The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 22: Anatomy

Chapter 22 Anatomy

Then this sea monster "Zhuoba Kabula" came alive "abruptly braking" on the surface of the sea, then beat the waves desperately, turned and desperately escaped.

The pirates faced such incredible things, naturally couldn't help but stunned for a while, but Fang Senyan, they are far more strange things than this, do not know how much they have seen, immediately reacted, refused to beat the pain down the water dog Great opportunity to let go. While launching a crazy attack, the desperate scolding drove the pirates to follow the ship.

Although the final result of the chase battle failed to kill the Djubkabula on the spot, the hinge bomb that attacked the enemy's mast vigorously was successful, and the guy's long crocodile-like tail was stiff. interrupt!

Amid the screams of Zhuo Pakabula, the blood suddenly stained the nearby seawater, it took the opportunity to dive into the deep sea, and a sailor cheered, and carried the broken tail back to the ship.

The thickest part of this **** long tail is like a wine barrel. The length of the broken tail is even close to six meters. The skin on the surface is very tough and thick. From the thickness of the profile, it reaches at least about two centimeters. The string-like bright red muscles still twitched and shivered, showing a huge explosive power.

When Fang Senyan's finger touched this thing, he immediately got a space prompt: it said that it was an unknown item to be identified. He knew that although the battle seemed to fall short, it was definitely not a toss.

Next, Fang Senyan arranged a few pirates who were skilled in water and pirates with large waists in front of them to take the lifeboat in front of them to open the road. At this time, they were no longer afraid of previous legends, and they jumped into the sea with their knives and carried their knives. The giant horsetail algae that cut off the intricately thick black net was presided over by the one-eyed dragon Heifan. Once something happens, he should be able to deal with it easily.

It is worth mentioning that the vitality of these giant sargassums is extremely tenacious, so if they are simply chopped off easily, they will re-curve and mix together within a few minutes. So the people behind Fang Senyan don't even want to get ready-made cheap.

As a guy who is proficient in maritime management, Fang Senyan knows the truth very well. Taking advantage of the opportunity that Sam can only slowly sail forward at this time, he will rob him after leaving the necessary number of people on duty. Rum and jerky were taken out for a short celebration party. Allow the pirates to rest and relax.

This order certainly won the unanimous support of all the pirates. They began to cheer, and then quickly entered the state of rest. In such a humid weather, the delicious jerky was grilled with oil and squeaked. Take a sip of rum, and let that hot feeling spread from the surface of the tongue to the limbs ......... The kind of cozyness can only be understood but not uttered.

Fang Senyan took a circle in the crowd, occasionally stopped to take a sip, and said that a few slapsticks made his subordinates laugh, and reminded in good faith not to get drunk at this time, or wait to reach Tutga You can only stay on the boat. Seeing that everything was in good condition, I decided to go to the cabin and make a plan after arriving at Tetu.

After Fang Senyan took a few steps towards the cabin, he was about to open the door, and suddenly he heard a burst of laughter among a group of pirates not far away, but soon there was a tongue, his face blushing seriously. :

"You stupid donkeys! I really know what the boss uses ... to drive away that big guy!"

"Hahahaha, don't brag, you were looking on the mast, you didn't even touch the monster's scale half!" Several pirates started laughing at him at the same time.

The watchman was very angry:

"It's because I'm on the mast that I can see better than you! The boss doesn't know what method to call Paul! Or at least Paul's phantom!"

"Paul?" A pirate suspected that there are at least one million Pauls in this **** world. Who are you talking about? "

"Is that the Paul?" A pirate's drunkenness suddenly woke up, and his voice became secretive: "Nightmare Paul? Paul of David Jones?"

All the people were speechless, and their eyes began to be filled with fear. As long as they were pirates for a long time, they would inevitably hear the legend of that terrible giant octopus in the bar. In the Caribbean, the frequency of this guy was mentioned Much more than David Jones, because the flying Dutchman is still a ship. Although this ship is very powerful and weird, the sea monster Paul who launched an attack on the deep sea floor is a symbol of invincibility!

