The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 46: Goodbye kerry

Chapter 46 Goodbye Kerry

Faced with Mr. Wiltner's aggressive questioning, Fang Senyan smiled:

"The scenery here is pretty good, and the Governor's Mansion is the most luxurious mansion in Royal Port. What's the problem when I come here to visit? Is that how hospitable English people treat outsiders?"

Wiltner said earnestly:

"If you really like to visit the scenery, then you should first take a look at the reefs outside Royal Harbor. There are hanged pirates almost every month, and their end is pecked by seagulls."

When Fang Senyan saw the tone and expression of Wiltner's speech at this time, he knew that he definitely belonged to the kind of disagreement with himself. The blind concession could not be respected by others, so Fang Senyan no longer endured. Faint Road:

"It turned out that the British custom used a blacksmith apprentice to serve as a sheriff."

Fang Senyan said this with a stinging word, and Wiltner's face suddenly changed.

He was still an apprentice of blacksmiths at this time. The British aristocratic concept and the status of the gatekeeper were particularly strong. Therefore, his identity has always been a thorn in his heart. It is precisely because of his disparate identity that straddled the center of him and Elizabeth. There is simply no way for the two to combine under normal circumstances.

At this time, Wiltner was able to go in and out of the Governor's Mansion only because Governor Swan asked him to build a good sword ... This sword will be used to honor the promoted Norrington. Your Excellency, this is also a person who is going to propose to Elizabeth and is deeply appreciated by Mr. Swan. Mr. Swan was not at home today, so Turner came out of the Governor's House with his sword.

After being stabbed by Fang Senyan, Wiltner's face was very ugly at this moment. In this case, he did not oppose chún, but instead kept humming and turned away.

But at this time, four people suddenly came out of the corner, and they looked at it with a strange look. Because although the equipment on the contractor can disguise the plot characters, the rest of the contractor can distinguish it, such as the golden gun that marks xìng ...

So the two sides looked at each other for a while, and then began to guess the identity of the other side, but at this time, a contractor who looked very ordinary on the opposite side had a flash of light on his neck. It should be what ability was activated, and he suddenly stopped. Fang Senyan screamed:

"Mr. Turner, this man is a pirate! They must have wandered outside the Governor's mansion, and they must have wanted to do it against Miss Elizabeth!"

As soon as this person spoke, Fang Senyan laughed suddenly:

"Kerry, it's you guy! My dear cousin Kerry."

Yes, the contractor spoke out in a hurry and immediately forgot that although his appearance changed, his voice was not covered up! This guy was in the last Caribbean world, Mr. Kerry, who was sold by Fang Senyan and counted ...

However, the so-called Sai Weng lost his horse and knew no good luck. Although Kerry was severely used by Fang Senyan at that time, he also directly gained the respect of the pirate reputation by blasting the "bell and wine glass", and then used this It was yòuhuò that trusted some pirates. At this time, Kerry made a big ticket! He used the excuse to recruit sailors, but actually sold these pirates to Norrington. He successfully obtained the benefits and bleached his identity!

More importantly, Kerry relied on the reputation and connections established by this barrel of gold, and tried to enter the Caribbean world twice as much as Fang Senyan. Under his deliberate plan, at this time with Wiltner The potential stocks are already friendly and even about to reach respect.

And this time, Kerry is desperately trying to match Wiltner with the needle and lead him and Elizabeth in advance. The plot is also very great. It is intended to directly kill the protagonist Jack Sparrow. In this case, Jack will not only drop The equipment is very rich, and according to their inference, once Jack's death, his protagonist luck will probably be inherited by Wiltner!

At this point Captain Jack Sparrow was already a very famous big pirate, so they planned to ride Wiltner when they did not know their identity (son of the pirates), and played against Jack Sparrow according to the development of the plot, Kill Jack Sparrow completely!

Even if the keys dropped by Captain Jack are completely unavailable, the bounty and the huge reputation that Norrington has brought are already drooling, not to mention Wiltner's promotion to Great benefits after the protagonist!

After hearing the testimony from friend Kerry, all the characters in the plot have changed a bit.

"You are indeed pirates!"

An angry **** appeared on Wiltner's face, and he gently loosened the long wooden box under his armpit, letting it fall with gravity, and then pressed directly with his right hand!

