The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 63: Hidden Blackgrass

Above the open palm of Blackgrass, there are a lot of red blood, which is shocking.

Blood from the black cough!

Seeing the situation, Fang Senyan was suddenly thoughtful.

Because previously, the blackgrass guy didn't seem to make any shots at all, and was always dodging and evading. Even if it was an attack, it was a long-range shot. Without melee, how could he suddenly have serious injuries and vomiting? ?

If you look closely at the blood vomited by this guy, you can see that it is strange, gathered and not scattered. It looks like mercury with a metallic luster, and it looks similar to the liquid secreted by the sun ladder. "This phenomenon is very strange, can it be said, Fang Senyan murmured incredulously." This guy is also hidden? "

In the face of Gurga, the black grass was not a fearful or even timid God, and slowly said, "Thank you for creating this opportunity today, and successfully killing Tiago. Old-fashioned! He is the only one who can restrain me, and the only stumbling block that can stand in front of me! The glory of the Dubai Asian tribe will inevitably shine on the earth again, but it is under my control!

And, hum, I will never give you the chance to follow in my footsteps. "

Just as Blackgrass was talking, his left arm began to change! The blood vessels in his body's scapula split sharply. If the tentacles generally spread down, it wrapped around the entire arm and his entire arm began to swell and become longer. The whole person also made a heavy gasping sound, it seemed Suffering from great pain, shrunk in place!

Gurga found that he was hurried to drive the giant corpse forward to slam, but the corpse did not know why, and sniffed away from the black grass seven or eight meters, but he just couldn't find the specific details of this guy position. There was a surprise on Gurga's face, and he suddenly came to his senses and roared, "You still secretly keep the holy powder ?! Only this thing can interfere with my child's perception. It seems that you guys premeditated I have dealt with it for a long time! "

Gurga immediately wielded the golden scepter, trying to control the two giant snakehead figures in the distance to slowly rotate, trying to attack the black grass with the strong sunlight focused by a convex lens.

However, when the giant statue turned, the heavy gasp of Hei Caosi had gradually stopped and stood up arrogantly.

The sacrifices that seemed to be emaciated and weak before this moment seemed to be unprecedentedly energetic and strong! His blood-stained eyes, as red as a beast, suddenly lifted up, with a three-pointer and a seven-pointer, and looked at Gurga fiercely.

I saw that his entire left arm was no longer hand-shaped, and he wriggled under his skin like a huge red locust.

In the vicinity of the scapula, protruding arterial or venous blood vessels curl like snakes, and things that look like blood-red roots spread toward the body at a rate that can be discerned by the naked eye.

At this time, the light of the statue had focused 〖jī〗 and shot in front of Blackgrass, but Blackgrass hit the ground with a huge deformed arm on the left, and he was hit by the reaction force between the broken stones. Unprecedented agility fled back and forth.

The corpse suddenly issued a threatening roar of xìng. It should be aware of the action of the black grass. However, the left hand of the latter has evolved a huge disgusting deformed giant arm. This arm resembles a disgusting giant bug parasitic on his body. At first glance, it looks like a python, but there is only a huge mouthpiece on the skull without eyes expanding. It slowly coiled around 1 in the air and lifted it up with a cautious attitude, aiming at the corpse not far away while also carefully spraying the purple mist.

It can be clearly seen that more than ten circles of sharp gray teeth in this huge black hole of the guy are slowly turning the deep throat, and the beautiful purple light is faintly shining deep in the deep!

"This blackgrass can actually master the ability to mutate parasites just like foreign Europeans!" Fang Senyan immediately affirmed this, because he should not suffer too much on the mutant mature body, so I also feel extra familiar with this thing, and at a glance you can see the similarities between this mutant parasite and Travis's parasite.

At this time, under the control of Gurga, the corpse had separated from the mí array arranged by Blackgrass, violently brought a large wind, and violently slammed into Blackgrass. Although Blackgrass was It looks very bloated. The whole person is extremely deformed because of the parasite giant arm formed by the left arm, but it is actually surprisingly agile. It just went away very easily.

