The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 25: reverse

That mage's enemies were in the hands of Aldarius, and they were invincible!

But Yuan Zhan, who was stabbed by the mage's enemies, laughed wildly: "Aldarius, don't think that I will be fine with this **** dagger. I am a powerful hunter's summoner , Zi tilted the team resources towards me again, how can the mana reserve be imaginable! Although your mage's enemies now have the ability to continuously burn and absorb mana and cannot pull out, how long do you have to wait? Can you drain my mana? My kids have tore you to pieces before that! "

With Yuan Zhan's wild laughter, from the front and rear of Aldarius, several teleportation arrays with bleeding bleeding emerged at the same time, and then several powerful monsters crawled out of the teleportation array with their teeth and paws, Surrounded Aldarez in the center. It was originally inside the building, and it suddenly surrounded Aldarez! Looking at the strength of these monsters, it is actually the existence of fourth- and fifth-order legendary creatures!

This is the first time Zhan summons animals to appear in this battle!

This was a vicious trap that he used to deal with posture, but it was unexpectedly acting on the guy of Aldaris! With the strength of the original Zhan veteran colony hunter, plus the fitting of the "chief's love" of dark gold equipment tailor-made for him, as well as these trap agencies carefully planned. These three functions together are immediately integrated into a comprehensive counterattack, combined in an instant into this horrible lore, it is necessary to fight back against Aldarius!

situation. It was reversed in an instant!

"I didn't expect it, it was the guy Aldaris rescued." Fang Senyan said with emotion on a military off-road defender shaking.

The three Fang Senyan had already left the satellite base station at this time. Now that they have grasped the whereabouts of the posture, they are naturally unwilling to delay further. Now they have fulfilled their promises, they should be tied up, and they should run.

It is worth mentioning that. Fang Senyan they really talked. For those researchers who did not die, everyone also gave gold worth hundreds of thousands of federal currency. Of course, it was impossible to directly throw them on the gold. Instead, they buried them near the outpost and waited until they were dug out. After consulting these researchers, I felt that I was scared. However, I also received banknotes that I could earn for decades, so I also temporarily assembled a tracker for Fang Senyan.

This tracker was transformed with PD, using civilian signals, but using several military authorized codes. The Skynet satellite network system is not just for military use. After the government realized the benefits of the gray and black organizations involved in the hunting scope of dinosaur crystals, it also opened the civil bō section.

Fang Senyan The tracker they got at this time is equivalent to having the highest authority of the civil bō segment. In any case, they must ensure their signal priority. It is certainly not as simple and fast as the military, with many functions and signals. A certain delay. However, for Fang Senyan, it has been an unexpected gain.

"Ardaris, was saved by the pose before." The reef suddenly followed Fang Senyan's words.

If anyone in the ace team is more familiar with this guy, then it is natural that the reef is the non-reef. The two of them often discuss gambling in space. Fang Senyan heard the words of the reef and said, "Oh? Anything else?"

Reef nodded and said: "This guy Aldarez is quite arrogant and is a person who prefers to take risks alone. This often allows him to take greater risks and get more. More quickly. Growth. However, this will inevitably lead to a multiplication of risk. When acquiring the enemies of that mage, Aldarius almost died on the road of adventure. At that time, posture helped him, and then He was absorbed into the Illuminati of the time. "

Mogansha suddenly raised his gun at this time! Among the sound of clapping. The center of the road ahead was immediately dusty, and from the ground jumped out a lying sand gray lizard. One of his eyes had been blinded, and the thick plasma was flowing. It screamed in pain in the air, threatened with fangs grinned, but responded with more fierce firepower! The guy was splattered with blood and fell off the road.

"This lizard is also contaminated with dinosaur genes and has a mutation. What it does best is to pretend to be a rabbit on the road, and then it suddenly explodes, inflicting damage to the enemy with a row of spurs growing from the spine. Probably there is About 56% of the vehicles broke down because of this guy's puncture tire. And this kind of sand lizard meat can not be eaten, it will emit an indescribable odor, and it is a very rare output crystal, which is considered to be a wasteland. One of the least popular animals. "

Mo Gansha looked at the series of instructions on the tracker and read a series of words: "Yes, we are about to enter the middle area of ​​the dinosaur-stricken area. According to the suggestions above, it is best to find some dinosaur feces and apply it on To avoid unnecessary encounters with the enemy, shall we do the same? "

Fang Senyan rolled his eyes and said, "I don't mind rubbing it on the car. If it is applied to my body ......... I feel like I'm looking for an open plastic bag."

