The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 67: Do nothing! !!

The huge gap between the two is explained by the nightmare space, Fang Senyan is still the lowest contractor, and Gurga can be said to be the wakener in the heyday! The two are directly separated by two huge grades, to be straightforward, a gap that can be crushed by one finger!

Therefore, Gurga didn't want to take this kind of ants upset, as if a hungry man paid more attention to a hamburger than an ant on the ground. He felt dizzy and swollen, the breath exhaled was hot, and the whole person felt very hungry. He urgently needed fresh flesh to quench the flame in his heart!

So Gurga raised his hand, his nails were very sharp, and he was going to forcefully go to Gandanz in front of him, but at this time, a loud noise rang from behind him, Gurga felt only a moment Suffering from severe pain, he immediately turned back in anger, and found that the ant behind had an additional weapon in his hand, and the mouth of the weapon was spitting blue smoke.

Gulga roared and slammed at the ant, his face defeated dignity at this moment, he only felt that his dignity had been challenged!

The two violently collided together, but the ending was astounding, and both flew out at the same time!

Fang Senyan stabbed into Gulga's abdominal cavity with a stab, bringing out a thick yellow-green liquid, but Gurga also slaps on Fang Senyan's face. At that moment, facing Gurga mad With fierce power, Fang Senyan himself had the illusion that the neck bone would break, but eventually he got up with coughing blood.

"How is this possible?" Gurga suddenly burst into an ominous feeling. "How is this possible ???? It must be my intention!"

Mu Yi was immediately covered by the monstrous anger! Gul gasped and gasped again, rushing up at Fang Senyan who was hit by flying! !!

But the result of this collision was that Gurga was hit and fly! Fang Senyan didn't do anything but looked at him with a sneer.

Fang Senyan stood in front of him, looking down at the mighty priest of the Sun tribe. In the eyes, a sad and stabbed **** sè said: "Priest Gulga? Don't you know what happened to you now?"

Gurga climbed up from the ground, "What can I do, you ant?"

Fang Senyan lowered his eyelids and said lightly, "Look at your right hand."

Gulgahaha laughed that he was playing badly, and this cricket ant dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of himself? He strictly guarded, apparently thinking that this was a **** that Fang Senyan wanted to coax him out, but after seeing that the other party did not move at all, he couldn't help but look up to his right hand. Under this look, a spine was born on his back An indescribable chill.

It turned out that Gurga's right hand was strangely twisted at this time and dissolved, just like the dripping wax oil, not only the flesh on the surface, but also the bones and bones inside it!

It looked terrifying, Gulga growled angrily and was about to speak, but at this moment Fang Senyan had already buried his head and rushed to his presence while he was distracted ...

Knife and nose! Mouth West severely chopped a savage dark blue light in the air!

Gulgar, who was chopped to the shoulders, went back and forth and roared again and again, but he retreated all the way, but his body seemed to dissolve and splattered, and a lot of yellow-green juice splattered continuously, as if every step back seemed to be deep on the ground. A deep footprint made a thick footprint.

Fang Senyan took a deep breath, and said lightly, "Don't you know what happened? Gurga? The Gandazan of the Serpent Tribe has retracted the blessing of the Serpent Spirit. The power in the uncontrollable Sun Ladder is out of control again! "

"What are you talking about!" Gulga's face had begun to fester out of bones but still roared incredibly.

Fang Senyan sighed and shook his head: "It's a pity, haven't you heard the roar of Gangdazan at the beginning? He has already lived the God of the Serpent's Serpent and captured your power."

Gulga yelled, "It's impossible. I never heard of the mechanism being used for anything other than opening the temple. How could a fake product be made without a silver vein? The temple has been built for thousands of years, even if there is any organ, it should have broken down! "

"The agency hasn't broken." Fang Senyan relentlessly said: "It opened immediately after coming into contact with Gandazan's blood, but the poor Gandazan's patience was too little, and the process of the agency's effectiveness was slightly Just a little slower. "

Fang Senyan was lying on the ground pretending to be dead at that time, and he was quite close to the statue of the Serpentine Snake, so he also felt that when the statue of the Serpentine Snake was lived by blood, the statue rose slightly. cm. There is a row of matchstick-sized holes on the raised base, and a small amount of non-sè gas should be sprayed out of the holes.

