The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 2: Nightmare imprinted on the brows?

After breaking through the glass door, the boot struck a few sparks on the ground and made a sound of crisp sound. This boot turned out to be made of thick metal!

"Hope we didn't come late, Cowie.

I suspect that someone in this area has already made it. , ... said a voice with a thick nasal sound.

The speaker is the owner of the boots. He is wearing a huge armor like a medieval European heavy infantry. The surface of the armor is extremely bright, and the shoulders of the armor are extremely wide, and the wearer's neck is completely retracted. Wrapped in armor, he also held a very sharp one-handed sword in his left hand. This sword rolled flexibly between his fingers, exuding a burst of cold light.

"It's not too late, Joseph .... A thin, agile man appeared behind Joseph in his huge armor.

While talking, the person pressed his hand on a car lying next to him, and jumped to the blood on the street lightly. He dipped a little blood on his nose and smelled it.

"But ... we're afraid we're in trouble." As the voice dropped, a revolving door of a building not far away seemed to be smashed, and the revolving door flew out five times. Six meters, disintegrated in the air, and then broke into two halves very simply before landing.

Then, a triangular head came out, the scales on the head showed dark green, and the eyes were also triangular. When the mouth was closed, it looked harmless, as if the mouth of a duck was enlarged. Many times, but after opening it, I can see that the thin and sharp teeth look like a knife with cavities.

This creature walked upright with two large hind limbs, but the relatively small two forelimbs were also bulging muscles, showing a clear outline under the skin, and the sharp claws growing on the front paw were like a sickle for harvest With both sharpness and power, the revolving door is a masterpiece caused by a violent collision with the front claws.

Yes, this is a dinosaur with a tail of about four meters in length!


It can be said that the body of the dinosaur of this dinosaur even looks a little thin, but it is absolutely strong! And this guy ’s eyes are full of terrible bloodshots. According to theory, such a shape originally gave people a crazy feeling, but it looks cold and cruel, just like the creature in front of it is already cruel in it. The prey shivering under the claws!

After seeing this dinosaur, Cowie quickly rolled over and hid behind a bus with a completely broken window next to him. His actions made people think of snakes without warning.

And if Joseph, who is similar to the Iron Fortress, didn't say a word, he clenched his one-handed sword and rushed straight up and rushed up. He leaned forward quite a bit when he ran, even the strong cement he trampled on. On the pavement, there were also huge footprints that were crackled and broken.

When he ran, a weird pattern appeared in the center of his eyebrows, emitting a faint light, which looked like the nightmare mark was shining. This guy didn't even look at the surrounding environment, and the obstacles in front of him were even It's a car, all tumbling and ramming away! Sprinkle large pieces of glass!

This guy looks exactly like a heavy tank, spitting intense black smoke and roaring impact, there is nothing to stop his progress!

Seeing this scene, Fang Senyan couldn't help but turned his head and looked into the reef. The reef face looked very dignified, and said in the team channel: "The formal hunter should be a power-type hunter."

Fang Senyan asked Mogansha: "Do you know this Joseph?" Mogansha shook his head slightly: "I haven't seen it. The more important thing is that you haven't noticed that their nightmare marks seem to be on the eyebrows." "

Fang Senyan didn't even notice this at first, but he suddenly came to his senses when he said: "Yeah, it seems that our nightmare marks are all in ōng planing."

……… , ………………

As soon as the three began to watch and communicate, Joseph, who was heavy but not stupid, slammed into the powerful Raptor!

It was almost like a huge steam locomotive with heavy smoke screaming and whistling, and lightly hit a horse-drawn carriage.

Amazingly, the Raptor Raptor is relatively large, but it actually rolled over and crashed into the store next to it, of course, with a thin clamor that followed.

But Joseph didn't seem to be taking much advantage, kneeling on one knee, pressing one hand on the ground, and the boots on his feet scratched a long string of violent Mars on the ground, keeping half kneeling. The posture was full and retracted for four or five meters.