At this time, as the car accelerated, a flash of light suddenly appeared in front of the car, and the fire quickly increased as the car galloped. Finally, you can see that several cars were ignited and parked on the road. Large groups of Direclaw dragons are attacking a hunting team frantically.

Among them, it seems that there is still a leader-level existence. The head of that devil claw dragon is particularly large, and there is a strange dark red sè on his body, and sometimes he jumps up and down to guide his attack. At one point, sometimes jumping on the rocks and observing silently, it seems that he already has basic tactical capabilities.

Fang Senyan's car had not arrived yet, and suddenly there was a lot of noise in the darkness around them. At least ten Devilclaw dragons got out of the side, and Zhang Yawu's claws rushed at them.

"These guys still know the tactics of helping out?" This is too outrageous, "Fang Senyan was surprised. Mo Gansha had already killed a Terrorclaw with a shot, and he called out immediately: "Boss, these guys were already injured! These **** green-skinned lizards are really a bit wicked, so intelligent? Know how to gather the lightly wounded to serve as a reserve to intercept reinforcements? "

At this time, Fang Senyan also clearly understood the situation facing the hunting team in front. Obviously, the vehicles were ignited by themselves after they were parked to serve as shelters and obstacles, which made them only need to One direction to deal with the attacking Direclaw.

This is the case. Their situation is also very dangerous. It seems that it only takes one or two seconds for those crazy creatures to break in and use their minions to tear and devour the enemy's body.

Seeing that the group of Direclaw dragons was about to break through the siege, a burly big man in the hunting team suddenly stood up, and he pulled a weapon from his feet by pulling a cannon.

The mouth of this thing has the shape of some horns, but the barrel of the gun is quickly narrowed. At a distance, it looks like a large size in the orchestra. When you look closer, it looks more like a tǐn muzzle. Heavy machine gun.

Then the big man screamed in excitement, pointed the trumpet at the Terror Claw Dragon group not far away, and immediately sounded an unforgettable voice!

The sound was unusually harsh, as if the nails were scratching strongly on the glass, as if forcibly sawing steel with a chain saw!

Even Fang Senyan's pupils suddenly narrowed, because the breathing of the more than a dozen densely sprinting Devil Claw dragons, the heartbeat completely disappeared at this instant. Then there was a series of continuous crackling sounds of "pap pap pap", the sound of the windshield breaking, and the sound of screws flying out of the vehicle hit by the weapon bō.

The strength of the Zhenfei screw was so great that someone beside him was screamed badly by accident.

The sprinting Devil Claw dragon group seems to have been frozen for a few seconds after time ~ ~ also burst in a "papapa" burst, the cracking is very crisp and thorough, directly into a faint The red mist was blowing in the wind. The red mist was composed of flesh, bones, hair and other things that had been crushed quite thoroughly. They could smell the **** smell of Fang Senyan.

"N! You guys that should go to hell! Damn it, this one shot killed a quarter of the profit of our trip! It still has to be counted as a burned car!" The burly man laughed wildly first, and then again He scolded: "This **** shock dn gun is all good, but unfortunately it is too destructive, and even the crystals inside the dinosaurs are destroyed. What a hell!"

This sudden blow immediately made those Terror Claw dragons feel a strong threat. Such terrible casualties caused their instinct to collapse quickly and fled away! I do n’t know if it ’s a coincidence. The blood-stained Terrorclaw leader just happened to flee to Fang Senyan.

Fang Senyan was about to test the power of the two weapons he bought from the market before, so he first took out the "Shamir dn device", pointed at the boss and pulled the trigger. The powerful sound bō directly penetrated the thick and tough cortex of the Devil's Claw leader, and directly acted on its brain. Suddenly, the guy who had opened his teeth danced to the ground immediately, although he immediately climbed up again, but It was moving in circles in situ. !! .

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