The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 58: Perfect task

Chapter 58. Perfectly Achieving the Task (Recommended Ticket + More)

Ten minutes later, seventeen fierce beasts and two spore-flying dragons of the newly produced Blackthorn tribe hit the forces of this group of red worms at a distance of 150 kilometers from the base of the red worms. , Of course, he also suffered at least half of the casualties. After advancing 80 kilometers from the Red Stripe Clan, they were wiped out again by the new production forces of the Red Stripe Clan.

The whole situation is deadlocked in such a tug-of-war. However, every attack of the newly produced forces of the Blackthorn Tribe will approach the main base of the Redweave Tribe! By the time Fang Senyan's host was passing by this front, the new production force of the Blackthorn tribe had been pushed hard to a distance of 20 kilometers from the main base of the Redweave tribe.

At this time, the army of the Black Echinococcus was a remnant who had already fought once. Seeing that it was about to be wiped out by the dominant Red Snail Clan, the group of passing Fang Senyan shot. Although Fang Senyan was also exhausted, in this small-scale battle against ordinary thorn snakes and savage beasts is not a problem, it can be said that the role played is decisive.

Therefore, the remnant troops that would have been wiped out were retained, and Fang Senyan and the newly recruited troops merged together to suppress the next red-stripe tribe army! From the beginning of this battle, the strength of the Blackthorn tribe has taken advantage!

Just like individuals and individuals with similar strengths, it is possible that only 1,2 severely injured people survive on the winning side, but if 15 people with similar strengths come to cut individuals, then the remaining one with the advantage in quantity will definitely be left over. It's not as simple as 15- = 5, but at least they can survive personally!

After the Blackthorn Tribe troops rushed to the door of the Redweave Tribal Base, they stopped advancing. Because there are also a large number of tongue-striking ground towers in the red-stripe tribe bases, of course, they will not directly rush in to die in vain, but they will gather at the door and directly block the red-stripe tribe inside! So far, the red-stripe tribe has lost its superiority on the ground, completely lost its ability to attack, and moved to the defensive stage. Although his base is still heavily defended, for the blackthorn tribes of the worry-free economy in the rear, after the two sides have regained their starting line close to each other, it is already equivalent to a comprehensive victory in this war.

There is still a chance for the Red Cerebral Enemy to survive, that is, before the Blackthorn tribe has no talented masters again to fully control the air, board the host to take away the worker bees / resources / combatants as much as possible, and find a place to rise again. But this also means that it has to abandon its hard-working mother nest! (Because the mother nest will degenerate into a grade worker bee, the base will be out of control for a long time, and the defense tongue thorn tower will also lose nutrition and die, and the blackthorn tribe can take advantage of the offensive to win.) Such determination and courage are definitely not to say You can do it!

After the stalemate between the two sides was formed, Fang Senyan felt that they could no longer gain their reputation, and they boarded the host and returned to the Blackthorn Clan. After being injured, a group of people fought fiercely and were very tired. In addition, Fang Senyan lost one eye. In addition to the blindness, Mogansha also had several fingers bitten alive and half of her legs were gone. Naturally, they re-entered the incubator of the mother's nest for repair.

In the process of repair, at the same time, Fang Senyan contacted the black spinocelenic magic juice and began to ask if it could repair Byrons's broken limb.

The black spiny brain juice gives a very clear answer: Yes! But it is now trying to defeat the red-stripe tribe, so it can't extract extra crystal energy to rebuild broken limbs for "irrelevant guys", so Fang Senyan will pay for this cost. Fang Senyan had previously robbed a subdivision base of the Red Tribe Tribe, and it was a sum of money, so they tried to ask the price, but immediately they couldn't help laughing or crying.

------- The cost of repair is so horrible that the unit Pandora crystals are needed, and multiple units of g are rare associated ore!

In this way, even if Mo Gansha selflessly dedicated the Pandora crystal collected by his worker bee, it would not be enough! Besides, Mo Gansha is not willing to do this ------- Only the dead brain such as reefs will waste precious Pandora crystals on a plot character who is not strong at present ------- Fang Senyan is wrinkled Brow thought about it, and finally took out a thing stored in the Nightmare Mark:

"Precious: High-energy crystals."