Although Joseph seemed to have the upper hand, his face became so ugly that an unbelievable **** appeared on his face, and he couldn't help looking down at his ōng mouth.

On the surface of the silver heavy armor of his ōng mouth, there was a clear mark of the claws! It looked like it was carved up, and the gap between the sharp long toes was very clear!

In this collision, Joseph seemed to have taken advantage, but in fact, the terrifying raptor also countered. Its claws swiped easily, and the armour worn on Joseph's body alone was seen to make a deep depression!

This is the case of armor, and the damage to be protected by it can be imagined.

At this time, the raptor that had been hit by flying had crawled up again, and then approached it step by step. His eyes were red, and it looked a little embarrassed and dusty when he flung his tail from the ground, but It can also be seen that under the thick skin, the tight muscles are as hard as iron, and obviously they have not suffered any damage. It continued to look at it with the greedy gaze of the beast hunting, looking at Joseph deeply!

However, Joseph also took a deep breath at this time, and strange things happened. The fist marks on the surface of the heavy armor before him began to disappear slowly, because the armor seemed to have a self-healing function. , To return to that smooth and smooth look!

With the restoration of the armor, Joseph's mouth raised a bit, giving a sneer, he snorted with satisfaction. The English attack armor purchased before entering the world cost him all his savings and added With the integration of memory alloys, it still looks good value for money.

At the same time, a sudden black wind blew past Hua, where the wind passed, even the paper on the ground was swept up, and flew up to the sky, falling slowly.

Yes! The slim and agile Li Yi has already shot!

When slamming forward, the body was more inclined, as if the upper body should be parallel to the ground. Joseph's impact was imposing, but Cowy's impact was like the ghost in the dark. The water sliding spider, even after he rushed for two or three seconds, the strong wind behind him had no time to chase him.

Cowie rushed to the raptor in front of him. Then he lifted his hand on his waist, pulled out the dagger equipped on his waist, and came out from the bottom! A bright and dazzling line was brought out in the air!

The Raptor completely turned a blind eye to this sharp attack, and simply blocked it with his right front paw.

There was an immediate wound on the thick skin above his right forepaw, but Cowie's dagger could only scratch a deep wound on his muscle. The Raptors used the left claws to counterattack, but Kao immediately moved to the right like ghosts, and his attacks continued continuously, giving the Raptors no chance to counterattack. Such an attack is not that This onslaught of storms gives people a continuous feeling.

A dagger light flashed on the body of the raptor, like a rope that bound it tightly! Under such continuous attacks, the Raptors simply do not have any room to fight back. The only thing that can be done is to shed blood on the way back.

Suddenly, Cowie's dagger drew an arc from bottom to top in the air, and slammed it upward. The half-moon-shaped light outlined a brilliance like silk satin! The raptor's body was also smashed with this blow! It was as if an invisible hook in the air grabbed his chin and hooked it up!

Blood splashed.

The liquid on Coy ’s tongue has been splashed on his mouth.

A strong irony smell spread from the tongue to all the nerves ~ ~ It was the smell of blood.

His double tuǐ squatted slightly, but the hard concrete street under his feet had been broken, subsided, and there was no wind around him, but the kù tube was trembling violently, like a typhoon of class 12. The blowing sails can even hear the strong sound of the impact between the cloth and the cloth.

Then he suddenly made a force 1

Cross your feet as if they were springs and cut them from bottom to top! At the same time, the whole person bent backwards and made a backflip!

The wind roared, dust on the ground, waste paper and other things were brought up by this roll, forming a huge fan-shaped knife barefoot in the air!

The fierce raptors were cut alive in the air by the sharp rays that were staggered by these two tu ǐ, and you can see the blood spurting! There was also a sturdy, thick wound in the abdomen. Although its defensive ability and offensive ability were extremely powerful, it still couldn't withstand such a rapid combo and was hit hard by the storm of Cowie! !! .

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