The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 109: communicate with

Chapter 109

However, just when the two mad beasts have lost their targets, Fang Senyan jumped out from behind the covered tree, pretending to be a panic 1uàn and fled!

The remaining two wild-tailed beasts immediately discarded the seriously injured ones, and they did not hesitate to chase after the title! When they are moving, they have a kind of feeling that the snakes are swimming in the water. They are twisting all over their bodies, but they are silent and threatening and swift. So powerful beasts are walking through the dense forest. There was no sound at all.

But after they chased less than fifty meters, they stopped.

Because there were dense and rustling sounds coming from everywhere, the sound was dense and subtle, if the net ate the leaves, it was an endless and voluminous fusion, coming straight from all directions. Soon, a little bit of red light appeared in the darkness, juxtaposed side by side, and at a glance, there was a kind of calm and brutality like an army!

At this time, Fang Senyan running ahead stopped and turned his head to look coldly at the two powerful beasts. It's just that these two tail monsters can no longer pursue him.

Because they were directly surrounded by an amazing number of savage beasts. They were so densely packed that they could not even see the sound of the wind.

For these mighty beasts, a single swift beast only deserves to exist at the lower end of the food chain. However, when this kind of fierce and fearless death has formed a sufficient number of cruel creatures, then it will be a horrible nightmare for any creature!

Fang Senyan raised his chin slightly, and all the swift beasts swooped up at the same time!

Five minutes later, a wild tail beast turned into a pile of white bones, and the other was still screaming with fierce blows from dozens of fast beasts. At this time, the wounded old Murbo was also in a hurry. Hurried over. When he saw the mad beast that was being attacked by swift beasts and lingered, he stared earnestly for a while, and suddenly a horror, surprise, pain, and unexpected **** appeared on his face, and suddenly asked in Namei :

"Im da da?"

After the old Mulbo shouted the cry, the severely wounded monster stayed still, letting the fast beast tore his body. Fang Senyan's eyes lighted up, and he immediately ordered the siege of the swift beast to stop. Anyway, this guy is already on the chopping board and must not be able to fly out of his palm.

He always felt that he was attacked by monsters, which was a lot of cats. Normally, creatures smelling Zerg would stay away, because the crazy and violent information contained in it was not acceptable to them. But why did these three monsters dare to attack themselves suddenly? There is a strong taste of yīn in it! If you can understand the truth, at least you will not repeat the same mistakes.

After seeing the acquaintance, the old Mulbo moved, but the thick black heart of the old guy was a little unambiguous, and he would never use his own life to make a joke. This man and his beast lingered each other for a long time. Seeing that he was getting farther and farther from the wild tail beast, it seemed to shrink a few centimeters every time a word was spoken, and it seemed scary. It was enough to be counterattacked by others ... Fortunately, the vitality of the crazy tail beast seemed extremely tenacious. Although the blood flow was all over the ground, there was no sign to breathe.

Finally, this person was first-class for a long time, and Fang Senyan almost waited for his patience. But when he saw the old Mulbo finally stood up, he took a deep breath, and used a kind of lingering demeanor, Ling Ran:

"you go look!"

When he spit out 1ù, "Go and see", his finger also pointed at a solitary clan beside him ...

The people beside him were speechless. Even the gold mine did not know when it jumped out, shook his head and screamed and spit out the words "shameless".

It is said that among the Naomi people, it seems that there is no upper beam and lower beam crookedness, but the designated Tadak tribe is very brave and willing, and when the old Murbo ordered it, he was less than a second and immediately ordered Nodded. First, I hugged a companion next to me, kissed each other, and pulled out the bone blade from the leather sheath in front of the ng, and stepped on the eight-character alert, and the wild tail was motionless. Keep the look of dying.

The Tadak tribe turned back and looked at the old Murbo with a suspicion. The Old Murbo immediately stretched out his hand and pulled it behind his head. Fang Senyan didn't quite understand what the action meant, but soon knew he had forgotten one thing. That is, most of the creatures on the planet Pandora have a "ha slot", that is, their nerve bundles. Then as long as you are against each other, you can directly carry out the mind flow ...

