The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 20: 1st step ahead

Chapter Twenty First

"Finally, what I want to tell you is, please read our Nightmare Mark again, and you take a closer look at the content of our mission: to protect the core engine of this Valkyrie spacecraft from being destroyed in three days instead of in Protect the personal safety of Rda members within three days, not to prevent the herd from attacking the spacecraft within three days. As long as we return these beasts what they want, do these guys spend 1àng of their teeth, claws, and venom here? On a cold metal giant ship without blood and ròu body? This is the only way to complete the task. "

"………… .."

When thinking of Fang Senyan's words, there was a chill in the back of both the reef and Mogansha. At this time they couldn't help but chew the reminder given by Nightmare Space: So the enemies you will face in the short term are the beasts and indigenous peoples, of course ... and their own people.

The two previously understood the word "owner" as the contractor. But now it seems that this understanding is wrong.

Before the first task was not completed, because of the uneven distribution of benefits within the contractor, the possibility of self-reliance may exist, but raising it to the height of the enemy is exaggerated. In fact, under the huge pressure of the beast, there will be no one at all. Move these crooked thoughts.

The target of this mission reminder: it should be the staff of Rda who is hiding on the upper part of the spaceship.

At this time, Fang Senyan walked over with a murderous look on his face, and his feet had a faint bloodmark, which extended far into the darkness. And Fang Senyan held the silver and white metal card with blood dripping to the upper layer.

At this time, the low-key silent hard shell that Fang Senyan had previously disguised on his body was completely broken, giving the impression that it was fierce, powerful, and a kind of sharp 11

However, just as Fang Senyan was about to swipe the card to the next identity verification cha slot, his face suddenly changed, and he suddenly passed the identity card he held in his hand to the reef next to him, and then in the team channel Low channel:

"Do as I say."

After speaking, Moriya took a half-step back, stood back behind the reef, and frowned, the darkness concealed his face, and the temperament of the whole person was strangely changed. Only his strong body was visible. Shaped and clenched fists. Reef became the core of the team again at this moment.

But just over ten seconds later, a group of people walked in from the end of the spaceship passage.

This group of people looked very tired and **** on their bodies, but they had a kind of cohesive momentum that seemed to come together, and it seemed that even the air was compressing forward and backward with their steps. .

A tall nv who seemed to be flying in the headwind walked ahead. Although she could not see her face, she could feel that unique temperament, charming as a knife, capable as a knife, and flying as a knife.

Every step she took seemed to be Yun Cun Yun Shu, fiercely popular, and the contractors around her were arched sideways, as if at any time it would become her minion weapon to remove any obstacles

Seeing this nv son, Fang Senyan couldn't help but think of the metal teacher, that paranoid, tough, and even stubborn, there were some crazy nv people in the "metal digestive system" magic key array, Fang Senyan witnessed the red face instantly turned into Bone was shocked, but after hearing the news that the metal mentor might be reborn, Fang Senyan felt a deep threat and a huge pressure on the back.

In Fang Senyan's mind, the strength of the metal tutor is much stronger than the posture, but now it seems that the status between the two should be reversed.


At this time, the Zi nv person actually led the core members and some ordinary members of the Illumination Society, and came here at this time

Obviously, the number of people who can sneak into the spacecraft is much more than that of Fang Senyan. Therefore, if you want to hide from the eyes of the rest of the people, it will become more difficult to hide and sneak in. Then if you speak strictly, Zi ’s judgment on the current situation And the presumption, was not under Fang Senyan in the slightest, but it was a little delay because of the huge team.

However, this time is enough to form a difference between being step by step and being step by step. Anything is pros and cons. For example, the team in the current position has an absolute advantage over the other side of Mori, but this absolute advantage Behind that, because the team is relatively large, it has taken the disadvantage of being one step behind.

Facing the rushing light of the core team, the reef suddenly straddled a step, stepping into the center of the passage from a dark place next to him. This step took a big step, so heavy that the hard soles and The steel floor collided, and a crisp sound was heard directly.

