The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 66: 6 sense of deprivation

Gulga has not been warned of such a deadly threat for a long time.

So he immediately disregarded the blood-red light bulb in front of him, and suddenly turned over half of his body, trying to lock Gandazan's body with that huge blood eye, and strangled this threat with his most powerful attack. In the cradle!

However, before Gandazan had spoken, he had severely cut two deep wounds in the palms of his hands, and even saw the pale white bones. When the last word was finished, he would cut the two Only the **** palms slammed against the eyes of that sculpted amphitheater statue!

This statue of the Serpentine Snake stands here. No matter its height, exquisiteness, or momentum, it can't be compared with the giant statue in the dense fog area outside.

Fang Senyan, even the majority of the Diyas, only knew that the biggest role of this statue was to open the door to the sun altar.

But looking at Gandazan's posture, it seems that a huge secret should be kept in the statue. This secret can even put the powerful Gurga to death, and a chill emerged in Gurga's heart. After all, he is the high priest of the Dubai Asian tribe, and he knows that the Serpent Tribe has a shocking secret in his hand! But Gurga thought that the secret had disappeared with the death of Lao Gangdazhan, but did not expect this secret to survive!

One second passed, three seconds passed, and five seconds passed. The crowd looked at each other in embarrassment. After being exposed to the blood and spell of Gandazan, the statue of the tail snake was actually .........,

Nothing happened! !! !! !! !!

Gurga was stunned, Fang Senyan was stunned, and even Gandazan was stunned.

"Is it because of the long-term disrepair and failure of the mechanism?" Fang Senyan couldn't help but guess, but he immediately overturned his guess.

"No, it is impossible for this institution to be the sole gateway to the Sun Ladder. It must be built to be very solid and durable. Even if all the institutions of the Dubai sub-family fail, it must be the last failure here!"

Despite the embarrassing cold situation on the battlefield, Gurga was the first to react. After all, the deadly threat he just felt was impractical.

Immediately you can see that the huge **** eyes of his shoulders reflected the figure of Gandazan, and then in a flash, the flame seemed to have a thousand suns blooming on the field at the same time1

That kind of brightness, that kind of pouring out of the heat, all converged on a very thin and very bright bright light1 This line of almost a hundred times of sunlight condensed from the pupil of the giant eye 〖jī〗 shot When I went out, I directly penetrated the body of Gundazan lying on the statue of the Serpentine Snake, and burned a deep hole in the flesh, which was obscure and horrible. The smell of scorched flesh suddenly rose and the fingers suddenly rose. The thickness of the light is condensed and does not disperse. It exists for less than a second. It relies on extremely terrifying temperatures and amazing speed to attack the enemy. After the light flashes, you can see that Gundam ’s strong back muscles are more. There is a blood hole the size of a ping-pong ball, and there is even a faint dust. Then you can directly see the white clouds and blue sky on this side of the blood hole.

What's even more weird is that because the beam is accompanied by extremely terrifying high-temperature relationships, the muscles are burned directly into ashes, even the penetrating wounds are burnt, the muscles are burned to death, and blood and blood flow in a moment. Not coming out! It can only be said cruelly that almost all of the muscle organs near the blood hole were heated to a high temperature by the high temperature. Not only that, because the weird giant eye is also very powerful in terms of mental strength and also has the effect of directly tearing the spirit hún from the spiritual level.

Gundazan stood stunned for a while, with pain and despair on his face, and a **** like death, and then spit out blood and fell to the ground. This time, he suffered a fatal wound, both physically and mentally. !!

The leader of the Ouroboros tribe is indeed dying to the extreme. For so many years, the master's personality has been suppressed in the depths of Shihai, and it is difficult to appear as a hidden SS. I want to rely on the secret passed down from generation to generation. With a final word, but sadly encountered the secret that it is completely a matter of appeasing him!

However, this contrition of Gundazan is definitely not ineffective.

At least for Blackgrass, Gundazan's actions immediately distracted most of Gurga's attention, so the blood-red light ball he hit with all his might has hit the ball. In front of Gurga, it burst into pieces, and a large amount of blood-red liquid splashed out, and most of them stuck to the giant eye on Gurga's body.

