the vortex is very slow. It is as if the frog is boiled in warm water. When it feels hot, it is already in a conspiracy.

"Hell!" Feeling the increasing suction power from his body, Fang Senyan decisively stopped the invalid resistance, but instead transformed the big wrench giant wrench out of his face. When he was forced to helplessly, it was also Only a fish dead net broke.

After being dragged down by the vortex for nearly two or three kilometers, the water pressure has become alarmingly high. At this time, it is not an ordinary person. Even the contractor who has digitalized the body feels very struggling. Fortunately, Fang Senyan is physical. Specialty, in addition to feeling a bit tight skin, there is nothing uncomfortable.

It was dark in the deep ocean, but soon, a faint light appeared in Fang Senyan's eyes, and it was particularly clear in the deep darkness. When I got closer, I realized that it was a giant monster fish. A long beard grows, and at the end of the beard there is a ball of phosphorescent balls, and from time to time, the phosphorescent **** attract a curious fish ~ ~ It is automatically delivered to the mouth of the strange fish and eaten in one bite.

However, the position of the strange fish was already at the bottom of the sea. Fang Senyan arrived here, and he felt the pressure disappeared. The power of the vortex was like a rope, and it was bound to his body. At this moment, The son has disappeared. Then the light from the strange fish, he saw the shadow of the building under the water, and immediately swam past it.

In less than five minutes, Fang Senyan has entered this place called the "Sea Station No. 1,374". The function here is to collect the life energy generated by the islands over a thousand square kilometers, and Store excess life energy.

Yes, to store those inexhaustible life energy, which means that the life energy of the cricket eggs absorbed by the sky will be summed up here! Therefore, in fact, the secret that Eve asked Fang Senyan to find is not on the sky, but on the bottom of the sea. In fact, the sky only has a refracting mirror-shaped umbrella, once it has absorbed enough life energy, it will look like a particle cannon It is generally bombed into the storage device of the sea base station.

More importantly, Fang Senyan got the first-hand horror data. In this world, there are 16,700 base stations, and the entire Noah Space e has a total of 736. The world of "life nuclear engine"! !!

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