The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 2: save? Pirate OR Sailor.

Chapter II Salvation? Pirate R sailor.

It turned out that when the black guys completed that task, they only got a b + rating, that is, the space defaulted to repair the broken spear for him. However, the specific repair time is not immediate, but it is yet to be determined! ............ It's exactly the same situation that Fang Senyan encountered when identifying the acid gland of the Hydralisk! In other words, it is equivalent to the black buddies losing the attack method of this powerful silver spear in this world!

The next person will first strengthen all the weapons that have not been strengthened by one or two levels. The failure rate of at least +1 is not high. The principle is to give up this equipment once it fails and not strengthen it. Fang Senyan's return to the style this time was very smooth. It probably matched the good things of the senior uncle. When he upgraded the equipment next to him, he unexpectedly made a black sè equipment: the brutal carapace armor was upgraded to + 4. The extra bonus ability drawn is actually a special rare genus xìng:

When you fight the plot character, cancel the built-in d of the slam beast injection ability, which can be triggered continuously, but when you fight any contractor, the built-in d is still 30 seconds.

: Another special rare genus xìng of this armor is also very good. After the special effect of the fierce beast prime injection, the attack power does not decrease. (But didn't get it ...)

After such a round of upgrades, the defense and attack power of the three people have increased by 8% to 10%, which is considered value for money. Next, I purchased some regular supplies such as bandages in the space market. Product.

With the end of the space battlefield, prices have once again fallen to the point where they are not so outrageous. However, the ace team's previous consumption was also extremely amazing, so after leaving enough preliminary universal points (required when the reef release ability), the three returned to a state of poor poverty.

When the countdown started, the three gathered together, waiting for the oval white light gate in the middle of the nightmare space to appear. This light gate swallowed the entrant like a beautified mouth. Who can guarantee the return of life in the next world? Fang Senyan watched people enter, and kept bō ripples on his surface. He couldn't help but have a feeling for the unknown, took a deep breath, and stepped in.

"Starting into the nightmare world ........."

"Start to match data ....."

"Start pairing ..."

"World Selection

"Begin to assimilate characters to this world ..."

"Starting to enter the world ..."

"The tunes of the rebellion have sounded."

"The captain of mí 惘 is about to pay the price of freedom."

"The mysterious curse haunts the sea breeze and the treasure."

"The ghost in the moonlight dances with a machete and howls in pain."

"Death and wealth coexist."

"Risk and benefit go hand in hand."

"Stop your greed, boy, this is my only advice to you!"

"Sail !!!!"

As consciousness gradually recovered, Fang Senyan opened his eyes.

The eyes were dark, almost no fingers were visible.

Fang Senyan immediately discovered that he was **** alive, and then he was rudely stuffed with a rag.

This is the first time he has enjoyed such treatment in the nightmare world.

The keen sense of smell gave clear feedback that fish had been installed near here recently, and it was installed more than once. The kind of faint smell that penetrated into the wood was familiar and hard to forget.

His body was shaking, not because Fang Senyan wanted to move, but because the wooden boards under him were shaking violently, so that the whole person almost rolled around on the floor.

Yes, this is the cabin of a ship, and Fang Senyan is being held inside. According to the extent of the ship's jolt, the wind and waves outside were quite small. Fortunately, the cables and complicated binding methods entangled in the contractor had no effect on the contractor. Under Fang Senyan's strange power, he broke it with a little effort.

In addition to Fang Senyan, there were seven or eight indenturers in this cabin, and they all started cursing and got up. But at this moment, with a loud noise, the whole ship suddenly slanted to the right.

This time the tilt angle should be at least 45 degrees, so all the contractors were totally unprepared by the sudden situation, and several people hit the bulkhead directly with "ahh!" If it is an ordinary person, then a big bag on the head is indispensable, and it is not unusual to be knocked out.

"I'm afraid there are at least seven levels of storms outside!" Fang Senyan immediately made this judgment with his rich experience: "And it seems that this ship is still being chased, and artillery battles with others behind!"

