The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 23: Activate hidden tasks

Chapter Twenty-three

Facing Fang Senyan's statement, Hei Fan thought for a while:

"I can only say that this is a reasonable and bold guess, my lord."

Fang Senyan looked at the black sail and pondered for a while:

"But you haven't told me the most critical thing, the name of the fruit, the purpose."

An awkward **** said on Hei Fan's face:

"I've said everything I know. After all, I'm just a pirate, my lord, oh yes, it's a very rare seed, and it should be able to sell for a good price in Tutga."

Fang Senyan smiled:

"But I think your knowledge seems very profound. It's like an alchemist."

Heifan's expression was even more awkward:

"Actually, I was just a servant before ..... a very humble one. I was fortunate to live under the protection of Lord Little Fokke in Port Totuga for five years. During that time I was at a great alchemist Some knowledge was overheard there, and luckily it seemed that I was able to successfully master it. This is the origin of my ability you saw, but with the ruin of Totuga Harbour, the alchemist also seems to have died. Now, I can only be a pirate in order to survive. "

Fang Senyan said with interest:

"What is the name of that great alchemist?"

"Master Bacon wishes his spirit hún to rest in peace," Heifan said respectfully.

Fang Senyan Qidao:

"How did he die? Even if he was a pirate, he was afraid to offend his majesty."

Hei Fan shrugged:

"Before it happened, the master was summoned into the castle by the Lord, and he took away almost all the treasures when he left because it was said to be going to a spiritual hún-related ritual. I remember he ordered me to prepare dinner before he left. The pepper and lamb chops are mature or they will reward me with a whip. Unfortunately, the final result is that I prepared a delicious dinner in advance, but the master never came back. "

Fang Senyan continued to talk to Heifan for a while, and roughly grasped the situation of the port of Tuga, which was completely deserted at this time, and then let him leave. Without Fang Senyan's orders, all the pirates will automatically take their place after sailing out of the Sargasso Sea area. Sam raised his own sail, tearing the sponge at a very high speed, and sailing away in the wind and waves!

When people see the frosty waves rolling up and hitting the thick gray and black sè rocks on the shore, it means that Tutuga is close to you.

Compared to the previous port of Tutuga, this place is even more unique.

If viewed from a high altitude, the island presents a very standard word shape. There is only an entrance less than two hundred meters. In the ring bay protected by the huge towering black rock, you can park below seven masts. ship.

What's even more convincing is that even in front of the only bay entrance of the word, there is still a black triangular reef standing tall, which means that even if a typhoon comes, the stormy waves outside will hardly affect the bay. Peace and tranquility in it.

Compared with the former Lord Fokker's exclusive possession of Tutuga Port, behind this emerging neutral port, it seems that it is supported by several forces. In Fang Senyan, after they saw the triangular black reef marked by xìng, they even heard the sound of "pops" coming from the brightly lit port in the distance.

A former royal fleet sailor suspected huò:

"Are they releasing fireworks to welcome us?"

The old fur seal happened to hear this sentence, and burst out his yellow teeth and smiled:

"No, they are fighting. Tutga is a city full of chaos and wealth, freedom."

Almost all the former Royal Fleet sailors shrugged their shoulders, saying they were very difficult to understand.

Because Fang Senyan's ship was a British Navy standard warship, they received a fierce bombardment as a baptism when they approached the narrow bay entrance. Fortunately, there are veteran pirates who have been here before to take a lifeboat to negotiate. After those guys see the pirate flag hanging above the ship, they will send someone to check it, and it will be released smoothly. In the case of paying the transaction fee for entry.

In addition, they also registered the transaction intentions of the group of people, such as what they want to sell, what they want to buy, and so on. In a word, it is that although the customs procedures at this port are simple, they are not rash.

After the "Sam" docked smoothly to the shore, Fang Senyan calculated the time, three hours before dawn, which means that the budget time left for them was quite sufficient.

In order to avoid some accidents, Fang Senyan ordered all the pirates to wait on the ship, and the three of them plus a Camby. Because this guy has been here once before, Tam also knows better about Tutuga, and Camby's force cannot be ignored at this time.

