The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 53: New formula appears

() Even if Gu Yue'an had any bad intentions until the self-proclaimed fishing boat was built and rescued, and both Sanzi were accustomed to floating on the sea, there are three and a half seasons at sea all year round, even if you find it the same day They are also struggling hard, and they are not afraid that someone will hold their handles ... "Uncle Da and San Zai lost a hair, and Fang Senyan would kill his family!

When I thought about this, Fang Senyan was not very afraid of it. Now that the underworld is gone, the normal order of the hospital will certainly be restored. After the senior uncle changed his medicine, Fang Senyan walked to the door and asked Sanzi to go back with his senior uncle. San Tsai also has a clever mind, knowing that there must be follow-up events later, he was hesitant to refuse to leave. However, Fang Senyan took out the elder brother's majesty and scolded him, and immediately walked away with his senior uncle with his grievances.

Sure enough, Fang Senyan stood at the entrance of the hospital for a few minutes, and saw that the toilet brother ran over with grief and grief, and ran to "gratefulness". He also held two or three hundred crumpled Taiwan dollars (Taiwan and Renminbi) that had just scratched his pants. (The ratio is about 1: 4 to 1: 5).

This guy is called a toilet. It doesn't look like all stools in his brain. He knows that Fang Senyan saved his two legs. Fang Senyan was too lazy to entertain him, but suddenly he thought that this kind of rampant rogue sometimes Can still be of great use, I asked the toilet to leave a phone call, a toilet with a long Haonan brother was instantly flattered, nodded and walked away.

Fang Senyan stood for about two minutes, and a black car drove out from behind a man dressed as a housekeeper. Respectfully, the other side, Mori Road:

"Sir, my host invited you to lunch."

Fang Senyan said lightly:

"You don't have to tell him, I won't answer the killing. But if someone wants to kill him, I can provide protection" "..." Of course, there is a fee. "

Speaking of which Fang Sen Yanton! He then added four words:

"And expensive."

The quality of the housekeeper was obviously quite high. He turned back without saying a word, and returned after a while:

"In that case, please leave a contact information.

There is no doubt that Gu Yue'an is quite beautiful in his hand. As the chairman of the Zhulian Gang and the ground snake here, it is not a boast. It is more convenient to find someone than the police, so Fang Senyan is here to accompany people to see the doctor. The line is enough to fish out his root ancestors from the eighteenth generation ... Of course, the consequence of this is to offend Fang Senyan directly to death "" "" This will let Fang Senyan leave his contact information and make everything clear As always, I will never come to investigate you.

After the matter here was over, Fang Senyan went back and looked at the injury of the senior uncle, and found that the inflammation had basically disappeared. The key point is that although the fingers of his old man had no palms, they were still equipped with a prosthetic limb installed in the hospital, and a large part of their upper limb functions were restored ... "... It is important to be able to steer, and with the help of teeth, tie the sail Anything is fine.

For the senior uncle, first of all, the life-long wish of the ship has begun to be built, and now more than half of it can still be reluctantly boarded to discuss life, which is undoubtedly a very good thing, and began to actively wear prosthetic arms Began to become familiar with the activities, regardless of grinding the wound to blood.

Fang Senyan rejoiced when he saw that his uncle was revived. People are afraid that they haven't survived and are frustrated. Now that they have untied the senior uncle's knot, it is Fang Senyan's wish to see him get happy and fulfilled.

After all, Sanzi is a teenager's playfulness, plus Mori's shot is also generous, and it is impossible to treat him with money. When Fang Senyan got up the next morning, he couldn't find him. When asked, he knew that Sanzi knew that he was all right today and had already gone to West Ferry Terminal.

Although San Chai is not big, he still ran a few boats back and forth at sea. Under the influence of ears and ears, the women who bet on money have long been exposed to talk about whether these two things are bad. The answer is definitely, but there are pros and cons to everything. People with strong self-control will not necessarily lose their homes when they play. Instead, they can alleviate the stress and mood. Therefore, Fang Senyan listened and didn't care. He said a few words lightly, but Sanzi just smiled hesitantly. But then I could n’t laugh when I saw the single handed over by Fang Senyan.

"Brother Yan! Why do you need so much more?"

Sanzi looked at this list in surprise:

"Wolves, freshwater fish, snakes, dogs, and praying mantises are better! What is this to do!"

