The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 47: Trouble and scourge

Chapter 47—Trouble and Disaster

The face of the reef has changed. According to British traditional customs, losing gloves means a duel, which is a "legal barbaric act." At the same time, Fang Senyan also received the reminder of the Nightmare Mark:

"You received an important plot character: Wiltner's duel request!"

"Do you accept it?"

Fang Senyan hesitated for a moment and immediately asked:

"What's the loss if I refuse?"

But the answer of the Nightmare Mark is very straightforward:

"Insufficient permissions to query."

Fang Senyan thought about it carefully, his reputation is now close to worship among the pirates, and Wiltner is just a little-known elementary school apprentice. To question it can make him a bit stumped, but if a citizen questions , Then people must not be a bird. When you think about this, Fang Senyan directly chose to reject it. There was no loss. It seems that the prestige gap between the two sides is too large.

Wiltner found that his duel was rejected, and his face was even more ugly. He looked at Fang Senyan and said seriously:

"If you dare to be against Elizabeth, I will pierce this sword into your heart!"

After speaking, Fang Senyan sighed in his heart. Wiltner did not anticipate this variable, but after all, he is not a god. It is impossible for everything to be smooth. When they meet, they will bother to pay their respects to their brother, and their anticipation with Wiltner is in an affordable expectation.

It just made him feel a little tricky. If Wiltner just made him trouble, then Kerry is a scourge. As the contractor, he knows everything clearly and knows much more than the contractor. If he is deliberate, the potential threat to the other party's Mori plan is also the greatest!

Trouble can be tolerated, but if the scourge is not eliminated, it will become a confidant!

This is definitely not the situation that Fang Senyan wants to see. When he thought about it, Fang Senyan asked the two guards about the address of the store opened by Kerry, and then took his men and left.

For a person like Kerry, he can't give him breathing and buffering time at all. Otherwise, this guy has worked so hard in the Pirates of the Caribbean world for so long, and it may really be ashamed of him by his absolute counterattack.

Although most of the men brought by Fang Senyan and came to Royal Port for the first time, don't forget that Philip and others have served in the Royal Port before. Although they are not Norrington's direct units, the front line Member, but this place in Royal Harbor is also called a ground snake. Before they came, they had given a detailed introduction to each other's Mori, so at this time Fang Mori was also clear about various snake road and rat roads.

Of course, Fang Senyan was not stupid and rushed directly to Kerry's shop to find trouble. This would only provide an excuse for Norlington's lineage sailors to maintain law and order. There are many ways to defeat a person. Taking life is just the most direct way, but besides that, there are many other ways to achieve the same goal.

For this inconvenient situation, Fang Senyan intends to take another approach to make Mr. Kerry hit the street, and he is now looking for professionals who are good at that approach.

He took a group of people directly on the small paved road and walked to the fish market of Royal Port. What he had to admit was that the dirty and messy phenomenon here contrasted with the clean and beautiful of Royal Port:

As we approached here, the air was pungent and rancid. The broken bricks on the ground were filled with dirty black water. It was mixed with **** blood and pale fish scales. People had to squint to see Every time I settle down, I won't step into the nightmare filth.

After passing through a lot of crowded people, Fang Senyan passed by the fish stalls one after another. Many people looked at them with distrust and precautionary eyes. Probably because it is full of thieves and bandits.

The party finally came to the house in the cleanest and driest place in the fish market. Fang Senyan placed a questioning look at the old fur seal who had been traveling south and north for many years, and the old fur seal nodded. Then Fang Senyan gave an eyeball, and Camby slammed open the half-closed door.

This rough and direct way of opening the door is undoubtedly very effective. Immediately, you can see a few gambling guys jumping up in surprise, after seeing that the person is not a legal officer and a sailor in red and white clothes , Suddenly dared.

Some people patted the table and fell on the bench, some opened their clothes and gave out knives around their waists, their faces flirted and forced them over:

"Hey! This is a sī house, do you want to find death? Give up your money and get out!"

