The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 96: One V Four Blood Battle

Chapter 96 Bloody Battle in 1V4

Although the reef was full of confidence before the war began, if some things were not experienced in person, the truth would not be known at all.

At the moment of the boomerang and the body, the eyes of the reef that had raised the shield defense suddenly darkened, and then a large number of stars appeared in front of it. Immediately after that, his face seemed to be covered with a transparent film, and he could not breathe completely from his suffocation. There was a steady stream of sounds of smashing trees behind him. This was his instantaneous movement. Extremely fast. The physique of his reincarnation can't hold his breath at all!

And when the reef fell to the ground, it felt like he was free-falling without an umbrella from an eight-kilometer plane, and he was still holding his face to the ground. After finally getting up, then drunk feet like a drunkard sat down softly on the ground, breathing for a few seconds before they barely stood up with hands and feet, watching the scenes outside are ghost images! !!

& o, feel that the blood on his mouth and nose is splashing out, and the blood is sprayed like a heavy truck driving across the road, and the sewage is sprayed to the side of the puddle when the tires are rolling over the road. general. This shows the power of this boomerang. What is even more alarming is that the physical value of the reef was destroyed by nearly 80%! Almost to enter the dying state! !! !!

So powerful! !!

The three took a deep breath at the same time, shaking their heads with a bitter smile, and the name of the gold branch task was well-declared ... Before the official breakthrough of the extreme value, don't want to get anything cheap, the gap between this strength is too far outrageous There is no way to arbitrarily arrange the layout. The previous series of plans seemed to be abandoned.

And after the knight dart thrown by the knight hit the reef directly, the remaining momentum was still intact, and he shuffled in the air to draw a jīng wonderful radian. He took two of his heads and pounced on the heavy armor. The horse killed the biting savage beast, and used the air disease to produce two bloodstained blood.

The edge of the boomerang is not sharp, but the power carried on it is so horrible that the bodies and heads of the two wolves' swift beasts are separated silently and sprayed from the cavity of the headless corpse Not only is there blood, but also a large amount of dark red viscera.

The headless corpse banged into a nearby tree, slamming the tree into a continuous shake for a few times, and the leaves fell down, showing the great power of its flapping!

However, even if the head was severely broken, the heads of the other two savage beasts bit the heavy armored horse's body and refused to let go. Such a brutal behavior is really unimaginable. You can even see the savage beast's head still. It was very ferocious to swallow, because their heads continued to swallow after their heads were severed, and it was clear that a large group of blood ròu fell from the cross section of the throat on its neck!

These hundreds of swift beasts suddenly attacked, which really caused all the Namei people to panic with those heavily armored horses. This is not only caused by the sudden attack of the attack, but also because the swift beasts were creatures they have never seen before. Whether it is the way of fighting, the scent, and the characteristics of the creature are completely strange. All these factors combined together make the situation appear sideways in the first few seconds of the beginning of the battle!

At least fifty heavily armored horses and nearly half of the Namei ’s attritions appeared in the first ten seconds of the raid, as one of the fighting creatures modulated by jīng ’s heart, and at this time these blackthorn tribes were upgraded to the rank The attack and defense health of the savage beast has also been comprehensively improved. It must be incomparable to the world of Xinghe, and of course it will emit a very horrible lethality.

But how could Otter, riding a legendary creature, let the enemy's madness pass? He snapped his feet on his feet, and suddenly, the huge hammer-headed thunder beast immediately stepped on the ground with his two front feet, and then stood up!

It can be felt that the air in the mouth of this monster is compressed sharply, and then a terrible roar is made. All the swift beasts within 30 meters nearby were cleaned up like autumn wind sweeping away leaves! !! It was just like a feather máo being blown away alive!

Immediately after, Otter roared again and raised his hand to catch the animal bone boomerang that flew back. In the next second, his hands were already pressed against his waist, and then the two animal bone boomers in his hand were very easy to throw out again. The two high-return bouncers drew two elegant arcs in the air, and then cut out two blood paths alive wherever they passed, so that the feeling of blood and rain in the air could not be dispersed for a long time!

This Ott attack is also too powerful. Just so much roar, at least killed nearly fifty or sixty fast beasts. It is conceivable that if you let go of your hand and let him kill, then it wo n’t be much. This savage beast unit that will attack in minutes will be completely killed.

