The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 98: Reasoning rewards!

Chapter 98. Reasoning Reward!

In the face of the chatter of this breeder hunter, Fang Senyan's eyes suddenly flashed a sharp light:

"Golden branch mission ... The most valuable one is no longer useful to you? That is to say, this reward has been useful to you before, but it is not useful now? The reward of the mission is probably the few that I inferred. Therefore, we can eliminate the common points that will never be too few. The basis is xìng points, meritorious points, and potential points. "

"Even if you are a hunter, the equipment or weapons rewarded by the gold side missions will not be displayed to the point of uselessness! Even if you get better weapons or equipment, you can sell them, so the reward is Weapons and equipment can also be dropped from it. The remaining most likely answers, although they sound incredible, are the most reasonable. "

"Is the gold branch mission the most valuable one ... ... that was useful to you before, but now it is useless to allow the contractor to ignore the mén threshold and the difficult test that cross the extreme value, so that it can become a hunter directly. Props? "

As soon as Fang Senyan said this, both Mogansha and Reef took a deep breath at the same time, it was a strange feeling that the blood was boiling or even burning!

It is not necessary to say how difficult it is to break through the extremes and become a hunter. You can give very clear feedback from the experience of the reef. If there are magical props that can cross this barrier once, it will naturally make everyone crazy!

The breeder hunter was also moved, looking at Fang Senyan with a surprised look, as if to recognize him again. Fang Senyan is innocent:

"Okay, forget what I said before, let's get back to the topic, someone who can become a master sniper, patience and planning and then move is the choice, so you should have the kind mentioned, can return to the nightmare space immediately , But it is to abandon all the harvested props in this world. In this way, you will retain your life even if you miss, then let's first assume how much loss you would have if you were forced to return to the space ... "

"First, it is a piece of dark gold jewelry. This thing should be easy for you. We know the value of it. Second, you will lose this vital task that is currently underway. The loss of the failed task is not estimated either. What you want to accept, in the end, in terms of your ability, there is still at least 75 possibilities to buy that item: the unreformed amniotic fluid tank (n), as for the basis of passing the world, it is a xìng reward point, and the merit is worth us Do n’t say it anymore ... did I say anything wrong? ”

The face of the breeder hunter sniper sank suddenly, he had already guessed what Fang Senyan said, so his eyes became yīn. Fang Senyan immediately turned around and left:

"I have a bad temper, and I don't like people to show me my face. Saving people will create many extraneous variables. Forget it, let's go."

The breeder hunter closed his eyes in pain and clenched his fists. This kind of cruelty is definitely uncomfortable! If it is in accordance with his xìng grid, if possible, he has already turned around and left, but ..... But if this task fails, the pain is definitely not what he can bear! So the breeder hunter immediately spoke, using a gritted tone of voice:

"......... Okay! You won! I admit that you have strong reasoning and analysis skills. What do you want to pay for?"

Fang Senyan turned around and narrowed his eyes. After the hunter had made a psychological preparation for being slaughtered, he said lightly:

& n) It is quite reasonable to pay us to save you. "

As soon as Fang Senyan said this, the hunter also stayed awake, and his original psychological expectation was to be knocked down by the dang family. Therefore, Fang Senyan's request at this time also intangible contrast in his mind, giving him a very reasonable feeling. So he immediately agreed to this matter, and very simply signed a space notarization contract with Fang Senyan to save people, he sent out props.

Although Fang Senyan seems to be losing money on this matter, in fact, it is not necessary at a deep level. Fang Senyan had only two choices at this time: save and not save.

If you don't save people, there will be no good for the other three. The powerful sniper slayer hunter will inevitably have an unforgettable hatred against them and be included in the list of kills. This option is the worst and it is harmful. Anti-destructive.

Therefore, saving people can actually maximize the benefits.

Then there are two alternatives for saving people. The first is to ask for a reasonable payment, and the second is to speak big.

A reasonable claim for remuneration can reduce the hostility of the other party as much as possible, and strengthen the possibility of cooperation between the two sides (from the movement of the hunter, his target is also the Mozak tribe). There is no love in the world for no reason. There will be no hate for no reason.

The three Fang Senyan showed enough strength, and then rescued the breeder from this desperate cage, and then asked for the unreformed amniotic fluid tank (n). The reward was even lower than that of the breeder. Psychologically expected, so he can easily accept this kind of thing. This is just as reasonable as going to the streets to pay for food. Few people will be grieved because they eat and pay the other person unless they are slaughtered.

The lion's big opening seems to be able to reap great benefits at once, but the other party will inevitably have a strong psychological revenge after being free. It may not only hinder the completion of the golden branch task, but also reduce the probability of completing the golden branch task. In the future, the world will meet and lay great hidden dangers!

That's why it is said that reasonable rescue can actually maximize the benefits. Of course, there is no need to say more. After the completion is easy, Fang Senyan feels that the unreformed amniotic fluid tank (n) can actually be put into effect in the team's public space. In this case, after any official member of the team dies, the unmodified amniotic fluid tank (n) will automatically start the clone resurrection function. Therefore, Fang Senyan did not use it for exclusive enjoyment, but to protect the lives of all people.

But after they walked a few hundred meters, the stalk hunter chased after him again. He hesitated for a while, or the other side Mori reached out his hand:

"Sailor, thank you for saving me from that **** cage, I'm md."

Fang Senyan knew that this must be a fake name, but the name was just a code name. What was important was the meaning behind this matter. So Fang Senyan also reached out and smiled:

Mr. & d, so for a fair trade, both parties are enjoying their due rights and obligations, and this thank you is not needed. "

& d looked at the fierce beasts that followed Fang Senyan, and tried xìng to inquire:

"These are your summoners?"

Fang Senyan smiled bitterly:

"I also hope that they are, so I can now happily take out the key that Otter dropped netbsp; & d strangely:

"Then why are they so obedient?"

Hey guys laughed:

"This is a good question, brother, but we cannot give you the answer. If you can find it yourself, then we won't mind."

& d shrugged his shoulders and said very seriously:

"I know it's a bit embarrassing to say that, but your mission objective should also be the Mosak tribe? So is mine, so why don't we cooperate? My mission must not conflict with you because I want to Resurrect my lover. I used jīng's praise and turned into a seed lover! "

The five words of jīng Ling's hymn made Fang Senyan very familiar. He immediately thought of Vant and his lover. By the way, the word resurrection made him think of the metal teacher who didn't know whether he was resurrected. He couldn't help asking:

"The mission of Resurrection is so difficult? So much to come to the battlefield?"

& d seriously said:

"If she is perfectly revived, the difficulty of the task is indeed so abnormal. If she is just resurrected to the state when she first entered the space, then this continuous task will only be half done."

Fang Senyan thought about it:

"So what have you done now?"

& d said:

"The resurrection task now is the last step! I can't stand the days without her ~ ~ Even seeing her one second later is a great torment! I have no extra rewards to pay you, because I'm going to prepare the equipment and points for her to survive in the space, but I can promise not to participate in the distribution of loot in the next battle. How about you? "

Fang Senyan, the horror of & d's attack power, is already obvious to all. If he can help him, then he can really arrange some difficult battles that could not be done before. In addition, the experience of the powerful sniper md may also help them a lot. What he said is indeed difficult to refuse.

Thinking of this, Fang Senyan lost his eyes to the black buddies, Mo Gansha immediately jumped out and protested loudly:

"Oh! Boss, I object. Now that we are all quite sure we can complete our task, why should we take extra steps?"

Thank you for your support last week. At one time, we rushed to the top of the weekly push. This week, we continue to add changes, and see you at 12pm! a.

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