The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 64: Gains and losses

The sun was in the middle of the sky, and the sun seemed to focus on the dazzling golden scepter in an instant, and then erupted instantly!

Blackgrass suffered such a fierce stabbing glare, and immediately thought that Gurga was going to perform an absolute counterattack, he covered his eyes with his hands and retreated sharply, while rolling on the spot, with extremely tight alert defense.

But at this time, Gurga had controlled only the remaining half of the corpse, the dying giant corpse, and swooped on the side of Mbenga who was covering her head and was shaking!

At this moment, Fang Senyan's breathing was stagnant. It was absolutely impossible for him to sit and watch Mbenga die in front of himself. He almost jumped out to help Mbenga stop the blow, but Fang Senyan Suddenly another thought passed by in his heart: "If Lou is Gurga ..." Because of this thought, Fang Senyan held his breath again and continued to pretend to be dead, only to see that the giant corpse's white claw's front paw had already When he pointed at Mbenga and pulled it down, he probably felt that the life was threatened strongly. Mbenga screamed, raised his head, and already saw blood flowing from his eyes. It can be seen that the personality has begun to vie with the deputy for control of the body.

In the next second, Mbunga had picked up a spear backhand, so that it was rolled up in place to support the spear. Under this one, the spear tip of the spear penetrated the giant corpse and remained. Core! It's as if this guy took the initiative to put the vital part on Mbenga's body! !!

This kind of combat skills can be said to be extremely sophisticated, but Fang Senyan is in the deep mind of Gurga.

"Sure enough, since the giant corpse is no longer useful, then it can be logical to use waste to make it play its last value ..." ... Let this guy from Mbenga do it, most of his companions at that time, Some relatives also died under the hands of the corpse. Then Mbunga ’s grievances were once again vented, and his spiritual hún strength would be weakened again. The “host” who was originally suppressed would naturally seize the opportunity to counterattack. , Trying to recapture the body. The conflict between the two will in turn lead to complete paralysis of their body. This also means that Gulga need not consider the threat from Mbunga in a short time. It is really deep thinking! "

"Besides that, Gulga estimates that there is a deeper consideration. He intends to make the body that Mbenga had occupied at this time into a puppet, and then puppet emperor in order to make the princes annex the tribe of the tail snake. When in doubt, he most hoped that the master and possessiveness in his body would be defeated at the same time. It would be the best to decline and become an idiot! So the giant corpse is destined to be sacrificed, and it continues to weaken. Strong deputy personality ... "

Hauges immediately realized that he had made a mistake in his judgment. After seeing that the giant corpse was killed, he was not eager to attack. The huge parasite arm on the left hand gradually shrank, contracted, and then became a normal left hand again. At that moment, the arrogant and violent parasite looked just like a deformed, thick blue blood vessel, and was parasitic on his left hand.

He looked at Gurga and said very earnestly: "Come, let me see the true power of the powerful Son of the Sun! Beat me down, then the last obstacle in front of you is lost. The tribe is completely in your hands! Of course, if you are defeated by me, then the tribe of the sun will also be the fate of the dragons that cannot be annexed by me! "Gurga stood in the sun, his expression pale, golden The stick was shining in the clenched hands, and the burly body had an aggressive pressure. He suddenly said in a stinging tone: "In fact, I should tell you one thing. The blood of the Silver Family has actually followed The death of Lao Gangda Zan was severed. At this time, the person in front of you is not a descendant of Lao Gangda Zan. So, even if you killed me today, planting this earthworm could not show any The miracle came out. "As Gurga said this, Mbenga's body, holding her head in pain, twitched a bit, and Blackgrass said disdainfully," Oh, Gurga , Your words are like rot The toad eggs are stink and poisonous, do you think I will believe you? "Gurga mō, with a bald head, laughed:" If your Gangdazan blood vessels are really flowing with silver family How could my blood be trapped by the blood curse for years? "

Blackgrass sneered: "Old Gandazan is much stronger and smarter than you, Gurga, do you think he will admit a guy who is not his own blood to be the heir? When old Gandazan was, He left a last word in front of all the people, and predicted that his son would inevitably return to take over from Gandazan! "

Gurga said faintly: "Yes, you are right. Old Gondazan is indeed better and smarter than me, but he is also older than me! From the perspective of a man, there is no ability to let a woman conceive. A litter of cubs is really a shame and shame. Will he take this matter everywhere? So in the face of his own son, Lao Gang Da Zan chose to retreat silently like an earthworm, Rather than kill him very simply. "