If something happened while they were away, Philip and the old fur seals would negotiate to resolve it, and they would declare free activities when they returned.

Although Fang Senyan's decision at this time was a bit unreasonable, his power has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so the pirates can only follow it. When the three of Fang Senyan stepped on the land of Tetuga, they immediately received the prompt of the Nightmare Mark:

"You set foot in the port of pirates: the land of Tutuga."

"Mainline mission: sailing completed."

"You will get a reward of 1500 Universal Points."

"Your merit is +1."

"Hint: you arrived in Port Tutuga before 8am."

"You succeeded in living the conditions for hiding the main task."

"Do you want to hide the mainline task? (Warning, choosing this item will make your next adventure more difficult and you can no longer accept normal subsequent mainline tasks.)"

The three Fang Senyan glanced at each other and briefly discussed with each other. They all thought that there should be no major problems and chose to hide the task.

The reef first waited for Fang Senyan. After they obtained the quest reward, they confirmed that the quest reward was not generous, so they did not awaken the colony hunter, continued to pick up the mission, and continued to suppress the difficulty of the mission. However, after the weakening of the space, the main task reward of the reef only received 300 points of general points, but fortunately, that point of merit has not diminished.

Then a series of prompts came out quickly:

"You jī live the hidden main task: inflection point."

"In Tutuga at this time, it can be said that it is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. Some of the seemingly dismal guys actually hide many secrets. You can find many of them in the mouth of the bartender in the Grey Pigeon Hotel in the port. Clues of value. "

At this time, the three of Fang Senyan naturally told the location of Camby who led the way, and he rushed with the three to race against the clock. All the way, the population of Tutiga was quite large, and it was quite chaotic. There was no Xiaofu before. The port of Tutuga, ruled by Lord K, is tight and organized, but it has a kind of rude and inferior vitality that only pirates have.

The four walked on the streets of Tetuga for a short while. The randomly-built buildings looked like mole nests. Dirty people were running across the street, and people would be beaten from time to time. Prostitutes fanned cheap dresses with inferior grease powder to attract yòu guests. Their makeup could not bear to look like the clowns now, too red lips chún or too white grease powder. The city seemed to be méng with a thick layer of dust.

Suddenly, the black buddies plopped their hands towards the back, and grabbed a hand reaching into their pockets. The owner of the hand was a well-dressed tramp, and the iron anchor tattoo of his ōng mouth could determine that it was unemployed. Pirate.

The current tramp was arrested without any shame or awareness of the thief. Instead, he grasped the dagger with his other hand and pointed at Mogansha, apparently intending to rob him if he failed to steal.

Since this is the case, the black buddies are completely unwelcome, and twist his hand clockwise, until the bone of the guy ’s arm makes a crackling sound, and then in his screams. open.

Just when the thief / robber who was sorely sweating looked up ~ ~, when he looked over with resentful eyes, the black guys took out the wasp pistol and blasted his head very cleanly, directly using blood and It was cruel to show that he was not a mess, and there was no doubt that this move deterred at least seven or eight guys who wanted to come and find trouble.

Obviously, in this chaotic port, businessmen without the ability to protect themselves must not hang around. As long as you don't go to the trouble of finding a shop, everything is allowed. Perhaps it is this high degree of freedom that makes the pirates feel comfortable. From this point of view, the abnormal prosperity of Tutuga is definitely not unreasonable.

The Grey Pigeon Bar is not too difficult to find. There are wooden tables only near the wall. These tables look very simple by hand, but all have the same thing is that they are solid, strong, and cannot be moved. Fang Senyan even pays attention to The drinking cup is also made of wood.

The lights in the bar were dim, and the white candles on the candlestick seemed to go out in the next second. As soon as I walked into the bar, the old nose was cleaned by the sea breeze outside, and I was impressed with a mixture of foot odor, wine and sweat. The temperature in the bar should be five or six degrees higher than the outside. The voice is full of people. Some people are crying, some are laughing, and drunks are fighting with strangers. The crackling fists are endless. . @。

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