This thing was dropped in the previous battle with the Searing Mouth. The description on it is: in any human base, you can use it as a real-world diamond to trade with them. After that, they have been dealing with the Zerg. Where can I go to the human base? Therefore, the guiding nature of this explanation will undoubtedly limit Fang Senyan's thinking. Until now, I remembered that the value of this thing should be expensive, and try to hold the idea of ​​dead horses as a living horse doctor.

This high-energy crystal looks like a dark black oval, like a black crystal olive that has been magnified several times. Beyond that, there is nothing special about it. After Fang Senyan took this thing out, he also meant to ask for directions:

"This is what I found in its body after I killed the glowing mouthpiece. What do you think?"

The Black Echinococcus Devil's Juice scanned it with his mental strength:

"This is a collection of residues that cannot be digested after the Pandora crystals are consumed by the searing mouthpiece. You can understand them as human stones, but they also contain a lot of energy. A crystal can be converted into a unit crystal for you."

Fang Senyan's stone throwing this time was relatively successful. He snapped his fingers, and already looked at the precious Goblin Gold Mine. He immediately came over with the agility of a long-legged rabbit, staring eagerly. The energetic crystal said with great joy:

"Great master! My current research project needs this stuff!"

In fact, even if the gold mine doesn't say it, Fang Senyan intends to give it a reward. According to the information obtained by Fang Senyan at present, not to say that he is a loyal servant, that is, the feeding cost of those summoners who keep pets. It remains high. According to Mo Gansha, the cost of feeding the plate-steered stegosaurus raised by Fano into the world is estimated to be more than 5,000 to 10,000 universal points. Compared with these arrogant bullocks, the gold mines that are not inferior to them in practicality are insignificant and greedy, but they are also very good.

Then Fang Senyan took out another high-energy crystal, and let the two choose one of them as a reward. In the face of such good things, the gold mine rubbed its hands excitedly, and even the saliva flowed out, and then it was unconscious. The skinny man immediately drew it in a broken pocket on his back for a while, and found out a tattered balance, weighed the two high-energy crystals together for a long time, and finally satisfactorily chose the heavy one.

The next thing was the in-depth communication between the two non-human beings. Fang Senyan put his hands on his chest and walked outside. At this moment, he remembered these **** of the Mughal / Alchemist Bacon in the Caribbean world (Fang Senyan did not know that Bacon was farting). There was a strong thrill --- believe that their loyal servant gold mine will bring them a great surprise.

However, in just ten seconds, the black spinocelenic magic juice fully yielded, and a high-energy crystal + a unit g of rare associated ore was the cost of treatment. Of course, such an exaggerated effect can't be achieved by the charm value alone. Before Fang Senyan asked the gold mine to actively give away the "scorching mouthpiece" tuberculosis, successfully obtaining the friendship of the black spine brain juice should be the main factor in reducing the price, which should be the best price it can give.

Due to space storage problems, most of the Pandora crystals and rare rare ores that came from the previous robbery were installed on Fang Senyan. Therefore, he settled the "treatment fee" directly. He was not afraid of the black spinoceles magic juice anyway, and then took Byrons into the hatchery to start treatment.

To be honest, Byrons was very resistant to this horrible and disgusting treatment, but the temptation to regain a new limb gave him great courage until he was soaked in the amniotic fluid of the mother's nest and adapted. In the future, that nervous mood gradually relaxed. Fang Senyan has always been a self-disciplined, serious and responsible person in the real world. Since he has promised the reef, he will surely do a good job of regenerating Byrons amputated limbs. Your love. Therefore, he was not slack, and directly accompanied Bylans to avoid accidental birth in the process of rebirth.

Suddenly, the Nightmare Mark sounded:

"The distance between the red brainworm and this area is over kilometers."

"Red Cerebral Escaping flees ~ ~ to achieve a regional plot: the necessary conditions for the end of the Double Bugs hegemony."

"Regional plot: End of the Double Worms."

"The Blackthorn tribe officially became the owner of the Fupandora veins."

"The Blackthorns rule this area."

"You ended the mission early."

"As a result, your clearance evaluation will be greatly improved."

"You have the conditions for a perfect mission."

"Your reputation increase among the Blackthorn tribes, and the reputation level is permanently solidified as the worship level. Even if the reputation value is consumed at the time of purchase, the worship level will not decrease."

[... Chapter 58: Complete the task perfectly (recommended vote plus more) The text update is the fastest ...] a! !!

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