The watcher began to be proud:

"Yes! Olite, I think I need to correct the mistake you call, please call it the patron saint Paul! For other unlucky pirates, this giant octopus monster is still the unsolvable Nightmare, but for us it has now become our patron saint! "

Speaking of which, the watchman realized that his speech had successfully attracted the attention of his surrounding companions, and after taking a sip of rum, he began to dance excitedly:

"I saw with my own eyes on the mast that just before the Chupacabra was about to overturn the ship, he pulled out a seemingly powerful single-barreled flintlock in the seawater and aimed it. This guy, at that moment, the sea water around the head actually condensed magically, alas, I can hardly describe that feeling, it is like the sea water suddenly becomes a condensed transparent gel! I use my mother, My father's grave swears that the shape of the seawater is a huge octopus !! "

"Wow! That's cool !!!"

"No wonder that monster is going to flee!"

"A powerful sucker on Paul's tentacles can **** out Chupacabra's brain!"


After hearing this, Fang Senyan also felt a sense of awakening. He knew that what the pirate should say was the fact. This is also the only explanation for the drab that escaped so drastically. According to Fang Senyan's analysis, the octopus Paul is likely to have crossed the seventh-order ridge of the legendary creature, but it is the eighth-order existence in the water It is even possible to exert the strength of the 9th order!

Therefore, the legendary third-order creatures of all sorts encountered such a powerful guy, even if it was an illusion, they would naturally escape and escape, which is justified by the fact that dogs smell tiger urine and become completely weak.

The reason why the octopus Paul's phantom will appear, in the final analysis, I am afraid that it is still on the weapon of "ambition". When Fang Senyan obtained it, he acquired the weapon through octopus Paul roulette.

At the time, he had just joined the Flying Dutchman, and it was impossible to gain the full trust of David Jones, so for caution, it was possible for David Jones or Octopus Paul to leave his own brand in this gun or to do some hands and feet. Once Fong Senyan is found to be a spy or to be harmful to the flying Dutchman, then this weapon can be retrieved at any time.

Obviously, the powerful power of space isolated the spirit hún mark in this gun, so when Fang Senyan returned to this world again and pulled out his ambition! Naturally, the layout of David Jones before he lived, and now David Jones and Paul should be more powerful, so just venting the breath will be enough to make Chupacabra desert.

In all fairness, Fang Senyan is well-conceived and can be worthy of David Jones. At the critical moment, his prompting almost made Zi Zi's layout fail. So when he entered the world this time, he dared to come forward under the guise of the flying Dutchman.

After thinking about the key points, Fang Senyan's heart suddenly became open, and he did not stop the watcher from continuing to add fuel and jealousy to tell what he saw and heard, because this is undoubtedly very beneficial for the other side to maintain his rule on the ship.

At this time, Heifan also led a few pirates back to the road. He covered his body and hands, and his hands and feet also had gray-black marks on the skin of his hands and feet. suffering. Hei Fan then presented Fang Senyan with a white plate. Six black thorny fruits were placed in the plate, and the green light was faintly faint. At first glance, it felt that it should not be ordinary.

"That's why the giant sargassum clogs the channel at this time."

Heifan slightly bowed his knees ~ ~ Respectful counterpart Mori Road.

"In this season, the Setmos Bay Stream will bring a large amount of plankton, fish, and shrimp to the nearby waters. This means rich food, sufficient nutrients, and warm water temperatures. The stable temperature is also very conducive to the reproduction of plants, so the hair of these deceased people will choose to surface at a high profile at this time, and quickly produce fruit to reproduce the offspring. And crazy. "

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"Is this their fruit?"

Hei Fan nodded:

"There are very few people who know the secrets in the Caribbean, and I am one of them. Of course, your Excellency has also joined the ranks."

Fang Senyan thoughtfully:

"Well, that monster named Chupacabra also came for this fruit? It treats these fruits as imprisonment and attacks us, of course because we broke into its prey area . "@.

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