The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 2 Chapter 28: Go back

The fierce coughing sound continued to sound, and the pinch of powder sprinkled by Fang Senyan was exactly the black pepper powder that he took from the supermarket shelves. A well-known staple food of Americans is black pepper grilled steak. According to statistics, the entire United States consumes more than ten tons of black pepper powder in a day, but these spicy powders are delicious when sprinkled on oily steaks. But after entering the eyes and nose, it can also make people shed tears, making it difficult to see things for a while!

三 The three FBIs accidentally hit Fang Senyan's conspiracy, wheezing, tears flowing, but their hearts were full of fury, and there were still people trying to aim with tears. However, Fang Senyan already had a plan at this time. The black windbreaker on his body moved like a bat with huge wings. He turned quickly and pulled out the Italian SPAS15MIL shotgun from behind, and then pulled the trigger violently!

Fang Senyan's marksmanship has always been quite inferior, so he rarely engages in gun battles with people. But in this case, the shotgun has no doubt become a very scary weapon! The black hole's muzzle almost stuck to the nearest FBI, and then violently spit out flames. Hundreds of iron-steel **** full of kinetic energy hit the human body fiercely in the smoke. Rip the outer clothes effortlessly. Although the body armor inside can provide some protection, the tremendous force attached to such a close-range bombardment is no less than the internal injuries caused by the full blow of the stick!

The FBI agent who was continuously bombarded was extremely embarrassed. His eyes turned black and he couldn't help going backwards, but after all, he was an elite who had been trained extremely hard. When he was about to roll over and escape to hide next to the counter, he didn't. Knowing that Fang Senyan had anticipated his movements, he took a step forward, and a black hole in the smoke was aimed at his head, and he coldly pulled the trigger!

"Boom" and "Boom" two consecutive sounds. The FBI agent volleyed in the smoke and fell out. The flesh of his face was shattered and overturned by the shrapnel shrapnel. It can be said that the mother who was beaten didn't know it. After the landing, blood flowed out, and she accumulated a pile of land.

It was a pity that Fang Senyan's heart was crying out. The FBI elite agent's ability to resist is also very tenacious. In this way, he can also raise his arms in time to protect his head and barely avoid the fatal blow, making himself unable to kill. Success, but the advantage is that he will inevitably lose his combat power, and it is impossible for him to pose any threat to Moriyan in the short term.

At this time, a series of fierce stings came from the side of Fang Senyan's vest, as if the reddish knife was continuously stabbing into the body, and several bullets were wiped from the ears, apparently the other two FBIs have already Come back and aim at him and shoot wildly. If the vision of the two people is still affected by pepper, I believe that Fang Senyan's head is bound to be the first target they aim at. This is the case. Fang Senyan's health is also dropping at a crazy rate, and it has dropped to 20%. The following danger alert lines.

Fang Senyan forcibly pressed the seductive idea of ​​adding a shot to the badly wounded guy, buried his head and jumped over the cash register next to him, and then rolled over on the ground to avoid the adjacent passage, and then came The bullets shattered the wall ash and debris, but it could only be regarded as a horse cannon. Only the intermittent blood flowing down the ground showed that the previous shooting was not futile.

In the face of such an endgame, the messy FBI, the two eyes with red and swollen eyes, and the tears of FBI also looked at each other. Because both the US military and the FBI have always adhered to the principle of not abandoning or giving up. If a colleague is seriously injured or killed, someone must be left to take care of the scene. However, there are only two people who still have combat power. If another person is left to stay, the remaining person will catch up and face the fierce gangster ... I am afraid that it is too many evils, but if so, give up the murderer in vain. Run away, then they really became the shame of the FBI!

I was in a dilemma, but an angry voice came from behind:

"What are you waiting for!"

He strode forward to the leader of this special operation group: Novan. He glanced over his two gray-faced subordinates, and then moved to the body of James, whose life and death were unknown, and a complex look appeared in his eyes, but in a decided tone:

"The two of you immediately caught up and bit him! Remember, just staring at his whereabouts, I ... I will ask for help from above."

"WHAT !!!" The two FBI elite agents yelled at the same time. They were obviously not afraid of hunting down Fang Senyan, but rather astonished by the team leader's decision to ask for help.

Suowan Wan shook his head slowly:

"If I ask the headquarters for help in time, at most, our team has become a disgrace for the entire FBI, but if we wait for help when things get out of hand, then the FBI will become a laughingstock for the entire United States! We The personal honour and shame must not override the honour and shame of the entire Bureau of Investigation. "

After listening to Novan's words, the two FBI elite agents were silent. Novant took out a brick-like connector from his arms and started dialing ...

