The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 21: Break through quickly

Chapter 21 Quick Breakthrough

After being occupied by Fang Senyan, Mogansha and the reef immediately rushed up, but actually stuck a group of people behind the Illumination Society. Even if there is risk in rushing in front, it is mostly good. When Fang Senyan saw them rushing up, they saw two people from Rda watching, and then they turned away without turning back.

It's natural for people to chase after pulling tu. At this time, the superiority of the agile melee special elders was shown, but at a distance of 50 meters, Fang Senyan was left behind by the demon dream and a contractor with a short dagger .

But at this moment, the two people who fled in front of Rda jumped and hid behind the desk next to them, brought a row of bookshelves, the books were flying, and the metal switch mén more than twenty meters away from Fang Senyan. Suddenly opened, two muzzles of black dòngdòng pointed straight at them.

Immediately after the muzzle appeared, Fang Senyan burst into an indescribable chill from the back. He signaled a warning on the team channel, and the three immediately rushed to each side.

The two muzzles of the muzzle flashed a dazzling two-point blue light, one of them went straight to the demon dream, and then the two muzzles quickly retracted to the back of the mén mouth, it seemed to continue to lurk for filling. .

Faced with this strange blue light from shè, the strange nv child body of the demon dream suddenly turned into an indescribable lilac mist, it seems that there is no entity at all, this blue light passes by shè , Then disappeared invisible, and the demon dream reappeared, but his face paled a little.

But another blue awn shè justified the short dagger contractor, and his little blade of blue sè light hit the blade of the dagger without bias, without a loud noise or explosion, and If the snow and ice melted, it disappeared on the dagger.

Then, from the surface of the dagger, an unclear pale blue spread quickly, extending all the way up and down the contractor's body.

This guy suddenly got miserable, he bounced up suddenly, his body was full like crazy inflatable balloon, and suddenly burst open, turning into a light blue mist of blood, the scene was extremely horrible, even more terrible

It was just that the mist of blood had not yet dispersed, and a tall, fluttering figure had flickered out from behind. Her face was so condensed, she raised her left hand, and she could see that the slender, white and slender fingers suddenly shook into an instant. Fist up.

Immediately afterwards, a little indescribable light flowed from the gap between her fingers. The light was like sand, if it was raining, if it was tearing, little by little drifted to the ground. After landing, Xunfei flew forward.

After the light from the fingers stopped, Zi suddenly pulled his left hand upwards from behind the mén corridor in the distance. A member of Rda yelled and flew straight to this side. His He also held the powerful and strange weird weapon in his hand, and the members' feet were so enveloping that little indescribable light.

The Force Converges. 攥

There is no doubt that the Rda member was beaten to death as soon as he was dragged over.

At this time, another Rda member jumped out again, and the black dòngdòng's muzzle aimed relentlessly at the "posture", but this nv was already prepared. The left hand pointed at this Rda member immediately stayed in the middle of a lightning strike. In place. It can even be seen that the blood from his eyes, nose and mouth jīshè even splashed the entire glass mask. This guy calculated the beginning of the jump, but not the end of the jump

Fang Senyan had the "Force Acupuncture. Explosion" he had the honour to experience before, and was reapplied to this unlucky guy at this time. Riding the moment he was settled, the demon dream had transformed into an indescribable gesture like a mist of invisible clouds, and the process of drifting forward seemed to be long and short, but when she was able to be clearly seen again At that time, the Rda member had already shed a lot of blood all over his body, and it was crooked and dull.

Obviously, the "posture" that continuously performed these two powerful abilities also felt a little tired, and his feet moved slightly, and they have been re-entered into the contractor's arch guard. She had a long skirt, blooming like a hua, calmly defeating the enemy, and calm and calm. There is really a kind of quiet beauty, such as a life and a hua, and a dead and autumn worm. It is indeed unforgettable after seeing it.

