The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 54: Space battlefield! !!

Next, Fang Senyan will go and see the silver plot item animal husbandry! The lab of the acid snake of the Hydra snake turned out to be absent. After passing the Exchange Square, I immediately noticed that the square was very busy. Fang Senyan walked around one after another, and found that there were fewer shipments, but there were quite a few buyers.

He rang his finger and called his old man over the gold mine. It cost him 100 points to let him drop a copy of the recent market information. The gold mine immediately rushed back, and then took a dirty ball of toilet paper and threw it to Fang Senyan.

Fang Senyan frowned, pointed his finger and wiped away the ball of toilet paper with an unclear yellow stain, little by little, and immediately saw many traces of market movement from the handwriting that was like a dog crawling at a gold mine:

"The biggest increase is for recovery drugs, food ... the increase has reached the anvil."

"Second, the merit value that can be traded ... the rise has reached the edge."

"Then, it is to increase physical strength, defense, health dodge, and block equipment Wushu rose by 38.2%."

"The most expensive transaction is a micro-magic array that can be directly transmitted back to the nightmare space.

"" "

Looking at this series of data, at this time Fang Senyan couldn't help being dirty, and couldn't help losing his voice:

"I rely, is there a battle in the space?"

No wonder Fang Senyan was shocked. It turned out that this sign in space at this time was exactly a sign of inflation in the real world when war came.

But when he saw the gold mine still staying in place, he was scratching his body and touching the west, Fang Senyan said suddenly:

"what are you doing?"

The solemn counterpart of the gold mine, Mori Road:

"Master, I recently found a powerful pet that I need to introduce to you."

Fang Senyan's heart suddenly looked forward:

"Let me see?"

The gold mine trembled all over his body. If he immediately spit white foam on the ground, Fang Senyan even suspected that he was suffering from sheep epilepsy. After a while, this guy finally screamed:

"Come out! Drizzt! Oh no Buster!"

Fang Senyan's eyes were wide open, and he stared expectantly at the open space next to the gold mine. As a result, his eyes were sore and did not see anything. At last, he stayed on the palm of the gold mine, which also extended his treasure, and then a spit of blood almost Did not spray out:

"Why ... is the pet you said is this flea? Cui ... Drizzt, oh no! Bastar!"

The gold mine seriously said:

"Master it is very useful!"

Fang Senyan said indignantly:

"I know, do you want to tell me, the biggest advantage of it is that you can raise your own blood without spending money. WWw.YZUU 点 m"

The gold mine immediately revealed the sign of gangster laugh:

"Master is wise! Actually, in addition to this, hey, don't leave! I just want to ask you for some nutritional expenses, just a little!"

Fang Senyan easily dismissed the beautiful gold mine with two hundred common points, and suddenly got a reminder:

"Your team member deputy leader Reef enters space!"

"Your team members have come together."

"Team: Ace's current level is Qin,

"Team size: small."

"Team rank: Silver."

"You are already eligible to participate in this low-intensity space battlefield!"

"Your team rank is: Silver. The next world you experience will be randomly drawn before entering, and it is unpredictable at this time."

"Silver rank privileges: After you have drawn the next space battlefield you want to enter, if you are not satisfied, you can use the method of meritorious value to re-randomly draw randomly to enter the next space battlefield participating in the battle !.

"Are you responding to this call? No?"

"You can reject this call but the next time you call up, the space battlefield participation will be upgraded by one level by default, and you will be forced to participate!"

After seeing this series of prompts, Fang Senyan immediately hesitated. He suddenly thought of the reef's message to himself and asked to consider it for a period of time. The response of the Nightmare Mark was that he must give a response sixty minutes before entering the next world. (Following the novel, it ’s Ye Zi · Yu ~ Yu M) So Fang Senyan has enough buffer time. At this time, he naturally has to contact the search for a reef. After the two met, Fang Senyan directly opened the door and said:

"We estimate we have to participate in the space battlefield."

The reef choked and sighed longly:

"Sure enough, I knew that I didn't expect to have to go to that **** place just after the team was established!"

Fang Senyan's eyes flashed:

"Is this war difficult? But it should also be like this. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Isn't this the rule that the Cavaliers should follow?"

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?" Jiao Shi stayed in place, chewing a bit of Fang Senyan, and suddenly smiled bitterly: "It seems that escape is useless after all. I thought I could be able to escape that nightmare for the time being, but I didn't expect it to be Make a comeback again! "

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"In fact, escape is useless. Only when you really face it, is it time to let go."

