The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 5: Want to grab me?

Chapter 5 Want to Rob Me? (Thank you for your support: holding hands with Marshmallow!)

The reason why sails must be required is that Fang Senyan and their group are all temporary make-up, and there are no guns on the lifeboat. There is no capital to fight against others in the sea, so the only way is to muddy water mō fish When the pirates and the Royal Navy's two ships in the chaotic battlefield began to pick up, quickly approached and climbed into the ship, and shot when the enemy was defeated.

This method sounds simple in theory, but from an implementation point of view, it is difficult and full of uncertain variables.

Fang Senyan's reliance at this time is obviously the reef that can be promoted to the hunter's reef at any time, which can attract the firepower in front! And the lower world difficulty is undoubtedly what made Fang Senyan determined to take risks. Suddenly, the best-looking black buddies pointed to the north and yelled:

"There is a roughly intact lifeboat there! At least the mast and sail are complete."

As soon as Fang Senyan waved his hand, the pirates immediately acted, howling to find a few broken ship plates, and then rowed the broken ship over there.

However, it wasn't only Fang Senyan's forces that followed the ship. As the dhow slowly drifted towards this side, several groups of people also aimed at it. The purpose of these people is not necessarily to rush into the battlefield, to be able to catch a basically completed ship, so the possibility of arriving in the port of Tetuga in advance is much larger.

However, under the direction of Fang Senyan, after all, they reached their destination first, seized the empty lifeboat, and all the pirates jumped up in excitement. After waiting for Fang Senyan to order Benmali's sail to prepare for sailing.

However, at this time, two lifeboats carrying British sailors were overwhelmed left and right. The red and white uniforms of the British sailors on board were particularly eye-catching. The two bō contractors were obviously bad intentions. .

Of course, the black buddies showed his advantage at this time. The high range and high damage of the wasp pistol allowed him to damage the enemy from far away, and the extreme value of 49 agility also showed an overwhelming Although there are also three long-range shooters on the opposite side of Mogansha, under the protection of the reef, Mogansha was very easy to fire. One of the lifeboats was hit near 100 meters. Disabled! Seven or eight British sailors were killed alive!

The other lifeboat will then face the continuous fire of Mogansha. The high-frequency attack speed makes the viper wolf hún constantly appear on the opposite lifeboat. This frequent and fierce creature causes them After a great deal of trouble, the three covenants on the ship were still very stubborn and wanted to get closer, but they kept fighting back. As a result, the ship they were on was stopped shortly, and they were less than three from Fang Senyan. Ten meters away there was no living mouth.

This time, the black guys didn't let them escape, showing the fierce lethality, and killed the three stubborn guys, but only burst out a **** key and threw it to Fang Senyan. After all, Fang Senyan still returned Some tasks were not completed. Seeing the three of Fang Senyan so powerful, the pirates who had been waiting on the ship cheered at the same time, and their morale rose.

At this time, the black buddies suddenly found that, through the cover of dense fog and wreckage, another lifeboat full of ferocious wicked pirates had already been like a ghost of black sè, quietly approaching less than thirty meters away from them. Although this lifeboat was also a pirate's side, their behavior was undoubtedly bad intentions.

Mo Gansha's pupils suddenly contracted, and when she was about to shoot with her gun, she was stopped by Fang Senyan, and said lightly:

"I deliberately let them over. Don't you think we have a little manpower?"

When the two ships approached ten meters or so, they suddenly heard a violent drink from the opposite side, and then at least a dozen rope hooks were thrown over and hung on the side of the ship, and then a group of pirates yelled to the side. .

These pirates are obviously better than Fang Senyan's men. Most of them are half-red, and even if they are wearing clothes, they are very tattered and look very strong. Use all visible sharp things, mouth orchids. There is also a small knife on his face, and some pirates will even paint heavy eyeshadows on one side of the eyes. When fighting, the yellow rotten teeth start out, just like the skin skull with muscle contraction after death!

Fang Senyan looked at these menacing uninvited guests, and it was obviously better than the quality of these men and women who were collected by him. According to Fang Senyan's preliminary estimation, even the quality of this ordinary pirate can be on par with the elites on the bell and wine glass.

