The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 1: The only advantage

Fang Senyan's brows frowned, and he opened his eyes after pondering for a while, very solemnly!

"The demon dream just sent me a message, you can take a look."

Although the holographic image of the demon dream disappeared, this is Fang Senyan's sī space, plus his military rank privileges, so the video function can be easily called up. After looking at Mogansha and Reef, they felt quite tricky. Reef first mentioned: "Can there be fraud?"

Mo Gansha shook her head and frowned, "It shouldn't, the death of the demon dream can't be faked."

Jiaosi pondered: "However, if it is the glorious team that really fights with the lighting team, as far as the current strength of the lighting team will remain, it is logically impossible to support it for so long." Fang Senshu suddenly said : "Zeus has a very high self-esteem, so even if he wants to kill the pose, he is likely to kill it after he succumbs in front of him! This is probably one reason, and the other is that the world they are in now There are still many variables. There may be a harsh environment similar to the Dubai Asian giant marsh we experienced last time. There may be some plot forces that help them. Of course, there may be other contractor forces that compete with the glorious team. These are the factors that posture can use to attack the glorious team. "While talking, Fang Senyan looked at Mo Gansha who seemed a little nervous:" What? It looks like you don't want to face the metal tutor. "

The black buddies nodded silently. To be honest, the metal teacher is in his heart a nightmare that cannot be rid of! He had thought that this woman had died in Fang Senyan's hands, but she seemed to make a comeback in an instant!

Fang Senyan looked up at this time and said earnestly: "I have decided to enter the wormhole of time and space! If we do not intervene, the end result is nothing more than two, killed and absorbed! Since we and the brilliant team There must be a battle between each other, then, this situation must not be allowed to happen! "Jiao said suddenly:" But I am afraid that not only will we not be able to save the posture, but we may catch ourselves. "Fang Senyan said calmly:" If we enter the world through the S-class props such as space-time wormholes, then the glorious team will not be able to detect that we have entered this world ......... I have found out through the rank privileges. This is our greatest advantage, If we make good use of this, then there should be no problem in saving people. "

Speaking of this, Fang Senyan's face sneered: "Let them taste the disease!" "Yes!" Mo Gansha suddenly asked a very sharp question: "Head, your disease should be It is targeted at xìng. If you encounter an elemental creature such as the flame demon, what do robots like the pathfinder do? "Fang Senyan sighed:" They are immune to most diseases, there is no way In fact, I checked the space and said that only certain higher-order diseases can take effect on them. So you see Lord Black Fokker, the black knight, will also take care of the cold, just to avoid this situation. "

"So for example, like the last eater I met, what about Dead Marsh?" Jiao Shi also realized this problem.

Fang Senyan said: "The answer from the space is that the virus can change the ability of the related virus to a small extent according to the different organisms, and the disease usually takes effect, but it will not work in some special cases. If there is no bronchial inborn Creatures that are impossible to cough at all are immune to bronchitis. For example, the cave xué people in the magic world will be naturally immune to all eye-related diseases, because they have no eyes at all. "" It is just the opposite, Some organisms are particularly susceptible to certain diseases. For example, diseases such as rhinitis will have a double effect on dogs, and colds will have an additional double effect on birds (avian flu). AIDS also affects chimpanzee organisms. There will be a bonus, I only expect one thing now, that is, all the contractor of space selection should be human, ……… ”

Hearing Fang Senyan's words, the reef is also interested: "I have never heard of other types of creatures becoming contractors.

Fang Senyan looked at the time and said, "There are still 13 minutes to close the wormhole in time and space. Let's prepare! Our supply should still be quite sufficient. The last world didn't seem to give us a lot of opportunities to supply ... One reason this No need to add anything for now, dissolve now, and gather in ten minutes! "

Ten minutes later, Fang Senyan merged the reef and Mogansha. The three stood side by side and chose to enter the space-time wormhole. They originally thought that there was a light gate like entering the nightmare space and then entered one by one. However, this idea is too naive.

