The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 72: Metal heart

"It's abnormal ..." Fang Senyan sighed.

Noah's space looks like an area at most like a mountain, and it occupies an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, but its interior must use extremely advanced space folding technology. The space overlaps the space. It is the core engine energy world that is so amazing, no wonder the vitality is so tenacious.

To be honest, if its opponent is the same Noah Space c, Fang Senyan would have had a hard time imagining something that could rival him, let alone destroy it or even kill him.

At this point, Fang Senyan was located at the core of the base station at No. 1374. After coming here, Eve apparently felt that he had entered the key secret place and was very excited, so he did not hesitate to consume the remaining energy. , Appeared again, under her guidance, despite the strict defense here, and various agencies are incredible, but Fang Senyan still lifted the weight lightly, and entered the heart of the belly without fear.

There were no roaring mechanical sounds, no petrol, parts, dirty smells in this place. Everything is very quiet, only the liquefied life energy is flowing happily, and the flowing power is from a huge heart with a weird cross-section like a diamond on the surface!

A metal heart made up of countless parts!

A giant metal heart over fifty meters high!

Seeing this heart, Eve gave a satisfactory sigh, her original hazy figure became clear quickly, but she became a kind of simple figure composed of lines, and then she stretched out her hand and finger And the palm quickly turned into a line of shots, clinging to the surface of the metal heart, and then the lines flew out like a blowout. Exquisitely shaped on the surface of the metal heart.

As time passed by one minute and one second, Fang Senyan only felt that the days were as good as years, because he knew that in the eyes of space, he was just a valuable chess piece. Once there was any change, there was no doubt that he would be in Abandoned ranks.

Fortunately, this process did not last long, and that line segment was restored to Eve again! She smiled at Fang Senyan and said very kindly:

"well done."

Immediately afterwards, she saw that Eve held out her hand again. It turned into the image of a data man, then stretched out his palm and dissociated it into line segments again, but this time the line segments started to pile up on the ground, forming an indescribable mass. At first, it seemed like a ball of yarn drawn with a simple sketch of a pencil, but the nothingness that was originally composed of invisible line segments began to materialize quickly!

At the beginning, this stuff was materialized, and it looked like a piece of cow dung, but immediately after contacting it, Fang Senyan immediately developed a creepy illusion. It was as if a two or three-year-old child walked in the dark, wild feeling, his horrible defense power, abnormal talent, in the face of this fear from every cell. Not worth mentioning at all! !! !!

Fang Senyan at this time, how could he not know what happened? ? !! !! That was of course that Eve had stolen the data, and then he planned to have an internal blossom and give the opponent a hard hit. Don't forget that both sides are still alive and killed!

The bomb she simulated at this time was totally indescribable! more importantly. where is this place? This is a temporary storage station for life energy. The energy value stored in it is indescribable!

Eve's behavior is almost like preparing a super bomb to detonate in the oil depot. The explosion power triggered is not a superposition of the two at all, but an increase in geometrical notes. If the destructive power of this energy is 4, Eve will be realized. Is five bombs, so its power is not four plus five equals nine, or four times five equals twenty, but the power of four!

"Damn! I'm sold by this bitch!" Fang Senyan was stunned, but there was a feeling that there was no way to do anything but to wait for death! !! !!


The bomb exploded! !! !! !!

Fang Senyan, who was close at hand, could not describe the feeling at all. It was as if the whole body was severely torn apart by numerous hot hands. What red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, sperm, lymph fluid, brain cells were all One by one, the whole living person needs to analyze the collapse in units of cells at once!

Time seems to be as long as ten thousand years, but it is just an instant. Fang Senyan's own feeling is that his entire person seems to be non-existent, and each cell is dissociated, like a cloud of smoke. , Inflated to the size of the earth.