Wu Fangsenyan was running in stride. He had no awareness of being a prey. If he did not know that the enemy had a detector that could sense his approximate position at any time, I believe he would stay and set up a chaser behind him.

In fact, his condition was not good at this time. The dense wounds on his back continued to shed blood. The flowing sweat was like a knife, which caused the contraction and convulsions in the wound. If ordinary people believe Long lost his fighting spirit and screamed in pain. However, Fang Senyan's eyes seemed to be burning, looking fierce and focused, brutal and fierce. It seemed that injury was the catalyst for his life, and pain was the rising sun in his war will!

"Warning, warning, chasing your FBI team leader has applied for headquarters support."

"Warning, warning, chasing your FBI team leader has applied for headquarters support."

警告 "Warning, FBI Headquarters, Jelos Sardin will join you in the hunt, and he will arrive in ten minutes."

Looking at this series of tips, Fang Senyan's pupils suddenly shrank! In fact, the tragic scene that the contractor was smashed into a honeycomb by the sudden appearance of the Delta Force has always been deeply in his mind. And he has been worried about this, that these FBI agents may invite reinforcements to participate in the arrest.

"Ten minutes, but fortunately there are still ten minutes to serve as a buffer!" Fang Senyan could not help but pass a happy thought.

Bravery does not mean recklessness, and adventure does not mean death. He has no interest in dealing with this coming FBI headquarters officer, Jelos Sadin. Fang Senyan has good reasons to believe that the other party must occupy an overwhelming advantage. If Fang Senyan possesses the former ghost quist's marksmanship and abnormal talent "refraction", then he still has a chance to win. Unfortunately, his shooting accuracy is limited to five meters, and he must be a shotgun ...

I watched the countdown from the Nightmare Mark, and Fang Senyan's heart began to meditate with it:

"Ten, nine, eight, seven ..., three, two, one ,!"

At the same time, a sudden sound came from the bag he was carrying. It is as if the ice layer has been cracked by the cracking of the ice after being exposed to sunlight. After taking out his bag, he could see that the transparent box inside was covered with cracks, and it even gave off an unpleasant smell.

In the faintly dark color, the sharp edge of a murder weapon is almost ready!

Fang Senyan found a corner and sat down, leaning his head against the hard wall, a sneer appeared from the corner of his mouth, and by the way, he licked the dry and wet blood stains on his lips.

"I want to receive the mainline task: task reward for cleaning up space-time nodes."

"Hint: You are three hours, 17 minutes, and 47 seconds before the deadline to leave the world. You will leave the world within five minutes after you receive the reward for this mission. Do you want to receive the main task: clean up the space-time nodes Mission rewards? Yes / No. "

Wu Fangsenyan chose "Yes" without hesitation.

"You get 200 points for universal points."

"You get 1 Meritorious Merit."

"You have accumulated 1 point of merit."

"The higher your meritorious value, the greater the authority in the space, and the more you can enjoy various discount services."

"You have completed your first mission in the Nightmare World, and your Nightmare Mark storage ability is turned on."

"This is an incredible world ..." Fang Senyan smiled exhaustedly, lighting himself a blood-stained cigarette, took a deep breath, and then relaxed and leaned against the wall. Looking across the high-rise building in front, UU reads www. uukanshu. com bet to the sunset on the horizon, so rest in peace in this Los Angeles group of buildings, under the sky of the eighties, this is hot but still a touch of warm sunshine ...

Then his figure gradually faded, and finally disappeared into the air. Just ten minutes later, the FBI's support had surrounded the place, but what they got in the end was nothing but a pool of blood that had not dried up and a black trench coat that had been ragged.


By the way, I know that after reading this chapter, many friends should ask questions.

But I won't explain,

My answer is only one: please read on.

When I wrote the trump card, I started thinking about it in just two hours.

At the end of writing, I conceived for 18 months.

As a writer, I demand change, and as a writer responsible for the reader, I also demand change.

If it ends up writing the same as the trump card, what's the point? How much excitement do you guys look like? How many unexpected surprises are there?

The writer's way is also to seek change and refinement, just like sailing against the water. If you do not advance, you will retreat. It is called evolution, but it is actually unchanged or even degraded! That's ironic.

的 What I can assure you is:

At present, some seemingly unreasonable places will definitely give you satisfaction / sudden realization / and even say the original answer.

The time is: before it goes on sale, before everyone pays.

Zun, there is no update today, because you have to take into account the word count of the new book list, please vote for the extra votes for me. I will dedicate more exciting stories to you!

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