After choosing to enter the space-time wormhole, I didn't see any abnormalities at first, but when the three of them were looking blankly, they suddenly felt that the sky was turning, and it felt like their feet were firmly stuck on the floor, and then The whole room tumbled and twisted in the air, it seemed that there was an endless abyss below, and there was a very surging air flow around it. That feeling is completely challenging the limit of human brain balance! The digitized body was arrogant, the three insisted for a while but couldn't help vomiting a spit.

I do n’t know when the three talents found that the surrounding scenery has disappeared, only the floor under the feet has become transparent, and clear traces of the circle appear around the space, like an invisible pipe in the air Yes, the three were moving at a high speed during a fierce tumbling, almost like riding a roller coaster, and suddenly a ray of light came from the distance, and then the three yelled! Aiming at the place where the light shines, I bumped into the past!

, ........., ...,

With a loud bang, Fang Senyan holding his head in both hands was thrown out of a round hole that appeared in midair! Then he banged heavily on the window of the shop next to him, and it made a loud noise. He naturally smashed the window, and the glass and other things scattered.

Then Fang Senyan knocked down a cabinet, a writing desk, and finally fell very lucky on the single sofa next to him. This unfortunate sofa base made an overwhelming shēn groan, and then scratched deeply on the floor ... a trace of two or three meters long, and finally stopped.

Fang Senyan was paralyzed on the sofa, breathing heavily, and after checking that he did not have any missing parts, he slowly got up and contacted Mogansha and the reef. Both of them were also They were dropped into the streets of two hundred or three hundred meters nearby, and they were cursing loudly about the turbulence of the wormhole. Fortunately, the three of them finally landed without any fear.

"Well, it's terrible. There is no hint of entry into this world. It's blank, and I don't know any information."

Fang Senyan looked at the interior furnishings. The store just destroyed by him seemed to be in the clothing business. There were several models made of plastic, but the confusion in the store was clearly visible. At a glance, those clothes that should have been neat It was thrown on the ground in a mess, and even banknotes were scattered scattered underground.

"It seems that this world should be the age of civilization. Alas, from the surrounding furnishings and decorations, it may be about twenty to fifty years ahead of the real world. That computer seems to be controlled by voice holograms ... ... "

Fang Senyan sorted out his costumes, and then told the reefs and Mogansha on the team channel: "Our entry is a great advantage, so please be as careful as possible and don't let others discover our existence ......... or At least we have to do that before we start with the Shining Team. "

Then Fang Senyan stepped out of the shop and found that there was a graveyard-like silence floating on the wide street. It was daytime but there was no one on the street. Only the vehicles were blocked on the street. The robbery is generally extremely scattered, and there are clear long bloodstains on the dirty street surface.... It is the kind of brutal bloodstains that are dragged alive with the human body as a mop. Only the traffic lights on the sidewalks blinked monotonously.

"Look at this situation ~ ~ Are the world we entered into a biochemical crisis? Or what kind of disaster film? The light will really choose the place."

Within a few minutes, the three of Fang Senyan reunited together. In order to hide people's eyes, the three gathered in a large supermarket to meet and study. They exchanged their first impressions of the world. The three of them were the most unlucky. It was the dark guys. When "landing", the brow bone was knocked out of a big mouth, and it took a whole two or three band-aids to stop the blood.

Suddenly, the wild roar of the car engine came from the distance. The three looked at each other and immediately crouched down. The cover of the supermarket shelf quickly lurked to the side where the engine sound came, and then quietly looked outside. go with.

It can be clearly seen that a six-wheeled Hummer came at a high speed and stopped at the intersection. Because there were several cars colliding with each other there, only the black skeleton packing was staggered after burning and burning, so even the Hummer who passed the xìng is very high here, and the passengers on board were also blocked. You can only leave on foot.

A heavy round-head heavy riding boot trampled down, just stepping on a collapsed glass door! There was a loud noise, the glass splashed around, and some deeply penetrated into the side wooden door, and some even penetrated into the side car tires, making a clear sound of air leak. !! .

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