The reef sighed:

"I see what you mean, should you plan to participate in the space battle this time?"

Li Senyan nodded and smiled:


Reef seriously said:

"If that's the case, then there are space secrets ... I have time to tell you. Do you know the extremum of space right now?"

Tao Senxi nodded!

"Of course, it should be that the attribute point reaches the depression."

The reef slowly said:

"When one of your attributes reaches the extreme value of 50 points, you will immediately get a pretty strong reward" "" For example, the last time I borrowed your ten-color plot jewelry, broke through 50 points of physical strength After the extreme value, the reward obtained is two out of three. "

Both Fang Senyan and Reef are also taking a physical route to increase their points. Naturally, they will immediately ask what the rewards are, and the reefs are not secretive or concealed. The contents of the second choice are:

Increases defense by 15

: Increases physical strength by 15 points

Increases HP by 300

The reef then told Fang Sen Rock Road:

"Not only that, after you have selected the two attributes of the primary attribute, you can also specify any of the remaining six attributes as secondary attributes! When you specify the secondary attributes, it will continue to let you extract the secondary attributes. The rewards are still listed for you to choose from, but they can only be drawn once. Like I was drawing agile at the time, the agile three-choice one is selected as follows. "

Increased movement speed. Increased chance to dodge. 儡

: Agile gains points.

Increases the ranged basic attack power by 15-60 points (depending on the attack speed of the weapon: for example, high-speed weapons such as submachine guns are increased to occupy points, and slow weapons such as bows and arrows are used as points). Attack speed is increased. Speed ​​up)

"Of course, the secondary attributes you choose can only be extracted once out of the three. It is worth mentioning that if you consider physical strength as a secondary attribute, then the three extracted attributes listed as well as physical strength are the primary There is no difference in the three reward attributes listed in the attributes, they are exactly the same. "

(If you still do n’t understand this, then you can use Mogansha as an example. His highest attribute is agility. If his agility reaches 50 points, the three rewards of agility will appear. Next, even if Mogan Sand's second highest attribute is perception, but he can still designate physical strength as the second attribute and choose one of the three items listed above for the physical bonus.)

After listening to Fang Senyan, he suddenly realized that a guy such as a reef who is pursuing high defense must be the two selected. If he calculates this, his defense will increase the horror by 225 extra health and 150 points. If he chooses a secondary attribute If you dodge quickly, you can naturally break through the critical point of defense easily and resist the attack of the horrible Baozi battery.

The reef continues:

"According to my speculation, Nightmare Space is likely to feel that everyone's talents may not be able to represent their own development intentions, and may not be suitable for their development expertise, so it gives the contractor who has just entered the space an autonomy. In the next period of time, they will decide the direction of development based on their own specialties ... Of course, this growth must be a long and very cruel elimination process. Only those who stay will definitely find what is best for their survival and development. The way forward!

Fang Senyan groaned for a while and said:

"If this is the case, then I believe that breaking through the extremes is not so simple. Behind the primary and secondary attributes, there must be many related secrets hidden!"

Reef smiled bitterly:

"Yes but unfortunately: I don't know because I failed the test. I never crossed the door, and of course I couldn't know what was inside the door."

Fang Senyan nodded:

"So what is the extreme test?"

The reef took a deep breath, and there was an indescribable look in his eyes:

"Of course in this world, there are gains and losses. When you reach the extreme value and choose a reward, all your current basic attributes, including the storage space of the Nightmare Mark, will be sealed for a short period of time. In simple terms, the basic attributes cannot be increased, and the storage space of the Nightmare Mark cannot be used! And you can't trade, you can't get rewards and potential points when you complete any task and sell any item! Unless you can choose to challenge the extreme value and break this limit ! "

"And my last team was killed on the road that helped me challenge extreme values ​​..." Although the words behind the reef are plain and plain, in Fang Senyan's ears, there is a kind of painful heart and lungs. Drowned deeply in the memories of the day ~ ~ Fang Senyan frowned:

"Then why did you give me back my accessories?"

Well, there are two things to discuss.

The first is the addition of two more outbreaks of the new leader. The recent Spring Festival events have given me more breath to save and save, I will certainly not forget. You are guaranteed to repay this month. I have never promised anything to you, so please believe me.

The second is about the reward for the breakthrough of space.

At present, I have considered the physical strength and agility more comprehensively. The other three attributes are the extremum three rewards. If a friend is free, can you also help me think about it? Participation will give Jing and points. I will definitely read your opinion. If it is adopted, it will be marked in the book and provided for a certain book friend.

Ah Tu, thank you all here!

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