The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 59: 5 out of 2

Chapter 59. Two of Five

Fang Senyan's escape from the red brain worm appeared unsurprising. It was foolish to stay in the place where the resources had dried up. As long as you live, everything is possible!

When the black spiny brain worm juice is caught in the enemy's mother's nest, who knows if it has the identity of today's hegemon? At least the escaped red brainworm is much better than when it came to the planet from scratch!

Then the Nightmare Mark continued to give hints:

Side Quest: Crisis of the Blackthorn Clan (Completed)

Task difficulty: b-

Mission: Trying to do everything possible to delay the offensive time of the Red Tribe

Evaluation of task completion: perfect

Mission Statement: The escape of the Red Cerebral Pest has declared the perfect end of this mission. "

Mission Statement: With your help, the Blackthorn Clan has driven away the Red Cerebral Worm. Victory is at your fingertips, and you will receive the highest level of additional rewards and evaluations.

You can choose two of the following rewards to become the final reward:

Reward: General points increase points.

Reward b: 6 random points for basic attributes.

Note: After selecting this item, 6 basic attribute points will be freely assigned to your basic attributes. The principle of random allocation will take into account your current attributes.

Reward: Meritorious value +5 points.

Reward d: Gain permission to purchase eggs from various Zerg units in the Blackthorn Tribe.

Tip: The purchased Zerg eggs can hatch the corresponding troops and can carry out this world

Hint: Troops spawned after using them will die when you leave the world.

Reward e: Seven days longer stay in this world.

After a long time of consideration, Fang Senyan chose b and d. To be honest, the e option is quite attractive, because everything is possible as long as there is an extra stay. However, he considered that the next task of the Black Echinococcus is likely to directly conflict with the direct force of the Queen of Blades. Such a task is too difficult, and the reef seems unwilling to use the physical strength extremes. Reward, so I can only give up painfully.

After choosing item b, Fang Senyan actually obtained the effects of strength +3 and physical strength +3 randomly. Although he very much hoped that the three points of strength were added to physical strength, there is no way for a talented master to become established.

After selecting item d, the pop-up purchase list is similar to the previous purchase list. The above are the conventional arms that can be produced by the blackthorn mother nest of the level base, but the later purchased arms have the word "egg" hatching. This time, it is probably because you can take it out after you buy it, so you need not only the reputation and common points, but also the Pandora crystals and g rare ore.

Fortunately, Fang Senyan had helped the Blackthorn Clan to attack the Redweave Clan before, so there was a lot of reputation available at this time. The only gap is in the Pandora crystals and g rare ore.

Fortunately, at this time, Fang Senyan contacted Mogansha and the reef to explain his thoughts. Since the guy Mogansha even called "the boss", then these things purchased at this time are closely related to the survival of the team in the future. He It is necessary to contribute a little.

After listening, Mo Gansha also expressed his support very simply. The unlucky child worker bee who was lured by his intimidation has been working hard to mine, so it is a bit of a gain to save less --- and He was very generous and promised to take out all the Pandora crystals and rare rare ores that he had obtained. Obviously, for Mogansha, after he completed the branch task of the crisis of the Blackthorn tribe, No matter what he thinks, he will definitely choose e! Since he can still stay in this world for 7 days, it means that he can squeeze the unlucky child worker bee for 7 days, naturally he is willing to take out all the minerals he has obtained so far.

Of course, Fang Senyan's Pandora crystal ore and g ore at this time also have most of the ownership of the reefs --- he previously made 20,000 universal points to buy, hoping to improve his forging ability- ----- After hearing about the difficulties of Fang Senyan, he resolutely asked Fang Senyan to use it first. Mogansha stated that the crystals collected by his worker bees in the next few days could also be divided into half of the reefs, which was a happy situation.

Now that he has received sufficient financial support, Fang Senyan naturally sent his dear Goblin Gold Mine to play. This guy immediately waved a tattered calculator with enthusiasm and rushed to the mother emperor of the Blackthorn Tribe. Before starting the purchase, the battery in the calculator was removed, and the already-battered battery was bitten with teeth before the big purchase was officially launched. The Zerg eggs finally obtained were as follows:

Zerg host eggs (9): After each use, you can get a Zerg host of the Blackthorn tribe. The Zerg host has points of life, no combat capability, and can fly at a maximum altitude of kilometers per hour. The transport volume cannot exceed 3 meters 3 meters 5 meters. Zerg hosts have anti-stealth capabilities and camouflage capabilities in the rest of the world.

