The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 13: Each manifested

Just looking at Drizzt's movement at this moment, it was full of ease and understatement, apparently there was still room to spare. Then you can be sure, this guy's agility don't say Fang Senyan, even Mogansha must be out of reach!

It can be said that in this chase battle, Fang Senyan made every effort to rush forward three meters, and Drizzt could retreat four meters at the same time, and he could counterattack with potential, and caused Fang Senyan to use his strong ice damage ability. Injury and slow down.

More importantly, once the enemy is close, Drizzt has at least three ways to get rid of the enemy's entanglement and re-open the distance, which makes Drizzt completely confident and full of momentum! In fact, is it possible that the guy who can lead the rest of the hunter in space is notorious?

Suddenly, a husky AK sound of "DaDaDaDaDa" came again in the distance, and two AK bullets hit the sniper's bunker, which immediately ignited a blazing flame and disturbed the enemy. The role of sight, but the other three bullets, aimed at this side and flew over.

At this time, Mo Gansha was trying his best to contain and fight against the powerful hunter, but he still had time to catch up with this fun!

This is his talented beast instinct! Appeared at the most unlikely time, giving enemies an unimaginable attack, so that at this time, on the big scene, it was obviously Drizzt that they were besieging Fang Senyan, but in a local aspect, a short Fang Senyan trio surrounded Beat Drizzt alone! !! !!

The first bullet from Mogansha broke the glass above Drizzt. Of course, the glass fell thinly, and the fragments fell down, just blocking Drizzt's sight, and the fragments returned to the thorn. The sun gave Drizzt a dazzling illusion. But that only drove Drizzt back faster.

However, Mo Gansha's second bullet hit the waterproof canopy high behind Drizzt and exploded. The waterproof canopy fell thinly and just happened to form a sharp iron fence obliquely inserted on the ground, as if it were an ancient horse, the rusted iron fence pointed sharply at the tip. Drizzt's back!

For people like Fang Senyan and Reef, it ’s okay to be hit by this iron fence, but for Drizzt, since he chose to focus on both agility and intelligence, his defense and health are necessarily weak points. He The faster you retreat earlier, the greater the damage you can do. What's more important is that no matter how Drizzt reacts, his retreat speed will inevitably decrease significantly because of this!

The third bullet fired by Mogansha hit the flower stand next to it, then a strange ejection occurred, and it hit Fang Senyan's feet, and then exploded again, giving Fang Senyan's feet enough push power.

Mo Gansha's three shots gathered the enemies that were stagnant, confused the eyes of the enemy, and incidentally supported the friendly forces. It can be said that he was the pinnacle of his work. Of course, he also paid a sniper rifle that was a hit. The price!

The power of the breeder hunter is definitely not what Mogansha can match now! In the final analysis, he can only deal with it. This shot is the lesson he must obtain with one heart and one heart.

However, although Mo Gansha was directly bombarded by the gun into the dying state, the gun was also within his expectations. When he launched the beast instinct, he also activated the glorious recovery: 50% health was continuously restored within 12 seconds, so he was released from the dying state within four seconds and stuck again before the sniper's firing cooldown time. Hidden in the cover.

After the movement speed of the two sides has disappeared, Drizzt has entered the range of Fang Senyan Cape's fury, and the ring flashes a dazzling light again in an instant. Fang Senyan is already buried in his head, like an angry bull. That way, Drizzt hit him at an amazing speed.

But Drizzt's expression was full of weirdness ... stabbing?

Fang Senyan slammed into Drizzt's body, and the vision of the bull behind him was very clear. It stands to reason that Drizzt should be in a dizzy state at this moment. However, the tight leather pants on his legs were faintly dark gold, and it seemed that a huge python had emerged from the air and wrapped around his body.

Then he saw that the dizziness suffered by Drizzt was lifted, and he was strangely slipping in the air, cleverly serpentine escaped the pursuit of Fang Senyan's tail. Run away.

Drizzt even has dark gold equipment! !!