Fang Senyan said impatiently:

"Don't worry about what I do. I'll give you 30,000 yuan. Find it for me, less nonsense."

San Zai shrugged his shoulders, only feeling

Brother Yan is getting more and more weird in his work, but the arrogant gangster who has the same reputation is growing day by day. However, Sanzi's character was an unscrupulous one, but he went to the West Ferry Terminal for a big purchase immediately, just to help a rich person collect the goods. We all know that rich people have a lot of quirks this year, and they don't take it seriously. The important thing is that if you are willing to spend money, you can say it.

When Sanzi was panting for cows to come back at night, Fang Senyan found that although he was near the seashore, he needed these five major materials: freshwater fish and dogs were purchased, and the mantis, Sanzi, spent only one afternoon from two. Two children received two in their hands, but after the two children excitedly ran home with waving banknotes, according to San Zai's optimistic estimation, a marijuana bag could be obtained tomorrow.

Fang Senyan is a person who cherishes time very much. In the next few days, he will concentrate on research in his basement. He also knew that when the ancient spirit of San Chai wanted to make this himself, he was bumped into him, and was reminded by the Nightmare Mark to put on a big hat that leaked the secret of the space.

Therefore, the entrance to the basement was really heavily guarded and the organs were heavy.

San Chai, this clever and naughty boy, actually ran peeping twice despite the warning, but was all caught by Fang Senyan with a frost on his face, **** with a sail rope, and then stayed on the house beam hard and beat two He even blew his nosebleeds, crying until his uncle came to intercede. However, the apprentices who were mixed on board were beaten and scolded. It was commonplace and Sanzai was also a teenager's innocence. Only knowing that he was wrong, he had to wipe his tears and hold back his curiosity before daring to peep.

After nearly half a month of deployment and countless failures, Fang Senyan finally developed a potion, whose material is based on a praying mantis, and he named it a praying mantis potion. The effect is quite weird: attack speed increased by 5%, movement speed increased by 5 points, and hit rate decreased by 5%.

The potion is strong or weak and weak, and it has negative attributes in it. The important thing is that there is no way to mix with the rest of the potion! In this case, the application value in actual combat will be close. Already.

However, Fang Senyan also knew where in the world would happen overnight. It is quite amazing to be able to formulate the medicine. In other words: it is only a rough embryo just engraved. It must be carefully debugged. The various dosages need to be adjusted during the fine-tuning. Of course it can have a good effect.

After this time of day and night, Fang Senyan was really tired and fell down to sleep. As a result, when the senior uncle reminded him to prepare to see the progress of the shipbuilding, Fang Senyan received a prompt to enter the space. They all cheered up and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

To be honest, after spending some restful days at West Ferry Terminal, Fang Senyan was still enjoying it, but after two or three days, I always felt like I could n’t get anything done, just like I did n’t have salt every day. . These two or three days even began to miss the excitement of space. If it continued to develop like this, Fang Senyan could not even guarantee that he would be bored or crazy after spending a few months in the real world.

Watching Fang Senyan's spirit jump on a scene of numbness and waving to himself, Sanzi didn't understand why the elder brother suddenly ate like he was eating. From a few days ago, his spirit was slightly debilitated and suddenly became so high, At this time, Sanzi was not pure, and could not help but maliciously guessed:

"Is it bad a few days ago? I just received the news that my old lover came to Taiwan, so I have to rush to the fire?

If Fang Senyan knew that Sanzi's thoughts were so cumbersome ~ ~ he would definitely have to fight again and use this guy to clean up this guy so that he wouldn't hold these thoughts in his mind. After seeing Fang Senyan gone, Sanzi went to see the senior uncle and slipped on the pier to hang out.

After Fang Senyan entered the space this time, I only felt that the interior of the space that seemed a little spooky was also quite cute. But when he just entered the private space, he noticed that many people left a message:

Among them, there are two requirements for Mogansha to join the group

There was a message that the guy who bought the Swift Carapace (Dark Blue) wanted to continue to buy,

In addition, there are actually seven or eight messages about identifying the silver plot items: the acid glands of the thorn snake! What could Fang Senyan say besides rolling his eyes and sighing? This stuff has been stuffed into space for so long, you guys are still here!

The reef also sent a message to Fang Senyan: If something unusual happens, please be careful.

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