At this instant, the reef appeared as if it were a sudden and thick mountain that stood in front of the Illumination Society. This mountain may not be dangerous, but it has a magnificent feeling that stretches for thousands of miles. It seems that it will not collapse until the end of the world. Generally, he suddenly appears, and even the people of the Illumination Society can't help but stop at the same time, and give birth to a kind of The nose felt sore, as if there was an invisible wall in front of them and they bumped into it

"Is it you?" Zi couldn't help but be surprised, the three diamond-shaped light **** spinning around her suddenly circled a few times, showing that her mood was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

Suddenly the reef with his head slightly raised his palm, the silvery white card dripping with blood was in his fingers:

"I know what you're thinking, but I also know what you're looking for. It's a pity you are late. This card is the only key to the upper passage of this Valkyrie transport ship. Destroy this card, or do you kill me first and explode this card? "

Akafir took a big step forward and sneered:

"Reef, since you are lucky to have recovered a small life in the mass destruction, you should treasure it rather than rush to death."

The reef ignored him at all and said to the attitude:

"You have to think clearly. The people on the upper level of the spaceship may modify the identity card's permissions at any time to make it invalid. Every additional second is delayed, then there is no doubt that the risk is even greater."

Zi took a deep breath, but was very decisive:

"What do you want?"

The reef flatly states:

"Of course cooperation."

Faintly Road:

"Cooperation? Well, give me the card, or you can open mén right away."

The reef glanced coldly:

"If you think it ’s funny to make a joke like this, then I do n’t mind being here with you. My condition is that the three-day alliance must have a clause that cannot hurt each other. The fifty-five cents of the loot earned during the period "

Zi hasn't spoken yet, but Sable in the back has stepped forward, roaring:

"You dream"

But just after Sable's voice came down, Zi Zhe had said very simply:

"OK your new team name"

Sable turned back suddenly, shouting anxiously:


The posture slowly shook his head and sighed slightly:

"We are one step late and we are not waiting for time, so in fact we have no choice at all. I can't always pay everyone's lives for the sake of anger and 20,000 common points."

Fang Senyan in the dark looked at it, and couldn't help but start to make a sigh of determination. Such an nv person is doing nothing at all. Small things may be willing to devolve, but big things are determined by one word, very decisive, so The style of acting is like the force that she controls. It is sharp and sharp, but it is invisible around you.

Within ten seconds, both Fang Senyan and Mogansha received a reminder from the Nightmare Mark:

"Your team has reached a temporary alliance contract (advanced) with the Illumination Society (team) for a period of 72 hours. The alliances cannot harm each other while the alliance is maintained."

After the covenant was concluded, it was notarized by the nightmare space, so you can basically rest assured. The reef held the silver and white identity card and swiped toward the electronic lock in front of him, and that identity card was swallowed.

Immediately afterwards, a steel spiral staircase spiraling straight up was easily descended from the top. The demon dream among the core members of the Illumination Society suddenly turned into fog and went straight up ~ ~ It seemed that her degree was unpleasant, but In fact, it flew past in an instant. Even the closest reef was one step ahead of her.

However, the demon dream was at the entrance of the staircase, because an electronic synthesizer warning was uploaded by the horse next to it: It is said that this is a restricted area. If you insist on entering, you will be deducted from all Rda's battlefield contribution, and Attacked by all shipborne weapons.

Now that you have come here, the demon dream must have cleared the battlefield contribution of Rda in advance, but the latter sentence can not help but shrink back.

"Attacked by all shipborne weapons"

At this time, Fang Senyan had already grabbed it, and sniffed his nose with confidence in the team channel:

"The original design of the Valkyrie transport ship is for interstellar transport, not for combat. Besides, what era is it now, is it possible to see the connection in the era of great sailing? Even a warship cannot be retrofitted too much inside. If it is possible to add a weapon system to its external structure, it is absolutely impossible to add too many ship-borne weapons inside. More importantly, if the area is really a restricted area, it will be a long time ago. Come here, what are you talking about so much nonsense? "

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