((???? No way, just thinking of this word is the most appropriate Ah ..... If the comrades who can't understand suggest to look at the original movie, hey)

Fang Senyan watched the stepladder connect his "braid" with the tentacles on the head of the wild tail beast. In the end, the stepladder did not respond, but then slowly came out on his face. With the terrible **** sè, it seems that something very scary and irresistible is left in front of him, and he must be waved away again and again. But after a while, the expression on his face froze, and then closed his eyes.

When the cyclist opened his eyes again, he could see that the pupils in his eyes seemed to disappear, and the remaining depth was dark like a bottomless trap, and his voice became deep and depressed. :

"I haven't seen you for so many years, you are still timid and afraid of death, Mulbo."

Old Mulbo snorted:

"Im da da, if you are talking about this nonsense, then you can leave my tribe's body."

Im Da Da turned his head to Fang Senyan, and stared for a while before slowly saying:

"I didn't expect that a weak outsider like you could actually bring our Mosak tribe to such a point!"

Fang Senyan said lightly:

"The most powerful force comes from wisdom, not cavities, teeth, or muscles."

Im dropped his eyes, and it took a while for him to say:

"How can you stop the steps of destruction and killing?"

Fang Senyan said calmly:

"Blood has flowed enough, and most of your clan members I have caught haven't died, and they have joined the Cycling tribe. As soon as Cyrkeok died, I will leave."

Im smirked and said:

"This is impossible. Whether it is prestige or strength, Chil Oke Russia is definitely not something we can compete with!"

Fang Senyan Qidao:

"Who asked you to compete with him? Qierokeru's life is mine! Your two tutu are grown on your body, do you have to fight against him even if you run away?"

Yim Da Shen said:

"What do you mean ..... we leave without blocking you?"

Fang Senyan nodded:

"That's right! My people were eaten alive by the Mozak tribe. All these are the crimes committed by Kirokru. Now the blood of the Mozak tribe has been enough, and I don't want to. An innocent person dies, as long as it is not Kirokoroo who escapes, then I will not control it. After killing him, you will have no problem if you want to return to Windstone Heights. "

Im Da Da was somewhat skeptical:

"How can I trust you?"

Fang Senyan smiled, but there was a proud meaning in his words:

"First, I don't have to lie to you, even if you have them, I can still kill Chilok Russian. Second, if you really don't believe it, you can ask the old Mulbo if I have lied? Ta The riding tribe was blessed by Toruk's skull totem, and the double tuo of the old Mulbo's son recovered. Which of these two major events was not dominated by me? "

"What ?! You could have done these two great things?" After hearing these two words, Immuta had always acted very indifferently. He was also calm and couldn't help turning his head to look at Lao Mu. Erbo: "What he said is true? Do you dare to use the spirit of a dead wife?"

The old Mulbo glanced at Fang Senyan, his eyes were also very complicated:

"I swear before Eva, the **** of Namei, that this is indeed the case, otherwise the spirit of my wife will not be peaceful in the depths of the earth."

Im nodded, facing Fang Senyan Road:

"I wish you were a believer."

Fang Senyan suddenly said:

"What kind of price do you need to attach to the body of the rest or the beast like this?"

Im Da Da said very simply:

"Life ~ ~ Every time you change your body, five years of life!"

Then he sat down directly on the ground, leaning his head against the trunk, and hummed a song slightly, the tone brought a trace of sadness and peace in the strangeness, and his eyes closed as the voice faded away It looks very peaceful. After a while, the Naomi suddenly bounced off the ground, yelling:

"The spirit hn tree in the water, the spirit hn tree in the water."

The young man shouted, his body trembling violently, and white foam was leaking from the corners of his mouth. It took a while to restore his calmness. Apparently, the spirit hn of the brave young man had returned to his body. Fang Senyan looked at the wild tail beast at this time, apparently already dead.

The wild tail that this guy hit with a shot was originally just severely injured and should not die, but it has already stiffened in place and looks very weird. These savage beasts were reluctant to eat, and they found a host and sent them back the old blackthorn. .

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