Note: Camouflage can disguise the Zerg host as a common flying tool in the world. Use of this ability will cost a common point.

Explanation: In the peritoneal cavity of the Zerg host, your life recovery will be improved.

Zerg Explosive Mosquito Eggs (3): After using each egg, you can get 2 Zerg Explosive Mosquitoes. Zerg explosion mosquitoes have points of life, flying at a maximum altitude of kilometers per hour, have no attack ability, and can explode on any air unit close to them. The damage value is points.

Zerg Raptor Eggs (5): Use 2 Zerg Raptor beasts per egg. Zerg savage beasts have points of health, run at a maximum altitude of km / h, and have an attack power of 27 ~ 33. Possess the power of Zerg adrenaline (passive: increase% mobility), and drill the ground.

Explanation: It is extremely difficult for the enemy to get into the ground, gaining the original% of vision, and at the same time, you will get the effect of health regeneration.

Zerg Worker Bee Eggs (2): 2 Zerg Worker Bees have hatched. They have all the abilities of Zerg Worker Bees and can collect Pandora Ore for you.

The purchase of these worm eggs cost Fang Senyan more than 10,000 universal points, and his reputation was also consumed again, which caused him to have dried up his pockets quickly. At this time, only the universal points were left. However, making money in the space is nothing. It is wise to spend money to quickly convert it into immediate combat power. Thinking of Fang Senyan's heart pain is naturally a bit less.

It is worth mentioning that after the gold mine **** was traded, Fang Senyan was also winked out, and then returned to him hundreds of units of Pandora ore secretly, claiming to be a "rebate". It can make a gold mine that is not plucked even more generous. Fang Senyan is very doubtful that the black spinoceles magic juice has been flung for free! The ore Fangsenyan was stored without the cost of a talented master.

After delaying this time, Byrons's amputation of limbs has been successfully completed. There is no doubt that after a short period of inadequacy, he is very satisfied with the new hands and feet-because of the Zerg gene. Existing. The skin color and texture of his fresh hands and feet look a little weird, but the advantage is that he has a lot of strength. When Fang Senyan saw him, Byrons was waving his hands and kicking, and he seemed to be adapting to the freshman. Hands and feet.

But it is ridiculous that Byrons turned out to be very grateful to Fang Senyan who has 3 charms ... but dismissed and really hated that he really wanted to heal his reefs. The fact that Fang Senyan was very speechless was obviously only Reasonable explanations can be made with disagreements.

But for the reef, he didn't care what Byrons thought of him. He only saw that Byrons stood up, his hands were intact and he was very satisfied. Looking at Fang Senyan's eyes was a little more grateful. The other side said a lot of thanks.

As soon as a group of people sent Byrons back to the human camp, they also met Lieutenant Colonel Dundee. The colonel seemed to be in a bad mood. Obviously, the strength of the deadly helmet base made the situation on the planet There was a huge change, and his position was immediately caught in a very embarrassing situation. As the so-called beginning of everything is difficult, in fact, once the parent star cannot get the help of the black spiny worm family, it is difficult to establish an initial base on this resource-rich and crisis-filled planet.

If this base can be established ~ ~ then there is no doubt that Lieutenant Colonel Dundee is the chairman of the base. Obviously, the real power and the benefits that can be obtained are several times what they are now. Unfortunately, it seems that this hope has become more remote. Fang Senyan at this time they can only express their spiritual comfort to the colonel. He and the reef are concerned about that branch mission: "The destruction of the giant spore fungus jet air defense tower." The reward situation!

There is no doubt that the difficulty of the task of b + difficulty is indeed well-deserved. If it was not for Fang Senyan, they got additional surprises after using the physical strength of the point ------- said that the whole army is not too realistic, but the task is completed It can't be almost nailed down ----------- so, obviously the task evaluation will not be very high.

When Lieutenant Colonel Dundee heard about the destruction of the giant spore-spray air defense tower, he was undoubtedly surprised. He immediately stood up and threw away the cigarette butts in his hand:

"What, sure this is true? Oh God, you are all a bunch of good guys, those **** huge organics have destroyed 371 ships in total, and our mighty battleships have also been overwhelmed by these fat and disgusting idiots Stopped, you made a good start! What? Only destroyed one? No, no, this is not enough, it is not enough! "

[... Chapter 59 is the fastest update of the two choices ...] a! !!

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