After all, it is definitely not that Fang Senyan has luck and opportunity alone. It seems that these quietly contracted contractors are definitely not newcomers to this world, but guys who have already laid a pretty good foundation in this world.

He made a gesture towards the reef, letting him stand on the front line, and then his light flashed, reaching a peak of 49 points of power, striding straight towards the group of pirates who had begun to pick up. Walked over! A pirate with a wild head screamed, raised his axe to cut off his head!

Fang Senyan's eyes were fast, and he grabbed his wrist with one hand and held it hard! The pirate immediately screamed a scream, a "creak" sound on his wrist, and the axe fell on the deck. Fang Senyan grabbed his neck, smashed him towards several pirates next to him, and immediately turned over.

The other two pirates glanced at Fang Senyan and sold a flaw behind him. He raised his sailor knife and chopped it with a yelling. As soon as Fang Senyan turned around, the two sailor swords pierced his ōng mouth, but it was not meat. At an inch, he was caught alive by the hard muscles, and he couldn't get in.

The two pirates' eyes suddenly widened, as if they saw a ghost. In a panic, they yelled that they were about to throw away their weapons and escape. They were found out by Fang Senyan with both hands and grabbed their two heads. , The two guys hit each other hard, if the two guys immediately drunk in a circle in the same place if drunk, and then fell to the ground.

The reef that penetrated into the enemy's formation also made a heart-breaking sound at this time. Immediately, he swept most of the dense pirate areas on the ship with him as the core. Immediately, a dozen pirates were swept into a terrible deceleration state by living. , Crooked if dizzy like seasickness.

Although these pirates on Fang Senyan's frontal battle are not reliable, they still have the ability to shoot down water dogs. They suddenly rushed up, dug their eyes and drew their ears to pick peaches, punched and kicked them. They were useless, and immediately they were The unlucky egg beats his nose and face swollen!

The contractors on the opposite side were stunned. It seems that the highest genus of many of them has not even reached forty. Where would I want to find such a powerful guy here? For example, Fang Senyan and the three of them in this world's contract at this time are almost equivalent to the status of the prince Staro in the last Avatar world. In strength, it is almost in an overwhelming advantage!

At this moment, seeing that the situation was not good, the contractor who was still on the opposite side suddenly shouted:

"Where is your courage? Where is your fighting spirit, and the bravery of the Vikings is with you! The name of me, the son of Viking, the powerful pirate captain Rasek, will tremble all the enemies!"

When the guy shouted, the pirates screamed for a surge in morale. This shout is obviously a powerful and beneficial state. It seems that the guy named Rasek is definitely not low in pirates. It is estimated that he has reached reverence and should also get a rare title.

Facing this Jews counterattack from Rasek, Fang Senyan smiled coldly, grabbed a pirate rushed by the leader, then jumped up to the ground, holding the pirate leader high with one hand. Lifted it up and shouted at the person who aimed at him:

"Tell these idiots, who are they fighting?"

The pirates under Fang Senyan immediately screamed with excitement:

"You dare to offend the majesty of the Flying Dutchman! David Jones will wrap his tentacles on your spirit hún!"

"Sailor Rock from the East will dig out your eyeballs, and stuff your testicles into them, wow ha ha ha."

"Fools, have you heard of the legendary battleship?"


There is no doubt that the majesty of the three legendary pirate ships has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts through various legends and anecdotes ~ ~ It has become even more terrifying under the lively narration in the bar! Compared with the light of the flying Dutchman, the Rakke, the son of the Viking, has completely become an unknown clown!

The morale of the pirates who came to attack and steal the ship immediately became even lower, and their eyes began to panic. Fang Senyan smashed the pirate's body at the place with the most people in his hand and snarled loudly:

"Do you want to rob me ???? Hahaha! Do you want to be the enemy of my flying Dutchman? Do you dare to fight with my sailor rock from the East ???? Even the Viking Warrior Scar Henry died in my hands, and even the rotten hún corpse of Voodoo fell at my feet! You dare to die! "

Immediately, the morale of the attacking pirates became even lower, and a secret theft came:

"Looking at Huang Sè's skin, he really is Sailor Rock from the mysterious East !!"

"I have heard people say that although the flying Dutchman has suffered a strong curse, half of them are still humans and occasionally deal with people on the shore ... but the position of the second officer seems to have always It's vacant! "@.

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