The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 15: Dark gold ..... harvest

The escape of this guy, Trice, also completely wiped out Drizzt's last hope,

From the moment the two sides fight into a stalemate, then the overall strength, cohesion and centripetal force of the team must be compared! ………. Obviously, at the most critical time, Trice also began to be pessimistic about her own prospects.

This is not only because she feels the vicissitudes in the battlefield, the strength of the enemy, but also the fear of the disease of the other side Mori!

Severe cough, headache, sneezing, shivering! An endless stream of negative states lurks on his own body. If a time bomb does not know when it will erupt, no matter how often you check your state repeatedly, you still don't notice any negative effects! This is amazing.

The most important thing is that Fang Senyan knows that there are currently only two-stage diseases that can affect the enemy ---- but! !! The other party did not know this fact! They did not understand that Fang Senyan is now at the end of the crossbow, but they thought that more and more terrible negative effects would appear over time. The fear from the unknown is the most frightening thing!

In addition, Drizzt's management method that draws part of the backbone and squeezes the rest is also worth criticizing. In a large team environment, this management method may be the best, but in this battle, it is the culprit that directly caused team cohesion.

Therefore, in this situation, the collapse of the team is almost inevitable, and Drizzt's death is already doomed. He is proud of his speed advantage and is fully restrained by various interruptive diseases. His slowdown effect is immune to the powerful MT of Reef! In the end Drizzt gasped, learning only that Fang Senyan had escaped into a building and stayed there. He thought that this would delay the negative state on his body and disappear.

However, he did not know that as long as there was no way to escape the range of 100 meters around Fang Senyan, the disease would affect his body endlessly!

Five minutes later, the three met together, and after a little recovery, the reef leader rushed directly into the house, but at this time, Fang Senyan received a reminder from the Nightmare Mark:

"Your illness: hemoptysis caused by bronchitis caused 38 points of damage."

"Your disease: hemoptysis from bronchitis killed the hunter?"

Faced with such a series of prompts, Fang Senyan's heart burst into tears and laughter! Drizzt, such a powerful breeder, finally collapsed in a corner and died of hemoptysis!

This ending is really ironic.

Looking at the corner of his mouth, there was a long bloodstain. Drizzt died, Fang Senyan shrugged his shoulders regretfully. At this time, the post-war settlement also appeared. Fang Senyan killed a total of two hunters. The reward is eight. Point, two reserve contractor, reward merit four points!

Because of the limitation of the world ’s description, the single player ’s killing merit limit in this world is 10 points, and Fang Senyan has already obtained a four-point merit limit, so he can only take six points of merit, and it ’s a waste to take more. The remaining merit value is the equal split between Mogansha and Reef.

And at this time, the reef found that his dark gold shield was originally displayed? ? ? In places, there is also a hidden passive attribute: hot breathing.

Hot Breathing: Passive ability, this shield has been blessed by Sphinx, so it is immune to any negative effects such as deceleration and immobilization caused by freezing. Enemies deal 20% less fire damage to you. The hot breath is authoritative.

There is no doubt that the activation of this attribute gave the reef a big surprise. According to Mogansha's inference, the activation of this dark metallic prerequisite is mostly a shield to block several enemy cold attribute attacks. .

Obviously, the former owner of this dark gold shield has not been hit by cold attacks, and Drizzt has unfortunately contributed the last few cold attacks to unlock the hidden attributes of this dark gold shield.

At this time, Fang Senyan thought of his own dark gold necklace, and the ??? attribute on it was not activated. It seems that it is time to study this time. In the face of the additional 6 points of merit, Fang Senyan also did not dare to leave it out at this time. He now realized that after he saved more than ten basic attribute points, he gradually became more and more in the team. It ’s already shifting towards melee output and assistance, which is definitely not a good phenomenon.

In front of his eyes, Mori can also be maintained with his own equipment ahead of others, but over time, his role in the team is bound to be more easily marginalized. Over time, it is difficult to say what will happen.

"It's time to speed up."

Thinking about it this way, Fang Senyan began to continue to invest his meritorious value in "influenza", after spending 2 points of meritorious value, he improved it from the previous L6 to LV7. After being upgraded to the key level of LV7, naturally, four randomly selected attributes also appeared.

A: When the symptoms of influenza virus occur, the duration of the negative effect is increased by 50%.

B: Spread the radius of infection of influenza virus by 50 meters.

C: Reduce the onset period of influenza virus from the current 7 minutes to 3 minutes.