But soon they stiffened, and three frosty firearm muzzles pressed against their foreheads. Compared with these pirates who kill and don't blink, these crickets are too much in the air field alone. The old fur seal shrugged and said:

"Baby, you guys are very lucky. I'm in a good mood today and don't want to get blood on my new clothes. Where's your boss, Wilson? I have something to look for him."

Wilson sells fish in a fish stall not far away. Under Norrington's iron fist, even if it is foolish, it must have its own industry to hide his identity. Take Wilson, for example, he sells fish to fish every day. The person directly collected a fish as a protection fee, and then sold these seized fish in their own fish stall. Therefore, when his brother was crying and said that someone was looking for him, he hurried back.

"Is you? Camby? You are not brave. Although Norrington attacked the pirates outside, he is expected to come back recently. You don't leave, do you want to be hanged on the reef outside? ? "

Camby rolled his eyes:

"Less nonsense. Can't you take a hundred pounds of work?"

After hearing the words "100 pounds", all the little punk eyes presenting a strange light, as if the dog smelled the bone. Camby impatiently threw out a money bag, and Huang Chancan's gold coins poured out:

"Twenty pounds in advance, and eighty pounds afterwards."

Wilson swallowed a spit, and stroked mō with smooth and cold gold coins with his fingers. It can be seen that he used a lot of perseverance to restrain his yù, and said hardly:

"You know, I'm not going to kill people."

The old fur seal said hoarsely:

"No one wants you to kill someone, and the owner of a shop on the street offended us, so our boss didn't think his business was necessary anymore."

Wilson revived:

"Which one?"

"No. 10 Nathan Road, that house is called the Faith Firm."

The old fur seal looked at Fang Senyan, then said.

Wilson recalled it, grabbed the purse next to him, and laughed wildly:

"Okay! There are only two or three companies that I dare not touch. I have taken this list."

At this time, Kerry's heart was of course very panic. He could never think of it. When he touched Morin, he almost looked like a cat! The relationship network that I thought I had worked so hard for a long time was actually an understatement in front of Fang Senyan.

In this case, Kerry increasingly felt that Fang Senyan was unpredictable, and even developed an unmatched feeling!

His only comfort at this time was that he had a closer relationship with Wiltner instead.

And when the handsome guy saw his face frowning, he took the initiative to comfort him and said that if the gang of daring dared to cause trouble, they would definitely come to help, which made Kerry feel better in his heart.

After some thought, Kerry still thinks that Fang Senyan is still afraid to attack the Royal Port. Once he dares to use force, then the guards from the news are not easy to mess with. After all, Kerry will also Pay the tax to the Governor on time, and have to admit that Mr Norrington is a person who likes order and force. The security of the Royal Port has always been very good.

Just when Kerry had just let his heart down, he suddenly heard a loud noise coming in front of him. His heart was suddenly tense, and he rushed out in three steps into two steps, but there were already many outside Exclaimed: "Killed, killed!"

Kerry's heart twitched suddenly, and when he went out, he felt dark immediately ~ ~ I saw that the most expensive Chinese porcelain in the store in front had been broken into pieces on the ground. The waiter stood side by side in horror, and kept gazing, while a person lying face down on the ground, blood flowed from his head, and soon accumulated.

The waiter saw Kerry, and suddenly rushed over if he saw a savior flying, trembling:

"I didn't kill anyone, I didn't kill anyone! He fell by himself."

At this time, a large group of people have come in. Just as the potential of the so-called gossip is irrespective of the nationality of men, women, and children, they keep pointing and talking about it. Seeing this rare scene in the Royal Port, Kerry accumulated The anger in his heart finally broke out, he growled:

"Go out and get out of here!"

But almost at the same time, a fat and thin sailor in red and white military uniforms walked outside, and the two said with a stern expression:

"Mr. Kerry, someone just came to the Lord to accuse you of selling and selling sī products and is suspected of murder. Now please come with us to meet the inquiry of the Lord. Every sentence you say now may be treated as Testimony! "! .

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