The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 57: Victory

Chapter 57. The Victory (Recommended Ticket + More)

In the face of Byrence's accusations, the reefs had already had blue tendons on their foreheads, and their faces were as ugly as dripping water, their fists clenched, and they looked extremely angry. Fang Senyan was stunned, stunned, and smirked. He hurried to the side of the reef and patted his shoulder:

"Hey, Reef, his brothers and comrades were all dead just now, and he broke his leg and hand again. Don't give him general knowledge."

Reef closed his eyes and took a deep breath:

"No, he was right, because I didn't do it well and affected everyone."

Around is the logical reasoning ability of Fang Senyan, but I did not expect that the reef was actually blame it! The whole body trembled, and the chrysanthemum wiped his sweat tightly:

"You ... you are doing a very good job. Heartbreaker's ability to reduce damage in the area would have a higher chance of being resisted. This is a godsend, not your fault."

"No! It's my fault." Jiao Shi's eyes were firm and firm, "I'm guilty. I can't let evil forces such as selfishness, mischief, greed, self-destruction, etc. pollute my heart. The responsibility I should bear, I must not I will let go! "

Fang Senyan was stunned and stunned. He pondered whether the reef was reciting the Bible after he rubbed his temples and sighed helplessly:

"Okay, okay, since we are currently in a team, it is natural to have a duty to help each other, so how do you plan to compensate him?"

The reef flatly states:

"I can't help the dead, but according to current technology, Byrons's broken hand and broken leg should make up for it."

Fang Senyan shook his head slightly:

"I'm afraid it's difficult."

The reef wondered:


Fang Senyan thought for a while and said:

"In the original plot, Ricky, the leader of the tough guy detachment, was also a disabled prosthetic, so this shows that even if the human side owns this technology, it is likely to be very expensive. At least a lieutenant who led hundreds of people could not. Affordable. If we can redeem this repair technology, the cost is very high. "

The reef said without hesitation:

"It's expensive to exchange for him .........!"

Speaking here, the reef suddenly has some difficult words:

"But I don't have much generality and prestige now. I know you are very capable, sailor. Can you help me think of a way?"

When Fang Senyan was big enough, he suddenly began to sympathize with the contractor in the role of "housekeeper" before the reef. Although the guy on the reef is powerful, it seems that the trouble is not less than those thorns. He thought it over and thought:

"If you want to solve this before leaving the world, then there is no hope for Terran. Because if you want to increase the popularity of Terran, the mission of cloth is to completely destroy the Spore Heights. You know the difficulty of this mission ..... then you can only start from the Zerg side. "

"Zerg?" Reef said suddenly.

Fang Senyan was very sure:

"Yes, Byrons broke off a hand and a leg. These two parts are not special organs such as the human brain / heart. The hand may also involve some delicate movements of the fingers, but especially The function requirements of the legs are the simplest, and the support / running effect is enough. With our relationship with the Blackthorn tribe, if you find a way to find the Blackthorn Mother Emperor, at least restore his walking function. The genius is too big a problem. "

The reef wondered:

"Do you mean, want the Zerg to recover his broken limb?"

Fang Senyan nodded:

"Yes, this method is the most feasible. Have you forgotten that all of our contractors can repair the organs and limbs in the black nest of the black spiny worm. And if they go to the human side for medical treatment, then 78% It is possible that he left the world before doing this. "

The reef suddenly said:

"78%? So accurate, how did you figure it out?"

Fang Senyan positive color road:

"My guess."

"You ..." The reef was silent and leaned unhappyly on the flesh wall of the host next to him. After a while, the other side Mori made a transaction request, and returned the fighting spirit of the +5 monster and the rest of the equipment. Return the Dark Gold Necklace: Smith's Matrix Chip to the Reef. Of course, by the way, I asked what kind of rewards I would get after my physical strength reached the 50-point limit. Facing Fang Senyan's inquiries, the reef was embarrassed, frowned, and looked stunned before sighing:

"Everyone has their own way to go. I can't say more about the rest."

Fang Senyan's eyes flashed:

"So ... Are the rewards you received before?"

The reef slowly shook his head and said:

"No, I have to reach the extreme value of fifty to have that kind of power ... it's fascinating !!! Unfortunately, that's not what I have at the moment."

"Just think, why not?" Mo Gansha also woke up at this time, said hoarsely. The previous battle can be said to be working in vain. Because there is no genius mentor on his body to receive the task of destroying the air defense tower ...