This gas doesn't have any appearance, but it still has a very light fishy smell. However, it spreads farther in the air and can't smell it, but Fang Senyan soon discovered that the rocks around him seemed to have changed a little, but not only that, even the one growing in the dark place of Shitai is very unique. The black moss also quickly died.

In the real world, Fang Senyan once learned one thing: the bryophyte is a very special existence, but the product of the plant from aquatic to terrestrial overproduction. Its stem and leaf body structure is very simple, usually a single cell layer. Also, because the stems and leaves of the bryophytes have no conducting tissues and do not have real roots, only pseudo-roots of single cells or single rows of cells, and this pseudo-roots are mainly fixed and can only absorb a small amount of water. Directly absorb nutrients and pollutants in the air, and the average concentration of each cell is higher than other higher plants.

Therefore, most bryophytes are fairly susceptible creatures. As long as there is a little unfavorable substance in the air, it is likely that the rest of the plants are fine, but it is easily affected and killed. Therefore, in the real world, moss is often used for pollution monitoring. When the moss dies, it means that it is polluted.

At that time, the chief snake tribe had a chief to understand the plant ’s habit. After hard thinking, it was laid out near the holy place of the Dubai Asian tribe, and the next type of black moss was widely planted. This moss is special for a certain type Substances are very susceptible, and even substances with extremely low concentrations in the air can quickly die.

From the small hole below the statue of the Ouroboros, this special material dust is sprayed out!

The black moss growing nearby died quickly, and the dead moss turned into dust and dissipated in the air, and then activated another organ arranged by the chief, a substance similar to white phosphorus that will burn when contacted with air because There is no black moss cover on the top. After contacting the air, a blaze of flames is generated, followed by a series of chain reactions until the final mechanism is triggered.

The power of the so-called "repossession of the tail serpent god" seems very mysterious, but for Fang Senshu who has mastered modern science, it should actually be just a gimmick.

The chieftain knew that people who took "Sun Ladder, ... will have some fatal weaknesses that normal people don't have ...... Just like normal people eat more sugar and drink more water. Diabetics eat more sugar." It will directly lead to ketone poisoning, angina pectoris, and there is no difference between taking poison completely ...

Arrange for xìng.

In the end, the living organ, for example, issued an infrasound bō of a special bō segment, or burned something to emit sè and tasteless gas and powder, and jī lived out the hidden danger in the body of the person who took the sun ladder! Naturally, you can put a mysterious veil on your behavior méng.

At this time, the sky did not know when it would sink, and the dark clouds turned over, and it seemed that it was going to rain.

The decay of Gurga's body began to accelerate, especially the body that parasitized the evil giant eye. It was almost no different from the half-dissolved candle. He slumped on the ground and initially issued a terrible misery because of a genetic runaway. Scream, at this time, even the strength of talking is lost, not to mention resistance, Fang Senyan can kill this extremely powerful guy with just one stroke!

Fang Senyan was eager to step forward to make up the knife at this time ~ ~, but suddenly saw Gang Dazan lying on the ground next to him, suddenly a strong sorrow and sadness came into his heart. Recalling the journey to here, I really remember it.

Without Mbenga's help, he would never have reached this point. However, this man with a strong sadness and stubborn anger is still annihilated in this world. Benga, the Mbenga who can only smile smirkily, the Mbenga who is fearless in the face of any danger, but finally falls before the enemy! !! !!

His wish, his wish to kill Gurga, he hesitated to give up all his wishes to sacrifice his life and even the spirit hún, but it burned all the energy of the spirit hún and finally failed to complete! !!

Fang Senyan took a deep breath, and a thought popped out from the bottom of his heart, and it was burning, it was hard to stop!

He took West of the mouth slowly from Gurga's neck and shook his head hard. People cannot always live for the benefit.

The eldest husband does something and does nothing! !! .

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