The lid of the wooden box suddenly opened in the air, and then fell to the ground. But the exquisite sabre originally contained in the wooden box had been held by his hand, and when he uttered a light sound, he was pulled out, and the sharp sword pointed straight at Fang Senyan!

At this time, the two sailors who stood guard at the Governor's gate also came and saw the black hole's muzzle at Fang Senyan. When Kerry saw this, a yīn laughed at the corner of his mouth. Is it for nothing that he worked so hard in the Royal Port for so long? It was only a short moment that he made the **** enemy in front of him in a dilemma with a single word! !! The thrill of revenge sprang up instantly.

But Fang Senyan still smiled very happily. He made a classic finger shake motion to Kerry, then raised his hands and walked to the two vigilant sailors, and said a few words to them, then these two The sailor followed him to the corner with doubt, and within half a minute the two sailors came out with Fang Senyan with a smile on their faces. If you don't know the inside story, I'm afraid that all three are good brothers who have burned yellow paper and chopped chicken heads.

Kerry's eyes were about to stare out, suddenly shouting:

"How is that possible? By the way, these two idiots must have collected your money! Hey! You are so angry that you want to die?"

Kerry made a direct bluff in the anger, called the two sailors dumb, and said that they received black money for corruption... Unless the two sailors have negative IQs, they will naturally be very angry to stigmatize themselves. People punish! Watching them tǐng approaching with a bright bayonet, Cree suddenly knew that he was guilty and ran away, and Wiltner was also blocked in front of the sailor at this time, his face was quite dissatisfied:

"My friend has testified to the piracy of this group of people. Why don't you arrest them?"

Fang Senyan stood on the sidelines, watching in the team channel:

"Kerry, this idiot, if he didn't mention the topic of collecting money, the two sailors would spare him. Unfortunately, he happened to be telling the truth ... hahaha."

The black buddies wondered:

"Can these sailors really kill money?"

Fang Senyan shook his head and said:

"That's not necessarily true. The role of money can only be icing on the cake. It can't be charcoal in the snow. Remember the Sherfield firm we sold?"

The black dude said:

"I don't have amnesia, why can't I remember?"

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"I just took out the business card similar to the invitation letter given to me by the Sheffield firm and gave it to the two sailors to look at it, and then each person lost ten gold pounds and they barely accepted it. Throw ten gold pounds directly, and they will definitely smash gold coins into my face. "

Hearing Fang Senyan's words, the reefs and the black buddies were suddenly awakened. According to the precise information obtained before, the governor's power was behind the Sherfield Commercial Bank. Mr. McKinney is the governor's steward.

The two sailors were bad at the gate of the Governor's Mansion, their eyesight must be quite strong, and the people who came in and out were naturally Menerqing. Knowing who could offend and who could not afford to see it, it was natural to see Fang Senyan being able to get an invitation from the Sheffield firm It is known that he has a close relationship with the Governor's Mansion, and he will certainly not listen to Kerry's statusless status.

At this time, when we saw Wiltner questioning, the two sailors did not give the blacksmith apprentice any good looks, and chin up:

"Go back and knock on your iron felt, isn't it a pirate ~ ~ Don't we sailors distinguish ourselves? Need you to teach me? By the way, this **** **** slanders us, we have to teach him something today. ! "

One sailor was stopped by Wiltner, and the other sailor had already passed by, yelling:

"If you run away, I'll go to you in the shop today!"

It turned out that Kerry had already been mixed up properly and it could be regarded as a feng shui, and they actually bought real estate in the Royal Port. The way he worked was to resell goods between plot characters to earn gold pounds, and then use gold pounds to trade with contractors to earn common points.

Because Royal Harbor is also a disguised safe area, and the number of contractors entering the Caribbean world each time is also quite large, so Kerry is still fishing a lot! But this guy was threatened by the sailors at this moment, and suddenly he could only cry with a sad face and obey.

The sailor was also polite. He raised his **** at Kerry and smashed it up, beating his nose and face swollen and bleeding, and the ghost was crying and shouting. Fang Senyan smiled with arms folded beside him. Kerry was beaten with pain. I just felt that my face was lost twice as much, and I was so angry that my eyes became dark. And Wiltner's look at Fang Senyan was naturally extremely bad, and he suddenly took off his gloves and threw it in front of Fang Senyan! !! !! .

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