The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 2 Chapter 29: Doubts and gains

Although Fang Senyan kept his seated posture unchanged, after the countdown to return to space, his eyes flashed suddenly, his vision was completely lost, and he didn't know what happened for a while. But the body had a very strange weightlessness, and even the ears were buzzing slightly.

Then a little bit of light gradually appeared, and after Fang Senyan's vision gradually recovered, then I came to realize that the original star light was actually a little bit! He looked around suddenly and found that the whole person seemed to be in the boundless universe space. Darkness and deepness are the background. The only embellishment is the shining stars around, full of mystery, atmosphere, and an inviolable majesty. And he seemed to set foot on a completely transparent floor, and it seemed as if he was floating in the stars of the universe out of thin air.

Immediately after Fang Senyan began to present a full 3D microprojection, his scene of fighting against Bloody Jack / Quest / Los Angeles Police flashed, and then the two Terminator T-750s were killed. In the end, Fang Senyan grabbed the FBI agent's neck with one hand, slammed it into the light box iron in slow motion, and then stopped.

The following information emerged in the air:

"Scene: Terminator"

"Difficulty: Extremely Easy (E-Class)"

"Pain reduction: 70%"

"Extra enhancement of personal ability: 50%."

"Exploration of current scene: 12.31%"

"Title completion progress is as follows: Friends of Sin 10/50, Enemies 2/3

附带 "Incidental note: This scene is a peaceful scene. The contractor is killed and will not drop any items. The digital character information module is opened at the same time. The contractor can check his personal attributes at any time through the nightmare mark on his chest.

"Task completion: 53%

"Mission Completion Evaluation: C-, Note: The lowest level is: E, and the highest level is Perfect SSS.

"Scene Completion Rewards: Free Attribute Points, 1 Point, General Points 100, Potential Points 2

"The character's remaining free attribute points are: 1 point."

"You can assign this free point to your basic attribute points (strength / agility, etc.) at any time to strengthen your body."

"You have completed your first main line mission: the storage capacity of the Nightmare Mark is turned on. Your current storage space is 0.5 cubic meters. The weight of the stored items cannot exceed ten kilograms."

Hint: Some of the equipment / weapons you carry cannot be taken out of the Terminator world, you have the following options.

A: Sell it at this time in exchange for a certain universal point.

B: Leave it here, and you can retrieve it next time you enter the Terminator's world. (Performing this operation will pay a certain common point as the storage cost, otherwise there will be unpredictable consequences such as loss / loss / rust.)

After Fang Senyan sold the valuable "dollar" at this time, the total general point on his body was only 283 points. Although he did not understand the role of the general point at this time, he also knew that this thing was similar to the function of a banknote. The better, the better. Although the M500 revolver and shotgun are quite rare, they can only be called barely usable and have no value at all. It was also sold by Fang Senyan, and his total general points increased to 340 points.

Wu Fangsenyan then carefully looked at the description of the potential point, and was not anxious to allocate that point. In his mind, he was also surprised at 53% of his task completion. After all, he had done his best to get rid of the two terrible Terminator T-750s. He believed that if he changed to someone with the same conditions, he would not May be better! Such a performance has actually received a 53% completion degree evaluation ... In terms of applying the percentage system, even the passing line has not arrived! In other words, what kind of performance is required to get 100% evaluation? Fang Senyan still had no idea under his hard thoughts.

The vast starry sky in front of me began to blur and became dark again. When Fang Senyan restored his vision, he was placed in a small room. The style of the room was simple and simple, but the surroundings were made of metal, just like the layout on a modern battleship. It was simple, bright and capable. There was only one wall cabinet and a metal stool fixed to the ground. Soon, the Nightmare Mark gave a hint:

"This is your exclusive room in the Nightmare Space. Outsiders cannot enter without your permission. Items that you cannot carry back to the real world will be stored here. If you have physical trauma, you can quickly recover here and deduct certain Currency points. The key to entering and exiting this room is the Nightmare Mark. In the Nightmare space, your appearance will be blurred. Therefore, when communicating with others, do not disclose your identity in reality, so as not to cause unnecessary seriousness. Consequences. Any request can be obtained through the Nightmare Mark, but it may consume a certain number of common points. "

Wu Fangsenyan pondered the meaning of these words, but soon, he said:

"Explain the usefulness of potential points."

