The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 4: Battle of the seas!

Chapter 4 Battle of the Seas! (Thank you for your support: holding hands with Marshmallow!)

Looking at this series of tips, the reefs and Mogansha are also carefully reading. That Morgan Fokker's diary was not brought out the last time he left, and Fang Senyan was curious and thought it was a little secret. Obtained after returning this time, I can't wait to open it for reading.

It was just a splash of cold water and it suddenly poured down ... This diary turned out to be written with a very unique code! The hint to Fang Senyan actually asked him to find someone who could interpret it.

At this time the reef suddenly said:

"Mogansha, this is the first time you have entered this world, so there should be arrangements for space. Do you know why we are **** in the cabin?"

The black guy's face was very unsightly:

"This **** space actually assigned me the identity of a slave. The ship we just boarded was a transport ship used by pirates to transport looted goods!"

The reef shrugged and laughed:

"My friend, I cut into this battlefield suddenly and suddenly, so there is not much involvement with the world. In fact, my experience is no better than you. I am a bad prisoner of war. What's even worse is a prisoner of war who completely extorts no oil and water, so the two of us are actually assigned the same identity ... "

After Fang Senyan heard it, he couldn't help but inquire about his own experience, but found that the identity assigned to him by the space was: "Since the flying Dutchman has been subjected to the horrible curse, you have mysteriously disappeared in all people In the sight, many people speculated that after you have acquired a large fortune, you will disappear and return to the mysterious east ... "

The reef looked around on the boat at this time, and the other side, Morin, whispered:

"Boss, we have broken the mast of this ship now. I don't know how far the port of Tutuga is from here?"

Fang Senyan reached into his mouth and whistled, and several pirates came at once.

"Who can tell me where is this place?"

A pirate ran over and said in horror:

"Sir, this is seventeen nautical miles outside Cape Rist."

Fang Senyan nodded and turned to the reef road:

"If the chart I obtained before is not wrong, then we need about one day's voyage from the port of Tetuga. Of course, I mean the speed of this ship now. Strange, but ... forget it, let's ignore it. "

The reef was relieved:

"There seems to be plenty of time."

Fang Senyan laughed loudly:

"Oh no, my friend, we don't have enough time!"

After coming to the sea, Fang Senyan only felt abnormally comfortable all over his body. He deeply breathed the slightly salty air of the sea, his thoughts seemed clear. At this moment he turned his head and looked at the sea not far away. He couldn't help but clenched his fists, and his pupils reflected the raging fire.

"Don't you consider that the space left us around this grand sea battlefield at first, and then let us save the captives?"

Mogansha glared before his eyes:

"What do you mean .... Is it necessary to let the powerful contractor also participate in the war?"

Fang Senyan nodded:

"Yes, I now gradually feel that every world should have its own theme based on its main plot."

"For example, the main melody of the Star River team's world is interest. For the benefit, humans and Zerg fight, for the benefit, the Zerg and Zerg will also stare at each other! And the main theme of the Avatar world is to guard and destroy, then what is the main theme of the Pirates of the Caribbean? That is, of course, adventure and freedom! As long as we follow the main theme of the world, it is as if we are sailing down the river and doing more with less! "

"So, we should take risks now! Join the battlefield. I now have a certain reputation and status among the pirates. What I lack is strength at sea. So our goal is to find a way to plunder a ship. , In the battlefield to get enough benefits and combat merit, and then dignified with the power of overwhelming xìng to the pirates sī Ganggang Tetuga! "

After hearing Fang Senyan's words, the reef groaned, but it was a little depressed:

"But Mogansha and I have never had experience in naval battles ... I don't know if there is a way to contribute."

Fang Senyan laughed and patted the shoulders of these two teammates vigorously:

"In the long-distance sea battle, it is worth ten cannons! And in the battle, you can stand a hundred stick boys on the reef!"

