The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 14: collapse

The two ice diamond daggers shot by Drizzt penetrated deeply into the reef's shield in an instant, and then turned into a blue water-like light to surround the reef, and continued to freeze the reef into ice sculptures. Snoring, Drizzt's two ice daggers were quite good at hurting him, and his health fell to the dangerous line in an instant, so he also had to activate the team ability: brilliant healing!

Although the damage of the two ice diamond daggers is amazing, the frozen deceleration effect attached to them is reduced by the reef's dark golden shield.

Immediately afterwards, all the talents found that the resoluteness of the reef was not only to rescue Fang Senyan, but also to shorten the distance with Drizzt again in an instant, so that the enemy's leader entered his effective attack range. !!

Immediately after the reef screamed, "Heartbroken!"

The violent shock wave spread in all directions. Drizzt's face changed suddenly. Although he leaped violently at the same time, he was still affected by the aftermath, and his moving speed was greatly reduced.

Drizzt, who had become struggling, watched Fang Senyan's **** +7 West step approaching with a murderous look on his face, and there was a little fear in his eyes! He suddenly roared! The white air-conditioner on both hands closed together, then frozen into a huge round ice hockey ball, and hit the ground severely.

This seemingly stupid behavior caused Drizzt to form a soft snow on the ground of nearly 100 square meters with Drizzt as the center, and also moved with Drizzt's movement. Fang Senyan stepped on it immediately Buried in the snow to his calf, he received a prompt to reduce the speed of movement!

This is Drizzt's response: Since I can't get faster, I can only slow you down!

Drizzt's ability is quite similar to that of Prince Staro, but Prince Staro collects damage and slows them down, while Drizzt just condenses into a slow snowfield that is difficult to walk. You can see it at a glance.

At this moment, although Drizzt's speed dropped sharply after hitting Heartbreaker, Fang Senyan also had a hard time catching up with him in a short time. Although the distance between the two has been shortened to only about four or five meters, these four or five meters are like natural sounds to Fang Senyan who lacks long-range attack methods!

Drizzt is also a very experienced guy. He immediately realized that this was a huge opportunity. It took 1.5 seconds to stop and release a frosty diamond dagger, but the same Fang Senyan approached him and attacked him. Takes 1.5 seconds,

In other words, if you fight yourself and hit him again, you can also return an ice diamond dagger! It should be no problem to fight again. The mad dog who bites his own body in front of him will not only be pierced but also frozen! Such a swap injury is naturally only made without compensation.

However, at the corner of Fang Senyan's mouth at this moment, he showed a very cold smile.

"Illness, you have not had an attack for forty-five seconds in your body. This time is fifty-ninth seconds. This time, the probability of an outbreak on your body is 97.11%! And, more importantly ... . Five minutes have passed since the first person sneezed, which means that my second-order disease is about to debut on your body !! "

"Keekekekekeke !!!" It seems like a successful footnote for Fang Senyan's presumption.

Drizzt suddenly couldn't help himself to bend down and cough madly. His coughing sound was very sharp. It seemed to tear his lungs and torture it. As for the ice-shaped diamond dagger that was being formed in the casting state, it was The very clear smoke disappeared, and this was the only end to the ability to continue casting spells ...

Of course, Fang Senyan was not polite at this time, went directly to Drizzt's back, raised +7 West was a fierce stab, and then struck the guy by the way in his scream. On the bottom of his buttock, he kicked him in the right direction, right in front of the reef. The reef did not hesitate to launch the self-contained ability of the shoes: the horseshoe was stomping (active), and it crackled The guy was violently tortured on the ground.


Ten minutes later,

With the loud sound of "Dang", a completely distorted figure was thrown from the store. The door of a BMW 730 parked next to the crash was sunk in a large piece. Between blood and water splashing, you can see that this figure is a reserve contractor, but his chest has shown a horror. The extent of the depression, it is clear that the sternum is completely broken.

