The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 3: set sail!

Chapter Three Set sail! (Recommended ticket plus more)

Uh, why did Fang Sen Yanmu have this hint from both of them? Well, for someone who has achieved prestige among the pirates (3113/6000) and has become the second mate of the Dutchman who flew the three legendary pirate ships, he has actually chosen it. Faction, and the pirate label has been deeply imprinted in the depths of the spirit hún.

Fang Senyan had already changed to a hidden title at this time: Pirate leader. Because this hidden title has a power of +2 and a strength of +2, he has to remove the equipment to avoid breaking the extreme value, but the genus of "all allies within 30 meters around you has 10% increased attack power" xìng can add bonuses to the reefs and black buddies, so the price of xìng is quite high.

At this time with the help of Fang Senyan, he and Jiao Shi went to help salvage and save people, but the black brothers were doing a very thick thing, of course it was killing! Relying on his range advantage, he killed the falling British sailors one by one on the ship, just as easily as hitting a live target.

Such black dudes will not only gain a very rich reputation (of course, Fang Senyan and reefs will also share), but they can shamelessly delay the time of choosing the contractor of the British navy camp! Letting others fail to catch up at the beginning is undoubtedly a very pleasing thing, but it will also lead to anger.

So soon the screams from the contractor came out, but the black guys remained indifferent and continued to focus on the British sailors in the sea. At this time, the rest of the people had already learned everything, and even carried it forward. They did not attack the sailors and directly attacked the black buddies to kill the guy who broke the rules.

However, at this time, the reef held his hand, and a transparent armor of faith was blessed on Mogansha. Although the enemy's attack splashed the Martian armor of faith, all the damage was absorbed by this abnormal ability.

At this time, Fang Senyan's three-person team can be considered to be quite high-end in this world based on their personal strength, not to mention the extra bonus of the silver team? Therefore, the attacks of the other long-range attack contractors were not a big threat to Mogansha. The black buddies lived against the opponent's long-range firepower, and the British sailors in the range were emptied one by one, and even returned. I hit myself with a cigar and started to fight back!

As gold spit out the hot tongue of fire, you could hear the screams in the dark, but unfortunately because the contractor could not be spiked, all those who were beaten to death were rescued. gone back. However, even if the opponent shoots off the water, it is difficult to pick up the key, so it is not too regrettable.

At this time, for these remote contractors, Mo Gansha had already felt like he had just met Eros in the last world, showing a sense of absolute suppression. In addition to Mogansha's beast instinct, this talent that is extremely suitable for chaos, is actually showing the momentum of suppressing multiple people with one person's power!

At this time, horrifying screams were heard from the opposite side:

"The enemy is close!"

"What are you doing in melee?"

"I swear with my necklace, there must be no enemies swimming in the water!"

"Oh my god, what creature is this, **** it, its attack will even slow me down!"

"Is the summoner?"

"Get rid of it!"


Obviously, when the black guys attacked the enemy, the successful jī survived the special promotion that had just been promoted to become a silver sè plot: the special effect of the Viper and Wolf Beard, summoned that ferocious alien creature to launch a raid on the enemy crazy.

Those guys caught off guard, of course, suffered a big loss, but also learned from the viper wolf that summoned kicked on the iron plate. Fortunately, the sea area on the battlefield is also very wide. Fang Senyan only occupied the sea with the most survivors floating around. The contractor around them could only recognize the current affairs agent as Junjie, and obediently went to complete their tasks in the distance. The sea surrendered.

At this time, Fang Senyan had rescued more than thirty pirates. After these ugly and ugly pirates were rescued, they still looked quite uncomfortable. They even fought with each other on the ship, but they were sharpened by Fang Senyan. Immediately after glanced, I felt a suffocating feeling of depression, and immediately became honest. Fang Senyan gave orders casually, these guys immediately executed in a blunt and clean manner.

In this situation, Mogansha and the reef turned a blind eye and felt quite normal. However, the rest of the contractors who also chose the pirate camp were stunned, because the pirates they rescued were all fierce and fierce. They lay flat on the deck, and they would yell if they were not comfortable .... Taming pirates' eyes full of scorn and contempt, they know that these guys look down on them at all, let alone let them work.