Speaking of Fang Senyan, he walked directly to the high place of the ship, and clapped his palms to attract the sight of the pirates. He showed the piece of equipment he was wearing: +5 fighting spirit of the monster and showed it I shouted loudly:

"Do you know me? This is a question that must be answered, otherwise I will throw you guys who are broken, **** and gallows back into the sea!"

A bald pirate with rotten yellow teeth took a closer look at the accessories worn by Fang Senyan's waist, and then panicked:

"Sir, if my eyes haven't been soaked in seawater, the jewelry you wear is very similar to the Viking Scar Henry's favorite treasure, but it's just like it. I'm not sure."

Fang Senyan laughed loudly:

"Your old dog's eyes are really good."

Saying he threw a bottle of rum:

"It's a reward for your guess. You're right, this is indeed what I snatched from a guy called Scar Henry."

The bald pirate hurriedly reached for the bottle of wine, and hurriedly poured a few sips into Lanser's face, sighing comfortably:

"Sir, your generosity is as broad as the Caribbean!"

The usual consumption of pirates is nothing more than eating and drinking and gambling. It is not much different from the prodigal in China. The wealth they plundered is either spent on passionate prostitutes in the Caribbean, or they are exchanged for mellow Rum, saw someone first get the benefit, and immediately a pirate stood out:

"The yellow-skinned sailor ......... has such powerful strength, are you the Oriental Sailor Rock that Amand has been looking for?"

Fang Senyan held out a finger and said earnestly:

"Child, you got it right, so this bottle of rum is yours."

At this time the rest of the pirates were already clamoring:

"Sailor Rock from the East! I've heard your name! It is said that after betraying Armand, you also * won the appreciation of David Jones and became his second mate!"

"Don't bullshit, the Flying Dutchman is now all monsters! This master is exactly like us!"

"Blackbeard also mentioned your name. When I was drinking in Huxia Port, I heard someone say that he was also helped by you when he was looking for the evil bayonet."

"Oh my God, I am with such a legend?"


Although Fang Senyan's charm is ridiculous, for these low-level pirates in front, the combination of +1 legend and respected reputation in the entire pirate world is enough to stun them.

Fang Senyan is obviously very satisfied with the results he has achieved so he raised his hands very loudly:

"Yes, as you can see, I'm not in a good situation right now, I don't have my own boat, I don't have my own sailor, but I don't want to flee to Tutuga so dimly! You all know With only a few shillings in his body, what kind of treatment would he get there? "

"Now I want to tell you the good news. I do n’t care what you ’ve done before, I do n’t care about your abilities, as long as you have a desperate heart, then I can lead you to victory and wealth! Put your hands on Tell me in your heart, do you want to smash a lot of gold pounds on the **** face of the boss behind the bar, do you want to throw a lot of gold pounds on those chuáng who see the money open? "

The pirates below made a loud noise, a very tall one-eyed dragon muffled:

"Think, but where is victory and wealth? There are only broken ships and cold water around here."

Fang Senyan pointed his finger to the battlefield not far away, where it was still covered by gunfire and smoke:

"Just there! Do you have the courage to follow me and my companions to victory? Answer me !!!"

The one-eyed dragon eye flashed ~ ~ in a questioning tone:

"Follow you?"

Fang Senyan slammed out seventy or eighty gold coins, saying seriously:

"Yes! Follow us! Do you think I'm kidding? You can go and find out, on the bells and wine glasses, I led 20 old, sick and disabled to kill 100 Spaniards! Even The rotten hún corpse of the voodoo was also killed by me! Now! Those who are willing to follow me will get two gold pounds, and the timid and afraid will die as soon as possible! "

Immediately some of those pirates began to steal sī language, confirming that Fang Senyan's record was not bragging. The result is still very satisfying to Fang Senyan. The pirates are a group of guys who are not afraid of death. About ten people left in the end. The remaining pirates began to scream and cheer on the upper body under the stab of spirits and gold coins Up.

Because the lifeboat that stayed at this time was too worn out, Fang Senyan was working with Mogansha at this time to find a relatively intact vessel in the dark, at least to have sails. @。

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