The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 108: Crazy tail strangling!

Just because something was tangled in his heart, Fang Senyan deliberately avoided the camp where everyone lived, and walked around, thinking hard to see if there was any space to drill. At present, the headache that caused him the most was that he didn't realize the weakness of the chief of Kiryok Russia. This was the most difficult thing to do. After all, the ultimate goal of the mission was to kill him. And the most important thing is knowing yourself and fighting one after another. Too little understanding of the internal situation of the Mosak tribe at this time is also one of the reasons that makes Fang Senyan difficult to make a decision.

Suddenly, Fang Lin felt only a burning sensation from his spine for a moment, as if there was a large hot red iron moving quickly and incomparably up a centimeter above the skin. Spread all over the body! Even though at this time he could be called battle-hardened, but couldn't help the sweat on his forehead. What kind of attack is this, it can cover everyone! !!

He suddenly turned back, and saw that the dense forest in the dark actually felt like "surviving"! The big trees began to fall and crooked, and the vines involved in the trees danced wildly. In the next second, Fang Senyan suddenly felt that the shadows were scurrying in front of him. Then he found that among the vines among the trees, there were several indescribable thick snake-like dark shadows. It was only in an instant, among which A thick, long shadow like a tentacle, pointed at Fang Senyan with a scream of tearing air.

As soon as Fang Senyan saw the speed of this black shadow beating, he knew that he could not avoid it. At this time, he was also relying on his life value to defend the double heights. He clenched his teeth and blocked his hands in front of him! It would be too far-fetched to go directly to the dying if this draw, so he didn't plan to carry it dead, it is better to flee himself with a tail to escape. As long as you give yourself a buffer time of ten seconds, you can definitely call for reinforcements.

However, when this long black shadow came into contact with Fang Senyan's body, suddenly his dexterity continued to hover in the air, and at this moment, Fang Senyan was entangled alive! After the dark shadow settled down, I discovered that its surface has a layer of rough skin, which exudes a harsh smell from the gap of the skin, but you can feel the muscles beneath the skin, but there is a surging volcano. Crazy power!

"You have been attacked by an unknown creature."

"The creature's ability: Wild Tail Strangulation will constrain your ability to move, and will continue to lose your health!"

"Please get rid of this condition as soon as possible, otherwise when the health value drops to a certain level, there will be fractures, suffocation, and continuous bleeding."

With the rapid contraction of that "crazy tail", huge power came from within. When Fang Senyan worked hard to earn it, he couldn't help himself! His face quickly turned red, only to feel that the joints all over his body were creaking and groaning.

In the first few seconds of being rolled, Fang Senyan felt that although he was trapped, he could still hold up that tangling force. But he didn't know the hidden killer, hidden danger!

After being entangled in his waist and abdomen by this mad tail, although the shrinkage is not great, it is persistent and there is no slackness. Fang Senyan is a contractor who is not fake, but he is still human after all, he can't help but let out his breath! When a person inhales, the lungs expand and the chest is bulged. Once the lungs contract, the chest is recessed for a minute, and the wild tail wrapped around the surface of the body immediately tightens like a siege Minute!

But between two or three breaths, the horrible tail contracted two or three times. Fang Senyan immediately felt that his breath was blocked and blocked, and the tail was indented by the human breath. No doubt, if it continues like this, Fang Senyan's ending can be expected:

Obviously, breathing will become more difficult and obscure, and eventually the lungs will be completely wrapped and collapsed, and no breath can be breathed out. At this point the pain was secondary, and the unspeakable choking sensation ruled the whole body until death!

At this moment, Fang Senyan's mind immediately flashed a thought of the sparkle of fire: To live longer under this horrible giant tail, then it is not how long the life value is determined! It's about strength! The power to fight this tail!

For a moment, Fang Senyan's neck flashed a dazzling light, and then a bottle of power was used to formulate a potion in the storage space of the Nightmare Mark! The peak strength of 49 points immediately stabilized the situation. Just in such a blink of an eye, a stepping man who grew up in the jungle has noticed that the strangeness has rushed over. Fang Senyan was about to open his mouth to remind him, but his breath was choked back by the pressure between his chest and abdomen.