After such a raid, no one dared to carelessly, and Akafil and the Reef opened the way in front. At the end of a corner, there was a loud metal collision on both sides, and a burly member of the heavily armed Rda rushed out from the side. He held a strangely shaped cylindrical machine gun in his hands. , Hei dòngdòng's muzzle pointed straight up, and while striding forward, he pulled the trigger firmly

Countless blazing rays emerged from the muzzle and hit the tower shield erected by Akafil. Dangdang 1uàn sounded and splashed with countless brilliant stars. This magnificent scene was full of death. cruel

Akafil is also a battle-hardened player. I can see that the Rda's gunman is not very strong, but he has a good grasp of timing and has a geographical advantage. He has several ways to fight back in this fashion, but just now Taking a deep breath, but suddenly felt a pain in the ng mouth, immediately shocked in my heart, immediately responded that he had been hit by a bullet that penetrated the giant shield

This machine gun actually has the ability to penetrate

Fortunately at this time, the contractor behind him also counterattacked, Mogansha and two other long-range attackers shot at the same time, the fiery bullets shè towards the heavily armed Rda members opposite. Although he was covered with sturdy armor all over his body, he could hear the sound of "Dang Dang Dang", and his progress was eased.

After a flash of fire passed, the armor of the Rda member's knee cracked a gap, and then seven or eight bullets were wound around his left knee. His ròu's defense was not low, and he couldn't help it. The continuous shè shot of the gun made a roar, and the blood in the air flew horizontally. The entire left foot was interrupted by the students. The ng mouth and abdomen were also shot continuously. The blood on the body was like a gush, and was quickly killed. .

After killing these Rda members, there is no doubt that their relationship with this giant company has become hostile. These people have all dropped the keys. The quality is generally white and light blue. Except for a light blue armor, the rest are miscellaneous. It is useless except for selling. .

When a group of people rushed to the core control room of the Valkyrie spacecraft, they felt that the people who had stayed here had walked away, and documents and other things were a mess. At this time, a whistling sound came from the air. Mo Gansha rushed to look through the porthole, and suddenly felt that the tail of a small lifesaving spacecraft had a light blue flame, and flew up into the sky.

"Damn they escaped"

Sable roared Fang Senyan but shook his head slightly:

"If these guys were able to escape, they would have retreated long ago. Why should we delay waiting for the reinforcements? They actually did this when they had to do so. It is almost certain that what we were looking for was still on the spacecraft. "

"And." Fang Senyan paused and said ruthlessly: "Most of them can't escape, don't you really think that the steel monster of the Valkyrie fell from a mechanical failure? Not to mention those spotted outside now The dragon seems to be pretty scary. "

Just less than a minute after Fang Senyan's remarks, a shout came from someone in front of the porthole:

"Look that they were shot down"

A loud bang was heard within ten seconds. The loud noise was continuous. It should be that after the crash, the cargo on the aircraft also exploded continuously.

One contractor couldn't help looking at Fang Senyan. But the posture was slightly sunburned, and the evaluation of the other side's Moriya was undoubtedly half a point lower.

Because in fact, Zou had long thought that those people could not escape, but for such things that are not destined to be told, the really smart people will know how to obscure the light and avoid the attention and vigilance of others. But she didn't notice that after seeing her expression, Fang Senyan flashed her eyes.

Yuan Zhan in the lighting conference should look like a computer expert. He took a step forward and started walking to the front of the console to perform various cào operations. I saw that his fingers, like flying, hit the keyboard and clicked, "After a while, she sank:

"it's here"

After speaking, I pulled down a nearby handgrip ~ ~ A huge jet sound came out, and a lot of white gas started from the warehouse outside Valkyrie, followed by heavy metal Impact sound.

A huge container was released and slid down the slope. The container was at least ten meters long, three meters wide, and seemed to weigh no more than twenty tons. Such a huge transported cargo was indeed the small one. The lifeboat cannot be carried.

At the same time, all the beasts howled wildly at this instant, gave up their enemies, and rushed to the container. At this time, Fang Senyan's three talents suddenly appeared, and the third-tier legendary creatures outside reached as many as twenty, and even a fourth-order death beast appeared as the herd leader.

It seems that Fang Senyan's inference is indeed correct. The reason for the formation of the beast cháo is really not a nest xùe being disturbed and bloody, but Rda's group touched the inverse scale of the master on this planet

When the white air filled, the steel container was quickly opened, and 1ù contained the contents ...

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