But at this time, Fang Senyan had long been prepared for his own miss. He pulled out his ambition, aimed at Drizzt with the muzzle of the black hole, and pulled the trigger directly! At the same time, the song of rum was launched. At this time, Fang Senyan didn't want the damage of rum song, but the dizzy effect of at least 2 seconds.

Distance, distance!

In front of a guy like Drizzt, distance is victory or defeat, life or death!

But after Drizzt shot that shot, a ray of light appeared again on his body. He was almost like a leaf fluttering, and flew straight out, so although he was hit and fainted Dizzy, but also flew backwards at an amazing speed with the impact of that bomb .........! The two-second dizzy time was exhausted while Fang Senyan was trying to catch up!

After landing, Drizzt's mouth showed an evil smile like a clown. He squatted down, and instead pointed out Fang Senyan's finger, and scorned him very disdainfully! In this way, the action of squatting and squeezing your fingers by pulling the stool is very humiliating. Then, an ice dagger was formed again in the thin cold mist in his hand ...

At this time, Drizzt had somehow shivered in the warm sunshine! !! He just felt that an indescribable cold slipped out of the cracks in the bones, which seemed to be all over his body. His feet were soft, and he felt that he was struggling.

The chilling effect caused by the illness and cold started at this time.

Seeing that Fang Senyan sneered at the corner of his mouth quickly, Drizzt's first reaction was naturally to pull away from each other again. But the cold sensation was spreading up and down the limbs and bones, making people completely weak and weak! The speed of movement is naturally mad.

Drizzt immediately realized the abnormality on his body! Although the four reserve hunter hunters have already come to reinforcements, but the four of them were roared by the reef's heartbreaking heart!

Drizzt, who is able to run at full speed, can definitely not see Fang Senyan until he eats ashes, but after being reduced by 50% by the chill, he can only watch Fang Senyan shorten the distance between them! Drizzt also took a decisive bottle of medicine that could eliminate all abnormalities on his body, but immediately found it useless!

This bottle of honor medicine that cost him 3 points of merit and worth 30,000 universal points was actually useless! !!

Drizzt immediately realized that the abnormal state of the enemy was even higher than the honor potion. There was an unspeakable panic in his heart:

"Is this really the enemy's hole card?"

Just when Drizzt was finally in a panic, Fang Senyan was very straightforward, throwing a bottle of cursing potion over!

This bottle of "chunxiang" potion can stun Drizzt for 1.5 seconds, plus a 30% group slowdown effect. Therefore, the "chill" effect on Drizzt's body has just disappeared, and it is covered by Fang Senyan's potion in the shadow.

Drizzt was finally caught up this time. He had just escaped the envelope of the poisonous mist, and Fang Senyan was severely cut off behind him! He screamed screamingly, and in the light of blood, Drizzt suddenly felt a deep threat and a terrible pain!

Falling down with one stroke turned out to be five types of injuries! How could such a weapon appear on a guy who is not even a reserve hunter, how could he get such a powerful weapon, and how could his basic attributes reach such a high level?

For the first time, Drizzt felt that the situation was getting out of control! Just like when he faced Zeus on the battlefield for the first time, from excitement to fear to despair ... just like now ~ ~ it only took a few minutes.

Despite the attack, Drizzt quickly opened his distance from the opponents behind. Fang Senyan continued to chase his head unwillingly, Drizzt's eyes turned red at once, a raging mood surged in his heart, two ice daggers formed in the cold of his hands, quickly Fei shot at the enemy in front!

"Come on! Do you think Lord Drizzt is only a fugitive? You idiot, you will surely die under my hands!"

The two ice diamond daggers passed by at a glance, and they saw that they would penetrate into Fang Senyan's body. There is no doubt that there is still a huge gap between Fang Senyan and the stalk hunter. This is completely a suppression from above As long as the two ice blades successfully hit, they will inevitably freeze him and make him difficult to form a sculpture.

But at this time, a stout figure sprinted from behind at high speed! Full of indomitable momentum! It is the reef that has launched a powerful ambulance capability "decisive"! I rushed to Fang Senyan in an instant! Use his body to become the most solid shield for teammates!

There is another one that is a bit late. If you can't wait for your friends to go to bed, it will look the same tomorrow.

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