The reef frowned:

"Children get invincible rifles on the battlefield. The only end result is being overwhelmed and using powers that are not their own, then they will pay a heavy price!"

Fang Senyan interrupted suddenly:

"So aren't you dangerous now?"

The reef lowered his eyes and said:

"As long as you don't use that power again, there should be no problem with genius."

The Spore Heights was originally adjacent to the main base of the red worm family. Fang Senyan took the host to walk around even if they were far away, and they could faintly see that the war situation began to tilt toward the black thorn family. In the final analysis, it lies in the dozen or more siege tanks supported by the "Deadly Helmet" human base. The horrible killing power of this horrible weapon in the defensive warfare is far beyond the estimation of the tribal tribe.

Its Hydralisks and Swift Beast Sea brave the horror power of the siege tanks to smash the tongues of the Blackthorn Tribe's tongues. The Blackthorn Tribe seems to have few mobile troops, but its terrifying economic advantage After being opened directly, all the embryonic zergs at the base of the beast cave began to produce cheap and numerous fast beasts. They rushed to the front line and resisted the enemy's impact ------ and red. The newly produced troops of the Tribal Clan have to travel hundreds of kilometers long to be able to come to reinforcements!

What's more important: When the battle was deadlocked, the Red Snail's troops could not be deployed. Only the frontmost savage beasts and snakes could fight the enemy, and the rest of the troops were blocked in the narrow stone hills. Endured by the bombardment of the powerful siege tanks, they can't fight back!

In the tactical deduction of the red brain worm, such a mixed army of thorn snakes and savage beasts plus the host, the black spine brain worm juice can not pose any great threat to it, unless the black spine brain worm Juice / Blackthorn Brood. Deep Palace can be promoted to the same level again at the same time, then you can get new powerful arms! And this is absolutely impossible!

Therefore, R. cerevisiae does not care about the huge additional casualties caused by the narrow terrain and the inability to fully deploy its forces. Because R. cerebri has been calculated long ago, based on the huge strength of the overall force, even if its own casualty ratio during attack has reached At 4: 1, it can mobilize a steady stream of follow-up forces to easily break that seemingly solid line of defense! However, the dozen lethal siege tanks that the "Deadly Helmet" generously sent are the only things that the red brain worms missed!

Under the precise bombardment of more than a dozen steel monsters made by this human, the casualty ratio of the red-stripe tribe and the blackthorn tribe reached a terrible 6: 1! In other words, whenever the Blackthorn tribe loses a military force, the red-stripe tribe must pay the price of 6 military strength.

If it is a war between human beings, such a casualty ratio is enough to cause the soldiers to collapse directly, but under the role of genes, the red-stripe tribe is still advancing madly and madly attacking ... until the last one belongs to the red-stripe The tribal snakes lost their lives, fell, and gradually melted on the mucus carpet of the blackthorn tribe.

At this time, the base of the Blackthorn Tribe was also a mess, not only all the siege tanks had exploded under the acid of the Hydralisk and the claws of the savage beast, and the spore flying dragons that had returned to support were also left. Not only that, the buildings of the Blackthorn Clan have also been destroyed by nearly a third ~ ~ Almost forty tongue-spinning turrets and only less than three remain (The Blackthorn Mother Emperor has been upgraded to the level , The total number of nutritious buildings will also increase significantly)!

In contrast, under the persistent airborne harassment before the Blackthorn Tribe, the sub-bases of the Redweave Tribe have also fallen into a whole three.

And just as the last Hydralisk of the Red Stripe fell down! The Blackthorn Brain Worm Juice did not hesitate to issue a counter-attack command, and the savage beast that had broken its left foot took the lead in limping and boarded a host, and the target pointed directly at the base of the red-stripe tribe! Carried together were three equally stunted Hydralisks! This is the first unit used by the Black Spinocelenic Devil to serve as a counterattack. It is surprisingly scarcely pulled, but in the hatching pool behind them, the incubating eggs are lined up in a dense array. Can't see the end.

Half an hour later, the semi-disabled vanguard advanced quickly to a distance of 100 kilometers from the base of Hongwen, relying on the degree of the host. Meet the onslaught of red-striped beasts, snakes, and snakes mixed troops on the way, this is the newly-produced troop of the red-striped tribe. They also began to attack the Blackthorn Clan without hesitation, attacking! Then drowned without hesitation!

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