But since Fang Senyan has come here, of course, he is fully prepared for this situation. Just after waiting for less than ten seconds, a violent tremor reappeared on the ground. The dense forest in the oblique spurs had a tendency of tree breaks and wooden breaks in the distance. It was like four bulldozers crushed from different directions. Coming over!

Next, the four-headed monster ran higher than the hammer-headed thunder beast. Their two small eyes like crabs aimed at this side and then shrank back to thick. Out of the incomparable carapace, Otter, aiming at the Hammerhead Thunder Beast, buried his head and hit directly.

Not to mention the rest, just looking at the long and sharp ring-shaped fangs of these mammoth beasts, you can also feel the terrible and powerful beast xìng instinct! In the previous collision between the Blackthorns and the Mother Earth of Eva, a considerable number of jīng English creatures were spawned under the fierce war and brutal elimination! The black spiny brainworm is also very interesting. After hearing Fang Senyan's request, he directly sent all the jīng heroes and all the troops for him to choose.

Fang Senyan is also welcome this time, because the mammoth giant's huge body cannot be buried in the soil like the raptor, so in order to avoid being discovered in advance, it can only be hidden in the woods in the distance, so it is night than the raptor It took tens of seconds to reach the battlefield.

In this difficulty, the four-headed majestic majestic encircled Hammerhead Thunderknight Otter from the front, back, left, and right, and surrounded the ground with his hoofed claws, protected by thick chitin armor. In the nostril, a white gas was sprayed out, but it was not attracted, and only waited for the opponent's flaw.

Seeing this look, Hammerhead Thunderknight Knight Ote suddenly felt an ominous hunch in his heart. He is one of the best hunters in the entire Mosak tribe. He has killed countless beasts, and even his leader in this hammerhead thunder beast is tamed by his own hands. Therefore, most of the beasts I used to face were howling and howling madly, and rushed forward to fight madly.

When meeting such an enemy, Otter is not afraid. He is most afraid of it, but the kind of beast that stays silently to observe you! Such beasts often have extremely high wisdom, and the beast of death is the leader among such powerful and intelligent creatures.

At this time, Oute encountered this powerful intelligent creature again! And he is completely unfamiliar with this creature and has no knowledge of it.

In the face of these crazy heads with calmness and sensational beasts, Otter directly felt extreme danger in the mind, not to mention that the weird and powerful creature in front of him was a whole four heads! If he had a choice, he must have fled immediately. But this heavy armored horse group must also shoulder at least the mission of supplying at least one-third of the food in the clan. Once they give up, what will the clan think of themselves? What would Chirok Russian think of himself? What do the relatives of the people who have been abandoned think of themselves?

The screams of screaming and the dull whistling of heavy armored horses continued to come. Once Otter's strongest combat power was restrained, it almost came out to graze the combat power of the Tribe of the Devil Sac. Ninety percent!

At this instant, Otter made up his mind, screamed, and threw a beast bone boomerang at the fierce enemies on the left and right. At the same time, His Majesty's Hammerhead Ray hissed dullly from the ng cavity, buried the thick corners of the concave shape, and aimed at the giant beast in front of him and madly pushed up. The two beasts are about the same size, but obviously the hammerhead thunder beast is superior in brute force, and the head suddenly picks up ~ ~ Peng ", and the mammoth beast in front gives the live beating. Out.

Similarly, the beast bone boomerang thrown by Otter was very lethal, and it was stuck deep into the heads of two jīng heroic beasts, and the chitin bone armor which was half a meter thick was just like a jī egg. The shell is generally fragile. And the part where the boomerang is embedded is even more like a jelly-like substance, which looks like the brain has been beaten alive! Even two mammoth beasts like heavy tanks were repulsed by five or six steps!

Upon seeing this scene, Otter immediately widened his mind. In his hunting experience, once the beast's head suffered such a severe injury, it can almost be determined that it must die!

But at this time suddenly he felt that the wind behind his head was urgent, and the jīng British Mammoth Beast behind him was already violently fierce, and the ring-shaped jagged fangs opened and closed wildly! Relentlessly hit the **** of Hammerhead Thunder Beast. The thick and tough leather of the hammerhead thunder beast is cut just as if the hot red knife touched the butter!

Make a correction note: the grade of the title of covering the sky with only one hand is silver, and platinum is a typo.

Hey, it was mainly my dream of being a platinum writer ...

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