Despite this serious injury, the reserve contractor didn't feel any pain, still red eyes, struggling to distort the body on the ground, it should be caused by some stimulant. He It was trying to rush into the store, but it was clear that this act exhausted his last vitality, and finally twitched on the ground a few times to die, leaving a large pool of thrilling blood on the ground!

Fang Senyan strode out of the shop. His body was covered with splashes of blood, dry and fresh, and a striking wound appeared on his face. The flesh rolled from the left eye to the right cheekbone. It was very fierce, but only those eyes were deeper. He took a bottle of vodka from the shelf that hadn't collapsed beside him, and groaned as he looked up.

At this time the sunset had already dyed the sky red. Fang Senyan's huge figure was pulled out of a long figure.

"Eh?" At this moment, Yu Guang at the corner of Fang Senyan's eyes suddenly saw a light, this light was fast and sharp, and there was even time to reflect a sunlight in the air. He reached out his hand subconsciously, and then groaned back.

On the wrist of his right hand, he had been deeply pierced by a frost-condensed flying knife, which not only penetrated the protection of the hard and heavy thick-scale gloves, but also penetrated into his muscles. Inside, the joint of the blade and the glove even exuded dark red blood, and then coagulated into ice immediately.

"The reef ... is defeated? However, he played an unprecedented role, and, Drizzt, did you find it very regrettable that even though he was dying, there was no way to hurt him? To him, isn't it? "

Fang Senyan's mouth sneered,

The light flashed again, and Fang Senyan, who seemed to be unguarded, rolled on the spot with great flexibility. Although he slammed the glass door and the shelf thinly, he avoided the attack from the second flying knife. And in the process of tumbling, he has even pulled out the frost flying knife that pierced his wrist.

Drizzt's ghostly appearance appeared in the bushes in the distance. He suddenly stooped down, and a series of coughing that made him feel heartbreaking. He coughed up his tears and snot, and even saw it. , Even the corners of his lips oozed bright red blood.

This is the only lethality of the disease currently controlled by Fang Senyan: hemoptysis. After each severe cough occurs three times, the next severe cough will cause the enemy to take an additional 150 points of bleeding damage for 15 seconds.

When the disease was in full swing, Fang Senyan and Reef began to use the horrible negative effects of the disease to repress Drizzt. He kept chasing and killing him, and the four reserve contractors who forced him to come can only come to rescue, or even Sometimes you need to use your own body to block enemy attacks.

It stands to reason that this is still a hard fight, but when Fang Senyan killed Ben Johnson, two reserve contractors fled!

Because they were almost tortured by that **** disease at first, but they found that if they fight again, their side may win, but! The price of this win means that both of them will be sacrificed as cannon fodder! !! So such a victory is even more brilliant, but what is it for them? Besides, Dr. Crist usually treats them badly ...

So the end result is that only one remaining loyal to Drizzt's reserve contract is still struggling.

At this time ~ ~ Drizzt launched a frantic counterattack, but the reef bit him deadly and resisted his attack. The two attacked each other like a beast that was injured, gradually gradually. Far away, each with a ghost. For Drizzt, he thought that as long as he killed the reef, he would make a lot of money, so he sacrificed his subordinates again, but the reef had a chain of life protection, so he shattered Drizzt's wishful thinking. !!

Until now, the two Frost Flying Knives can be said to be Drizzt's last attack, and he was almost tortured by the previous reefs and diseases. So Fang Senyan stood up and said to Drizzt:

"I allow you to choose a method of death in your hometown and give you thirty seconds to answer me."

Drizzt's answer was to stare Fang Senyan with red eyes, and then swooped up! Fang Senyan raised his knife coldly, because he believed that if Drizzt was the winner at this time, this guy would definitely not show mercy to his men!

After one minute and ten seconds, accurately, after receiving Drizzt's death, Trice and Mo Gansha, who was singled out, also chose Senren wisely. After all, she found that the guy in front of him was slick It looks like a mouse. Although his attack power is obviously ten times stronger than him, the two sides can only form a relative balance. In short, no one can help him!

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