"What the **** is this ghost place?"

At this moment, when he saw a contractor roar, he raised his fist and banged heavily on the bulkhead. This fist roared and roared, and a squeaky sound came out of the bulkhead. And obvious cracks appeared.

Fang Senyan yelled badly. You must know that he spent almost more time on the boat than on land. At a glance, he saw that these people were below the waterline of the bilge! Once this stupid smashes the bulkhead, there is no doubt that this group of people must be turned into chickens!

According to Fang Senyan's experience, the taste of falling into the sea is not very good now. The ship's body shook violently again, and the contractor spit on the ground with a fierce light in his eyes, and raised his fist again with a loud roar.

"Stop it!" Fang Senyan couldn't help screaming. But the big man had a slight contempt in his eyes, "Who the **** dare to order me?" He raised his fist and bombarded the bulkhead again.

There was a loud click, and the ship's deck did not hesitate. Lù cracked like a spider's web, and then cracked very simply. The contemptuous **** in the eyes of the big man had not completely disappeared, but was directly crooked by the seawater sprayed in crazy, and lost his center of gravity and slipped to the ground.

Immediately after that, a chain reaction appeared. Under the impact of huge water pressure, the entire hull began to crack along the hole, and then quickly cracked. Fang Senyan immediately called the black buddies and the reefs. In this case, the hole would never be blocked. Fang Senyan hit his elbow against the side of the bulkhead with a strong elbow, and made a loud noise. The entire bulkhead completely collapsed, and the seawater poured in insanely, and the bottom tank was filled immediately.

The reef just felt like he was falling quickly, and then the cold feeling soaked his whole body, and then a wave hit him, pressing him deep into the water! Fortunately, Fang Senyan grabbed his vest, and the two of them swam to the sea.

This is so, I was caught off guard, and the reef took a few sips of muddy water, only to feel that there was a slight fishy smell in his mouth. He turned his head and looked around, but found that it was surrounded by an unusually dense fog. Although he was in the vast sea, he felt that he was close to the horizon. The dark water was smelling blood and smoke. Experienced a terrible war!

On the sea are broken railings, floats, wooden barrels, stools, and overturned umbrellas. Fang Senyan even saw a vanity mirror facing upwards, and an ancient Chinese rosewood screen that was broken in half. , Smoking pipes, boots and more. And if these two pieces of Chinese goods are brought to the London Exchange, they can even give high prices close to 20,000 pounds.

At this point in the distant sea, the sound of artillery can be heard faintly, and there are occasionally fires tearing the dense fog. It can be seen vaguely that two fleets are docking together and fighting each other, apparently they have entered. At the most tragic and critical stage of docking, try to look at the sky as much as possible. You can even see from the dense gap of flowing fog that there is a faint red light that fills the half of the sky.

Distributed around Fang Senyan, the surface of the sea near them is roughly wooden barrels, ruins, wrecks, and some dhow small sailing boats that are about ten meters long. Most of these unarmed boats exist as lifeboats ~ ~ However, most of them were tattered, and some of them were still on fire. Obviously, this place also existed as a battlefield not long ago. At this time, the black buddies also floated up from the water, panting a lot.

After Fang Senyan took two teammates to swim for dozens of meters, he picked up a slow-burning boat, which was full of crisscross bodies. These corpses contained British sailors in red and white stripes, as well as costumes. Alas, full of xìng ferocious pirates. Many corpses were rolled over and entangled together, and all died together, apparently in the fierce and deadly battle of the battle.

After the three quickly extinguished the fire, they found that there were quite a few pirates and sailors struggling in the surrounding seawater, and even if they were in the water, they would continue to fight.

However, although the sailor's organizational discipline and even equipment seem to be much better, the pirates' fighting courage appears higher, because they know that they will be hanged alive after being caught. In this case, it is better to fish before death. Individuals go to **** together!

At this time, both Mogansha and Reef received the hint given by the Nightmare Mark:

"Please save at least ten sailors or pirates to choose your current camp." @.

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