He quickly responded:

"Potential points are used to upgrade basic and combat capabilities."

"In the nightmare world and even the space, the contractor is provided with a variety of strange abilities for learning. bedding."

"There are seven basic abilities, covering various elements in the battle, and they correspond to seven basic attributes of own strength, agility, physical strength, perception, charm, spirit, and wisdom. details as follows."

"Basic Melee: Exercising your various abilities in melee combat and increasing your melee combat damage. This basic ability corresponds to its own attribute point: strength."

"Basic Footsteps: Exercise your ability to evade enemy attacks, but also slightly increase your movement speed. This basic ability corresponds to its own attribute point: Agility."

"Basic long-range combat: exercise your ability to use long-range attack weapons and increase your long-range attack damage. This basic ability corresponds to its own attribute point: perception."

"Basic endurance: exercise your resistance to hits, so that you can live longer. This basic ability corresponds to its own attribute point: physical strength."

"Basic eloquence: exercise your persuasion, so that you can more quickly integrate with strangers to gain their favor. The basic attribute of this basic ability is: charm."

"Basic meditation: exercise your will and make your spirit more tenacious. This basic ability corresponds to its own attribute point: spirit."

"Basic Prayer: Exercise your brain to expand the upper limit of its brain domain. This basic ability corresponds to its own attribute point: intelligence."

"Some advanced equipment / advanced abilities also require certain combat abilities or advanced basic abilities to equip. The higher the ability level, the more potential points it will cost to increase. The improvement of abilities can also be achieved through hard training on yourself To achieve the goal, usually only use potential points when learning new abilities or encountering bottlenecks. For example, a world Sanda champion in the real world, then it is likely that he has a high level of basic boxing skills just after entering the world. ability.

Basic abilities and some combat abilities can be improved by using potential points after purchasing them in money in Nightmare Space. Advanced abilities are learned through self-understanding or after interacting with characters in the nightmare world.

Seeing this, Fang Senyan thought that when he made the shooting terminator T-750, he also dropped a scroll: Mastery of Light Gun Weapons. This thing should be a derivative / advanced ability of the basic long-range war. At this time in an absolutely safe environment, he took the white key dropped from the distiller's nose FBI agent, summoned the treasure chest to open, obtained 80 universal points and a white piece of equipment: Federal investigation Specially made windbreaker, by the way, took the upgraded cobalt steel alloy exoskeleton and played with it, and carefully studied its specific properties.

"FBI Special Windbreaker" (Condition: Very Good)

"Place of Origin: Los Angeles. Singes Garment Factory"

"Equipment Rarity: White."

"Equipment part: upper body"

"Equipment Requirements: None"

"Special effects with windbreaker armor: Charisma +1 (more chic and elegant? So add charm)

"Special effects on windbreaker armor: reduce your chance of being hit by the enemy by 1%" (presumably because the windbreaker is very loose and can block the enemy's sight)

评价 "Evaluation: This armor is more decorative than protective ... Yes ~ ~ It's very similar to Versace's classic trench coat from 1982, but only like it."

"Equipment combat power score: 6"

Smco-steel alloy exoskeleton (left-hand part) (Condition: very good)

Origin: Michigan Skynet No. 71 Workshop Ninth Assembly Line.

Equipment Rarity: Light Blue

Equipment effect: Increase your unarmed attack power by 18-19 points.

Equipment effect: +1 all your basic attributes (rare special effects)

Equipment requirements: 9 for power and 11 for health.

Equipment position: Hand

Material: Cobalt steel alloy and quenched. "

Can be attached: Flesh plastic cortex (function is missing). Magnetic weapon detection and adsorption system (cannot be attached) (your rough repair has broken the interface of this attachment)

Weight: 7.8 kg. "

Length: 352 mm "

武器 Special effects of this weapon (removed): There is a chance to ignore the enemy's defense when attacking. (You have added an impurity alloy to this weapon, this effect will not take effect)

武器 This type of weapon comes with a new special effect: when attacking, there is a 50% chance to cause additional damage to the enemy, the damage value = the strength value of the holder.

Evaluation: Rat-eye guy! You will regret it for this hasty fix!

This equipment combat power score: 14

Uh .........

Introduction, because I made a mistake in the morning, the updated Chapter 29 is an unmodified manuscript, so I uploaded it again. Please forgive me.

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