Gurga, who has always dominated the entire battlefield, immediately felt the power of Blackgrass's blow. His body was stained with blood-red light balls, and a cold and numb feeling slowly spread. Not only In this way, as the wicked giant eye on the trunk was gradually corroded, Gurga's own eyesight began to quickly lose, and it felt that the absolute darkness was gradually covering all over him!

At this time, Gulga realized that the blood-red light sphere was actually just an appearance, and all of it was extremely viscous liquid. It is estimated that it was the venom secreted by the parasite creature, which splashed onto the ground, even the hardness above Sandstone can also dissolve 1 let alone the flesh and blood?

Suddenly, a squeaking squeak sounded, and Gurga seemed to be splashed with sulfuric acid, no matter whether the surface skin of the facial muscle was continuously eroded and kept making a "squeak" sound in his eyes closed tightly On the face, the liquid contained in the blood-red light bulb was also spilled, and some areas even had lumbering bones!

Mighty Rugulga could not help but be overwhelmed by the pain of the nerves being swallowed one by one, and shouted extremely loudly. At this time, Blackgrass had already drawn a short spear backhand. This short spear was also made into a serpent shape. Once held by Blackgrass, it seemed that there was a sensation of chill around it. .

Don't forget! !! Blackgrass is a tribal elder of the Ouroboros tribe who is good at long-range combat. His long-range attack ability is bound to be extremely strong! As soon as he pulled out his short spear, he tossed it out, and immediately there was a rasping sound in the air.

Gurga did not have the ability to dodge this snake spear at all, and was directly pierced into the ōng chamber by this thing! Immediately, I saw this snake spear as if it were an electric drill. During the crazy rotation, 〖jī〗 shot a lot of flesh and blood, digging a horrible hole through Gurga's mouth.

In the blood and water rage, Gurga yelled, grabbed the tail of the snake spear, and then saw the strange blood-red giant eye on his right shoulder like an inflated ball, It swelled at a high speed, and then exploded! !! !! !!

At the moment when the giant eye burst, even Fang Senyan in the distance had a strong illusion that the time in the entire world seemed to stop.

Then he felt that it was not time that stopped, but that all his senses were closed from that moment. Vision, hearing, taste, touch, smell, and even the intuition of indescribable origin are completely paralyzed. Therefore, although the real world exists, there is no doubt about it.

When Fang Senyan's vision was completely restored, he just saw that Gulga had been bullied, and took out the black grass's heart, and then chewed with greedy and hunger, blood flowing down the chún corner, Extraordinarily bloody.

And Gurga was also extremely embarrassed at this time. The huge blood eye with the right half of his body broken is gone, and the rest is a crypt with a flesh and blood. The pit is full of thick blood vessels and nerves. Unknown liquid was still flowing, and the body surface was corroded into deep holes. In some places, even pale bones were seen.

After devouring the heart, Gurga seemed to be still in a state of endlessness. It seemed to have a breath to see the Gandazan under the tail snake statue. He walked directly towards him with a heavy step, and he was always in action. Some stagger, leaving a deep watermark under each step, it seems that the interstitial fluid and lymph fluid in the body are desperately spilling out.

Just as Gurga was breathing heavily ~ ~ when approaching Gandanz, he suddenly felt something was wrong. As soon as he turned around, he saw a pair of sharp eyes staring at him. At this moment, Gurga felt a strange feeling in his heart. It seemed that these eyes had fixed on him for a long time.

"who are you?"

The owner of those eyes slowly crawled out of the corpse pile, looking quite embarrassed, with blood dripping all over his body. But his expression was calm and calm, as if all developments of the situation were in his expectations.

Gurga doesn't like the look on this person's face, because he usually likes to look at others with such a look, and controls the death or life of others, but in turn being treated by others, it is like killing and The difference is as clear as being killed.

So Gulga took a step forward and took a few breaths. He could see that the guy in front of him should be an outsider, but his strength was just as much as a normal tribal warrior. In the heyday of the Dubai Asian Empire, there were at least half a million such soldiers! Even if the decline has fallen to the present, such soldiers are under the control of Gurga more than two hundred.

So the sudden appearance of Fang Senyan in Gurga's eyes is nothing more than a ants! !! .

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