After more than thirty pirates settled down at the same time, the three of them suddenly noticed that a large group of small fishes with thick fingers came up on the surface of the sea in front of them, and the surface of these small fish bodies even emitted a slight phosphorescence. They came to the side of the ship, and suddenly they swam together to form small lines.

"You have chosen faction among Pirates of the Caribbean: Pirates."

"Silver Team: Ace, welcome to the nightmare world."

"You must complete the main task assigned to you within 48 hours, otherwise you will be out."

"Mainline Mission: Set sail!"

"Mission Brief: You must set foot on Pirate Harbor: Land of Tutuga within 48 hours, otherwise you will miss an extremely exciting scene, so as a cost of being late, then you will be reduced by a maximum of xìng points by five And 10,000 universal points. "

"Mission Tip: The pirates you rescued are all veterans of navigation. Ten pirates can take you to Tutga, the largest neutral pirate in the current pirates, with ease, so my suggestion is that you It's better to have a better relationship with them, at least until they reach Tutga.

Tip: You can get the following milestones in this world (including this world and extended world).

"Bright eyes: You get any voodoo doll."

"Fearless: You stung and killed any legendary creature."

"Leave a crime: You sell special Tutga products at any port belonging to the British Royal Fleet."

"Great Voyager: You have completed a round trip from the New World."

"Collector: You become the owner of a compass that doesn't guide."

"Captain Pirate: (The premise of opening this title is: your reputation among all pirates is above respect), you have a pirate ship with a displacement of more than 2,000 tons, and your plot cannot be less than a hundred pirates."

"Trader: You abducted Barbosa's pet monkey Jack yòu for more than three days."

"Gunner: (The premise of opening this title is: Your prestige among all pirates is above respect) The ship you controlled sunk at least five remaining ships (the displacement must be above 5,000 tons)

"Because your merit value or other living conditions are insufficient, you cannot view the remaining milestones."

At the same time, a clear reminder sounded in his ear:

"Time: May 243 in the Great Ocean Calendar, 11 o'clock in the evening." (Cut into the world time point, half a month before the official story of Pirates of the Caribbean begins)

"Location: European Caribbean (11 degrees north latitude, 11 degrees west longitude)

"Scene: Pirates of the Caribbean."

"Difficulty: Medium (b-level)."

"Impaired pain: 50%."

"Extra enhancement of personal ability: 0%."

"Current scene exploration

"Side note: This scene is a free scene.

"You will automatically master the relevant language, you can interact smoothly with the characters of this world. Forgotten after leaving this world."

"You have acquired the scene-related passive ability: swimming. If you ca n’t swim in the real world, then you will master this ability. If you have learned to swim in the real world, your swimming speed will increase. 100%. You will forget this ability after you leave this world. "

"Number of tasks accepted: 1."

"Your appearance / identity has been processed, and it will be restored automatically when you return to the real world. You can also adjust the settings of the appearance in the nightmare space. If you have any questions, you can inquire in your mind about the related issues through the nightmare mark query. Answered. "

"Contractor 1018 has entered the world again, and has achieved a certain status and interpersonal relationships. So the reputation and status you have gained before will be inherited. Please click on the ones you previously deposited in this world. Items ~ ~ Hint: You have obtained an unknown item belonging to xìng, Morgan Fokker's diary. "

"Hint: you got seventy shillings for 174 pounds."

"Hint: you got six bottles of regular rum and the clothes you wore before leaving this world. You can also choose to change your appearance, but I must remind you that this is a paid service and you still have See through the possibilities of identity. "

"Hint: your relationship with important plot characters in this world is as follows, Captain Armand (Deadly Enemy), Lord Fokker (Deadly Enemy), and Jack Sparrow (Friendly)."

"Hint: Your reputation among pirates has reached respect (3113/6000), so you have entered the sight of the Royal Navy and may be arrested after entering the port to which the Royal Navy belongs."

Continue Feng Sāo's recommendation of a friend's book: It is summoned, called the Dark Skeleton King.

Introduction: Necromancer who only "calls skeletons"! But it seems a bit big, looks like a bone dragon! @。

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