The giant corpse fluttered and just turned his head, and Blackgrass threw a short spear on his backhand to pierce his left eye, and then lurked into the strange visual dead corner of this monster.

At the same time, the parasite gigantic arm was actually as flexible as a snake, and wrapped around the forelimb's forelimbs a few times, and then the huge mouthpiece at the head swelling was already raised high, and then the ring-shaped gray sè small teeth turned at a high speed, like the electric stinger, aimed very deeply at the body of the corpse and penetrated into it!

Flesh and blood splashed out instantly! It's almost like a sprinkler, pouring black grass on his face! This guy opened his mouth and swallowed, and the inexhaustible flesh overflowed from the corner of the mouth. It looked crazy, but Fang Senyan saw his eyes, but he was very cold and calm, without any sense of madness in it !!

The giant corpse screamed in pain, and was about to raise its claws to resist, but the parasitic giant arm of the black grass was wrapped around the back of the corpse and immediately pulled it! This will immediately make this monster out of balance and fall to the ground! The raised claw attack was of course immediately eliminated, and Blackgrass's strategy of attacking and defending can be said to have been used in full swing.

Taking this opportunity, Blackgrass shot a flying spear like lightning again, and plunged deeply into the other eye of the giant corpse!

It is worth mentioning that Fang Senyan noticed a detail here.

After the spear pierced into the eyes of the giant corpse, it flew out of the hand and pierced a foot first!

But then waited for a second, this spear was obviously thrown out of his hand, and it was as if there was an invisible hand behind it, pushing it deep into the two feet! Blood, aqueous humor, and body fluids were squeezed out with the spear's second shot and splashed everywhere.

This spear-throwing technique may seem inconspicuous, but it is actually a very high-end throwing ability.

After witnessing this series of battles, Fang Senyan immediately felt that although this blackgrass was also a variant parasite carrier, it was completely different from Travis and others!

These guys of Travis are completely controlled by the parasite, and even their own nerves are completely dominated by the parasite's hope! Even Travis, who is the strongest in autonomous behavior, probably only has less than half of human consciousness, and at the most critical time, because the parasite's central nerve feels a threat, it loses control and destroys itself.

However, for the black grass in front of me, I can clearly feel that the parasite in his body is exactly his tool, and its essence is no different from a spear in his hand! Blackgrass cleverly used the parasite's feeding to fight for himself, but he was not affected at all. His personal fighting consciousness, fighting experience, and fighting skills were all preserved!

The giant corpse was severely traumatized in an instant, and Fang Senyan felt that this ruthless and cruel big guy was like a wall that swayed, and in a moment, he was caught by the parasite arm of Blackgrass. The remaining electric drills are average, making a lot of holes!

Blackgrass did not seem to be dexterous when dodging. Fang Senyan could even feel it. If he was racing on flat ground, he must not be faster than a giant corpse. However, in such close combat, the hugeness of the giant corpse has become its fatal weakness.

Blackgrave's dodge technique really has a breathtaking feel.

In the battle, Blackgrass seems to be very familiar with a series of attack habits of giant zombies ~ ~ Always on its back, behind the head, under the belly, and other places where the attack is not easy, if it is forced There is no hidden space during the battle, so forcibly create a dead end!

In addition to the poor defense of the giant corpse, he felt like a piece of paper in front of that parasite arm, so it didn't take long for the flesh and blood of the giant corpse to be recorded, and the inner core of it was The recording storm was in the air, and it was an artificial core formed by the blood that Gulga vomited. The core showed a ball shape, but extended a lot of veins like a hedgehog. The heart was continually twitching, and Blackgrass' parasite's arms widened. Device, biting that core out of a big hole in one sip!

Goo goo chew and swallow!

The corpse that was severely damaged at the core immediately stiffened in place, and then from its body, many corpses detached again and fell on the field of 〖Guang〗, then quickly blackened, dried, and finally looked like corpses That was blown away by the wind.

Surprisingly, Gulga has been sitting and watching this creature killed, and his burly and strong sneer appeared on his face, holding his hands in front of ōng coldly and looking at Blackgrass. But just before this corpse was about to die, Gulga suddenly raised his golden scepter high! !! .

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