The cyclist did not take a few steps just now, and a horrible long tail rolled across the ground, rolling him up alive, kicking his feet out of the ground, the strength was always satisfied The bitter hands of the Americans, in his slender body, there was an explosion like a fried chestnut in an instant! It was an overwhelming moan that he could not stand the pressure from outside, one by one, on his bones!

However, the desire to survive was still supporting the Naomi to breathe by himself, but the broken ribs had penetrated into the lungs, and a stream of blood blocked his nostrils. He tried to keep his eyes open, but his eyes were closed. Has burst, all I see is a rippling blood red!

The words for help were blocked in his heart, and the Naomi began to twitch before he died, and his face became swollen with fluid accumulation. And the mad tail continued to tighten cruelly, squeezing his throat with visceral fragments mixed with dark red pieces, and the blood rustled on the ground.

At this time, Fang Senyan saw a bright green light shining in the dark jungle. He held his breath and looked carefully at the opposite side, and suddenly realized that it was the mad tail that had passed back slightly. Heading up, he looked at his prey coldly with one eye. And his eyes were cruising on Fang Senyan's body, and the feeling was very uncomfortable, as if the cold and wet fingers of the dead man touched his body.

At this time, Fang Senyan noticed that, in addition to the particularly long tail, the scales of the tail of the wild tail were arranged in two rows of dwarf cymbals. Overall, it was similar to a lizard and a crocodile. Strong and overbearing. However, when walking through the dense forest, it was as secretive and flexible as a lizard. Shuttle in the dark was like a fish in the water, quietly making no sound.

Fortunately, the mouth of the wild tail looks a bit flat, just like an ordinary lizard, from time to time, a half-meter-long split red letter is spit out from the gap in the kiss, the tongue is scarlet, and the With an unpleasant and unpleasant smell, from time to time, thick saliva fell from the gap between the teeth and fell to the ground. Judging from the appearance, the tearing force at the mouth is not strong. Otherwise, if it is like a crocodile, roll up Fang Senyan and put it on the edge of the mouth, and it is all right to take a sip.

In fact, when the wild tail wants to use its tail to strangle its prey, it must also use its strength to do all the other moves. And after killing their prey, they will not eat directly, but will start eating when the carcass rots to a certain degree, and the meat and bones begin to separate, which is probably similar to the carnivorous animals such as hyenas.

After discovering this, Fang Senyan's mind was also settled. Although he can't make a sound, he can inform Mogansha Reef through a spiritual connection, and even the savage beasts near the Zerg can urgently help. At most, I only need to support it for dozens of seconds.

But he suddenly felt that the wild tail's eyes were not right. It was not like the feeling of greed and hunger when capturing the prey, but full of poisonous hatred! Among those feelings, there is a kind of meaning in you!

These crazy tail beasts could actually lurk here and attack themselves, which was a very strange thing. When thinking about this, Fang Senyan's mind suddenly came up with an incredible idea:

"Did this guy be Chillok?"

But at this moment, a dull gunshot sounded suddenly! The sound was filtered by the muffler and it was not very crisp. But it is invisibly reminded of the sound of striking the head with a thick cloth hammer ~ ~ A trembling chill covered the entire battlefield in an instant! Just in the next second, the clear green ferocious eyes looking at Fang Senyan went out.

A powerful bullet shot into this eye in an instant, and then opened half of the head of this wild tail beast! Blood water bone brain brain sprayed out crazy!

The power of this bullet was completely beyond anyone's imagination. The wild tail was even pumped out five or six meters alive, rolled a few laps on the ground, and frantically struggled. Under the continuous slamming before its mad tail was dying, the trees were constantly collapsing, and the momentum was amazing!

Fang Senyan already broke through the **** of the mad tail instantly by the moment when this beast was severely hit, and volleyed in a tumbling escape to escape, hiding behind a big tree smoothly.

The other two monster tails have begun to squirm and crawl around, their pupils are glancing around in anger, but the places where their eyes touch are dark and grassy, ​​but they have not found any clues to the attackers, only the same kind Screams screamed in the air filled with smoke and blood.

The guy who shot this amazing shot is, of course, the powerful hunter dh! He has forbeared so far, and finally the hero has a place to use it!

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