Blackgrass's pupils began to shrink: "Do you think I don't know? The bloodlines of the Silver Family are often awakened very late, unlike the bloodlines of your Gold Family, who only need to receive the light of the sun to wake up quickly. They You have to go through the night and the stars of the moon to awaken the mysterious power. "

Gurga said in a contemptuous way: "Is it? What I look down on the most is a stupid person who knows something and thinks he knows the truth, do you know? All warriors with the blood of God's blood have a **** on their back. An engraved mark? "

As soon as Gulga said this, the corner of Blackgrass could not help but twitched, and looked at Mbenga, who was holding his head in pain next to him!

However, Blackgrass did not expect that the reason why Gulga was willing to say so much nonsense and not give him a chance to recover his strength was to use this lie to occupy that momentary opportunity.

Almost only in a short moment, Gurga's tall and burly figure has leapt into the air. On the fur over his shoulders, the giant male lion's head seems to have come alive and roaring wildly! The scorching sun has become his background. The dazzling sunlight seems to be tens of thousands of arrows. The eyes of Blackgrass hurt, and even the lion's mane on the shoulders is boiling. It seems that every The roots are gilded with glittering splendor!

Gurga's huge and burly yīn shadow covered the body of Blackgrass, and the sun shot from behind the tall and tall Gurga, ruthlessly shining on Blackgrass' eyes, so the message the retina sends to the brain is white A vast expanse!

With Gurga's slamming down, the golden scepter he held also hovered and fluttered in his hand, and it was powered by the five flexible and extremely flexible fingers.

It stands to reason that the use of this heavy blunt device should be held by both hands, but for Gurga, his fingers and golden scepter both gave people a shocking feeling of being playful with each other, and later, I saw a group of golden light lingering around his left hand, and a little bit of sharp light projected from time to time, reflecting the bright sunlight burning the black grass's pupil.

Hei Caosi snorted, already closed his eyes, but there were two lines of blood under his eyelids, just like two blood tears! But at this time, his left hand quickly swelled again, and turned into that crazy terrifying parasite giant arm!

Under the control of Blackgrass's idea, this thing suddenly greeted the golden scepter. It was wrapped around the golden scepter like gummy candy one after another, and finally the sloping mouthpiece was rotated at high speed. All of a sudden fiercely fiercely slammed into Gulga's arm holding the golden scepter. No doubt, once the flesh body was attacked, immediately a large chunk of flesh was greedily devoured.

Gulga slammed it hard, but he couldn't compete with the parasite arm in strength. He completely robbed him of this symbol of power and could only let go. However, his expression was only a little stunned and surprised. There was no such frustrated attack, the sacred weapon was taken away by the anxiety and corruption, but there was a kind of calmness that was all in his control.

Fang Senyan looked at Gurga, and he suddenly realized that this guy still had a back-hand. The strong tribal chief has been able to fight since the beginning of the heyday, and fight with the strength of the lion and the rabbit. At that time, even if the three of them worked together, it was difficult for him to cooperate with the combination of that corpse, but Gulga felt that Fang Senyan could fight, but he was unwilling to fight.

………… Be sure not to do anything less than He is unwilling to fail.

He didn't like the feeling of frustration. What he likes is the happiness of a soldier who does not fight.

This should be the mentality of Gurga.

Watching his golden scepter taken away by Blackgrass, Gurga still stood there calmly: "Very strong, really strong. Those who came across the ocean from the sea Outsiders are actually stunned by the power of the Sun Ladder, so they will inevitably be punished, dominated by the evil in their own body, it is unexpected that you can see the evil power of the Sun Ladder to punish these guys! He also mastered it! "Blackgrass said faintly:" The power does not distinguish between justice and evil, like in this world, there is only victory and defeat. It is like Dubai's giant marsh, in the eyes of the remaining tribes, it is It exudes the horrible symbols of rancidity and plague, but for us, it is a **** who has estimated the number of people in Dubai. "...............

Tomorrow will be more debt repayment, and by the way, my Sina scarf name is the beach of rolling soil, and has now updated the pictures of Flesh Giant Eater SS, Sun Ladder, Serpent Warrior Tribe Warrior, Dubai Asian Mask Male, etc. There are also sets of poses, which are guaranteed to be pleasantly surprised! Come back to me without surprise, I promise to add more. Hahaha, see how confident I am. !! .

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