However, at this moment, the remaining lines of Eve were cleverly wrapped around, s-shaped winding two or three circles on Fang Senyan, Fang Senyan immediately felt that his scattered cells had shrunk back again. Then, I realized that I was still around the base station on the bottom of the sea, but there was already a large group of light there, and if it collapsed, it was spreading quickly to the surrounding area! Seems to sweep the world!

At this time, the lines surrounding Fang Senyan's body emitted a soft and incomparable light. It was this subtle light that protected Fang Senyan's body and escorted him toward the high-speed ejection. It's hard to tell clearly that the light on Fang Senyan's body and the explosion's rays are like the repulsion of the same poles of a magnet, generating a huge pushing force. Although the explosion is fierce and crazy, it is always a distance from Fang Senyan.

This situation seems to be a tidal wave that never stops. There is always a distance between the waves and the waves, and it is like a magnet, even if it is more than one hundred square meters, and the other is as small as the size of a fingernail, but that This kind of repulsion is still as firm as ever, and there is an indescribable softness.

The more violent the explosion, the more powerful the push will be! Fang Senyan now feels like a lucky man surfing on the tide of the tide of flames! A little carelessness turned into a trace of dust and smoke, and a whistle of gray smoke went out! The only thing that pleased him was that he didn't seem to have been turned into an abandoned son, and Noah Space c seemed to be concerned about his life and death.


At this time in the universe, the two big spaces that had been fighting together were stuck in a stalemate. However, Noah e, ​​which had fallen into the wind, suddenly trembled a few times, then the interior collapsed first, and then quickly Swelling outward, then bursting, squirting the thick slurry of flesh and steel madly to the outside world! !! The astonishing range of such jets is truly beyond description!

The e-space screamed desperately, and some new tentacles were constantly born to heal the wounds, but how could the c-space give it the opportunity to beat it fiercely and completely cut off its new tentacles!

When the injury of e-space reached a critical point, the creator ’s immune system and the creator ’s filter on the surface of the body were quickly dimmed. The reason is simple. After all, when a person is starved of food and is about to be starved to death, the limited food that can be used to save his life must be provided for himself first, rather than being used to feed hounds that can protect himself ...

Noah c space finally waited for this moment. This long-awaited moment suddenly pounced on it. Five thick tentacles up to several kilometers directly penetrated the other's body. It stabbed into its body as quickly as possible, growing and spreading, wrapping it up firmly.

Then, the body of Noah's e-space was torn apart slowly and forcefully by blood. The cruel sight of being torn apart with the machine and the fluid spray of organs, almost no one can forget.

Immediately afterwards, a little light flew out of it.

That little shimmer is not much larger than the human heart.

It's hard to imagine that Noah Space, with incalculable subspaces superimposed on it, has only so few soul cores!

Then, Eve's illusion also appeared. She opened her mouth with a smile and swallowed that light. Then, the two spaces began to merge violently, and the surface was covered with a thick layer of blood. Silk cocoons are squirming violently inside!

All the contractors who belonged to Noah's Space C were expelled and left blankly in space ~ ~ It seems like a group of messy ants attacked by their nests, if not their body has flesh armor If you come to protect it, you must all die in this starry sky.

But in the eyes of others, Noah Space is an aircraft carrier, and humans hovering in this air are fighters that rely on aircraft carriers to survive! !!

From the distant darkness, several steel giants slowly emerged. In terms of volume, these stellar-class battleships are not much lower than Noah's space, but the comparison between the two sides is completely dross and essence. The difference is that the two seem to be a broken knife and a terminator, both are weapons made for human beings, but the technical content and lethality of the two can only be described in light years.

The voice of Noah C echoed in the hearts of all the covenants. It was all, including Noah E! Obviously, Eve has completely taken over the authority of space e.

"I need time to evolve. It won't take a long time to call you after evolution. During the waiting time, you can train in the spaceship provided by the empire, and you can also accept some tasks of the empire."

"By the way, those who responded to my call and participated in this battle will be permanently upgraded to the first rank."

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