The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 97:

Chapter 97

The weak armor was easily cut by the serrated fangs of the mammoth beast, and then deeply submerged in the enemy! The ring-shaped serrated fangs evolved specifically for the war have torn freely the muscles and tissue fibers of the bright red muscles, and the blood vessels and nerves are "picked" and "scraped" in a lively manner, and the blood is suddenly cut off. It is splashing like a fountain!

A large strip of red ròu was also cut!

When I saw Fang Senyan in the distance, I just felt that when this mammoth beast rushed up, the jagged teeth were first scratched, and then raised their heads, just like a skilled construction worker shoveling sand with a shovel and using his feet One step and then throw a full shovel of sand and sand into the blender! The difference is that the workers throw sand and the mammoth throws out a large swath of blood!

The hammer-headed thunder beast uttered a terrible roar, stood up regardless of the master's controller, turned 180 degrees in the air, and used its huge horns to knock the attacker aside. It was just a one-meter-long deep wound on the surface behind its butt, and it formed a noticeable pit! The blood rushed out like crazy.

At this time, what made Auter's pupils shrink was that the two monsters whose heads were severely damaged by the beast bone boomerang actually shook their heads at this time, and trampled on the ground madly again! What Otter didn't know was that the guy who seemed to be a mammoth that was dedicated to absorbing enemy attack damage in front of him was usually four hearts and three brains! No matter how strong the flying axe is, how can it be easily defeated?

The scream of the hammer-headed thunder beast resounded again, and its two-hoof trampled on the exoskeleton carapace of a mammoth beast that came over, snapping it like a cockroach, making its back The sags of Jiadu went down forty or fifty centimeters, and even a terrible crack appeared. The body fluid of rǔbaisè also sprayed out, and the light of life in the mammoth's small eyes also dimmed.

But this legendary creature is also uncomfortable. The ring-shaped serrations of the mammoth beast have been cut high on both sides of its body, shoveling a large swath of blood! Even the white beasts of the Hammerhead Thunderbone showed clear scars, and the peristaltic condition of the internal organs could be clearly seen through a tough film.

Haute felt the trembling of his old friend, not because of fear, but because of extreme pain and anger! He closed his eyes. For this powerful Mozak, if he abandoned everything and got into the jungle, he could still escape. But Haute has never considered this, because what is flowing in his blood is madness and bravery. In addition to revenge for his partner, Haute does not want to appear in what else to do!

He took out a water sac from his waist, sipped a few sips of water, and a devastating scent emanated from his body, waiting for Otter to tie the water sac back to his waist. After reaching out, there was a crystal clear "stone" in his palm.

This "stone" Fang Senyan looks extremely familiar, but it is a naturally occurring high purity (over 99.9) Pandora crystal! Although this kind of thing is rare, just like a natural high-purity gold nugget, it can never be said that it is not, especially for the native race such as the Namei people, it is less difficult to obtain.

When Fang Senyan saw this Otto devoutly held this Pandora high-purity crystal in his palm, an ominous premonition emerged in his heart:

"Does this guy also know how to extract energy from crystals?"

In the next second, with the cluster of crystals held by Oute as the core, there was a sudden flash of white light!

This light first faintly fluoresced, and then slowly flooded, and then exploded with an astonishing degree. It even sprayed shè to form a sky-wide power grid, covering it all around, if the net sifted on all sides. Over! !!

The power grid traverses the ground at an extremely high degree, and the nearby land is usually sieved once through a sieve. Whenever he touched the savage beast, the explosion was a word of blood, and the mammoth beast trampled by the hammer-headed thunder beast to the severely wounded was bounced off after being charged, but hit again On the rear power grid, a fierce explosion broke out from the inside, and turned into five or six huge pieces of blood, which were sprayed with thick liquid juice, and died completely!