D: After the epidemic virus attacks, the chance of sneezing, chills, and headaches increases by an additional 4%.

Fang Senyan chose the extraction, and the result obtained was A. He looked at the attributes that continued to appear, but found that the name of the disease had changed to "viral influenza", and it took a full 10 points to upgrade from LV7 to LV8. Merit value, even if the sun ladder is reduced by 50%, a full 5 merit value is required.

Fang Senyan thought about it. Through the Nightmare Mark, he chose to spend 2 points of meritorious value to lower the level of cold to LV6, and then used 2 points of meritorious value to raise the influenza to LV7 again, and obtained another chance to draw.

Yes, Fang Senyan now realizes the disadvantages caused by the lack of manpower in his team, that is, it is difficult to support the continuous battle for too long, so attribute C has reduced the onset period from the original seven minutes to three minutes, during which an additional reduction is granted. The four minutes dropped can even be said to be life and death, and it is very important! Therefore, Fang Senyan did not hesitate to pay the extra four points of merit to re-extract, which is for the C attribute.

This time Fang Senyan was a bet. The extracted property was the C attribute. He breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the randomly selected killing rewards began to be distributed. Fang Senyan they killed four guys, then they will One piece was randomly selected from the equipment owned by these four guys, and then four of them were randomly awarded to Fang Senyan.

Soon, Fang Senyan discovered that a dark golden piece of equipment was added in his private storage space! That was the tight leather pants that Drizzt wore. When Fang Senyan's fury hit him, the leather pants resolved the stun effect that followed, and Fang Senyan wanted to stun with ambition. While staying with him, Drizzt was actually struck by him! These two things left a very clear and deep impression on Fang Senyan.

As he took out the leather pants, its attributes also appeared in front of everyone.

Versace python trousers

Output: Contractor B13 production

Equipment Rarity: Dark Gold

Material: Rare Bloodskin Python + Vines + Griffon Down +? ? ? Instrument soul

Attachment: pants pockets have been added (adding an extra 33% to your personal storage space)

Equipment location: Leg

Equipment type: Pants

Weight: 4.11 kg.

Equipment use conditions: agility must reach 45 points or more, perception 30 points or more, basic footsteps LV7, basic long-distance LV10.


Equip: Reduces your chance to be critically hit by 3%

Equip: Increase agility by 10 points

Equip: All effects that reduce your movement speed will be reduced by 33% in duration. This effect is authoritative.

Equip: Health +150

Special Effect: Snake Slap (Passive). Whenever you suffer enemy damage, there is a certain chance to get the Snake Slap effect, and you will get to slide away from the direction of the source of damage, so as to distance you from the enemy. The damage you take is reduced by 20%.

After triggering the snake, you can choose the direction to slide away, or you can choose not to slide away.

Special effects: manual, this is a rare finished product processed by the contractor, so you better repair it at the processor, otherwise, every time you repair in the space, you will pay extra repair costs, It will also permanently reduce the maximum durability value of the equipment by 1-3 points. When the maximum durability value of the equipment is 0, the equipment disappears.

Ability: The snake of the soul, calling out the python's violent soul to protect you in an instant, eliminate all your abnormal states in an instant, and restore your health and mental strength by 33%,

As the price of calling the soul snake, it will take 100 durability of this equipment, and will reject your call for 12 hours ~ ~ Ability: Snake's Entanglement (activated), you are against the enemy The attack has a certain chance to summon Mori's soul to entangle it, making it fixed for 1 second. If your attack already has similar abilities, the duration of the snake's entanglement will be added to the attack. Lasting effect lasts. (That is to say, if Fang Senyan wears these pants, throwing a poison gas bottle can stun his opponent for 2 seconds, and the new stink bug potion can stun 2.5 seconds. Drizzt's most sad thing is his ice. The dagger attack also has the effect of freezing people, but it is unfortunately restrained by the reef's shield, so this bonus is actually not exerted)

Ability: Snake, hidden in the equipment. The snake soul will inadvertently accelerate your movement force, increasing your base movement speed by 25 points.

Explanation: After a giant snake was hunted, his unwilling soul was still eager to be born again, so when it had a chance to enter a piece of equipment to feel the world again, it chose to accept and wholeheartedly maintain the existence of this piece of equipment Because it doesn't want to fall into the dark sleep again. If you strengthen this equipment high enough, then gaining a more powerful snake soul will make this equipment reborn.

It ’s true that today, I ’m sorry, so today ’s Chapter 2 is still being written, but it will definitely be updated.

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