Not only that, the huge bright yellow power grid with a thick arm was crushed over the branches of forest trees, and the ground hua fields, branches and leaves and hua trees were all pinched by an invisible large hand and scattered around. One after another drifted up into the sky, and it rained down like rain. It seemed that within a few dozen meters of the circle, there was a desolate and large rain of broken leaves.

After using the energy in Pandora's high-purity crystals, the damage to Otter's own body is also extremely great. Even the hammerhead thunder beast appears to be even more debilitating, because it must also share the damage for Otter.

But when Otter was breathing hard, the scene he least wanted to see was born. The two jīng mammoth beasts in front of him were obviously scaly all over, and it seemed that the chitin crust on the surface of the body was broken and fight The ceramic that seemed to rise seemed to be overflowing with gray and white slime, but he still limped up, holding him back and forth.

With a very cold and calm look! !!

In the distance, nearly a hundred heavy armored horses have successfully escaped, but more than 300 swift beasts were suddenly drilled from the ground, and they were blocked by their damage!

More and more fierce beasts that have solved the battle have begun to sparsely gather to the periphery, intentionally or unintentionally blocking all the routes that Oute escaped alive!

Ten minutes later, this hua field belonging to the Mosak tribe was already a mess, and the blood ròu was blurred, but it was filled with a lot of screams that were very scary at first sight. Fang Senyan killed all the heavy armored horses, and of course he would not let Otter and his hammered thunder beast, but he would kill the remaining members of the Mosak tribe seriously wounded and disabled and let it go.

But this is not his kind heart, but because Fang Senyan wants to increase the burden of the Mosak tribe! A wounded person consumes twice as much food, manpower and jīng force as normal! If the Chilkok Russian chief saves, then he must bear a heavy package, but if he does not save, it will inevitably be separated, and the tribal analysis will collapse in an instant!

At this time, Fang Senyan turned his head and looked at the person detained in the prison car, which was exactly the contractor. This guy still looked like Fang Senyan, who owed him millions of dollars.

His hands and feet were bound by a strange black vine, which seemed to be soaked with some vicious sap, so that the skin was immersed in a deep black sè. Presumably this is also the unique mén skill of the Mozak tribe, which can directly restrain the ability of a contractor.

Fang Senyan had a rare ghost trick with him, and knew that most of this guy could return to the nightmare space in an instant, but he would abandon all the harvested props in this world, so he also eliminated such bad things as killing the keys Thought, turned away and walked away.

If there are no accidents, then in about an hour, the Mozak tribe who feels wrong will come here fully armed. What they will do with this guy will be nothing to do with Fang Senyan ...

At Fang Senyan, they walked out nearly 50 meters, the contractor finally couldn't help but shouted:

"You idiots, don't your pupils tell you that there is another person in need here? How can you ignore me?"

The black buddies took a sip of the cigar and turned to raise their voices and shouted:

"Have it?"

The contractor angered:

"Do you guys know how much you would gain if I were released from this **** wooden cage? Let me give you the simplest example! Like the hammerhead Thunderlord Knight Otter, there will be a lot Chance to get the keys he dropped! "

Fang Senyan shrugged:

"Sir ~ ~ Please forgive me directly, but if I remember correctly, you have killed a legendary zebra immorally in the previous beast cháo and stole our kill Reputation! So I don't think there will be any benefit from working with you. "

"You are such a careful person! Stand still!" The contractor was very annoyed: "Okay, okay, I don't say much, you can directly bid for it, what are the conditions to save me?"

Fang Senyan smiled on 1ù, turned around, and walked back to his face again:

"Mr. Sniper or Mr. Stalker? I'm sorry I can only call you like this. I guess you stay here for a very important reason, so you have abandoned the generous rewards and chose to stay in this world, So this is of course a very important thing for you. Is it a golden branch task? "

The powerful sniper grunted coldly:

"Although the rewards of the gold side missions are very considerable, the most valuable one is already useless to me. So I can't afford to spend a lot of effort to do this. Of course, my true purpose cannot say to you ..." a.

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