The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 26: Aldarez's Ambition

Next, the reef also tried to point xìn at the Demon Claw Dragon, recharge it, and then pulled the trigger of the Pangruba improved shotgun. This thing had caused Fang Senyan to suffer a lot, and it was very thick. The pale yellow liquid sprayed out, dripping the unfortunate Direclaw leader from head to toe.

The guy immediately became fierce and miserable, but refused to admit defeat and continued to run away. As a result, the running was slower and slower. A lot of stones were stuck under the feet. The mud or something had obviously run up a dirt slope, but the feet were slippery, and the grunts rolled down from the **** directly. It turned into a meat ball stuck in the stones, dirt, shrubs inside the dry branches of the shrubs, and it was useless to grab the claws with his mouth and grab them.

Seeing this scene, the reef walked up and laughed and kicked this guy: "You run again, you run again? Hey? Boy? What do you want to do?" It turned out that the group of hunters who were attacked at this time The team all looked at Fang Senyan and the three of them had bad faces. They sneered at the corners of their mouths and held them with guns. When they heard the words of the reef, they all laughed back and forth: "He asked us what we wanted to do?"

"He asked us what we wanted to do? This joke is so good!" "Is this kid coming to hunt for the first time?"


The burly big man led by Hua Gao gave out the scorpion left in the mouth of xōn, and the eyebrows fluttered, "It's not bad, look at what God has brought to us? Well, it's estimated that the defense just left the factory. , Panluoba shooter, Shamir's vibrator, wow, but also add a Devil Claw leader, today is my lucky day, I was just thinking about how to go back and explain the changes to the boss this time Less, and as a result, the windfall! "

A guy with a chicken head next to him jān laughed, "Boss Black, what should we do?"

The black scorpion was a majestic wave: "Tie them all together. I guess these three guys still have oil and water, squeeze them out and then kill them.

Of course, you can find fun. "

This group of guys actually discussed these things in front of the three "victims" of Fang Senyan. It can be seen that the impunity was extreme and the means of torture must be cruel, so I can say "squeezed and killed." "if.

After listening, the black brother sighed: "It's a pity, boy, I have no interest in your wealth ..." The words of the black brother have just come out, and he has leapt to the side, gold.

The sharp muzzle of your muzzle has been ejected! At the same time, Fang Senyan launched the "horn fury" at the black scorpion at the same time because the unconventional weapon that the guy just used was so powerful that it was the only thing that might threaten the life of the team members!

The end of this battle is unquestionable. With Fang Senyan's demonstrated combat power, it can be said that they are completely overwhelmed by xìn against these guys! The difference is only a matter of time.

This black scorpion team brought Fang Senyan them 30 additional dinosaur crystals and five dinosaur medium-sized crystals. These crystals can be directly exchanged to the military for various equipment, formulas, and potions that can be used by the contractor. Absolutely not Things like the banknotes and gold you received before are not useful.

In the end, Fang Senyan had a clever move, leaving two lucky lives, one was the guy with a crested head, called Lal, and the middle-aged man holding tu was called Mi Xinsan.

Because the terrain ahead is becoming more complicated, not only with the rift valley, but also with several abandoned cities, even with the humble detector to help, but this is already a moderate dinosaur disaster area, if you have a guide, then there is no such thing Questions can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble and rush to your destination as soon as possible.

The reason why Fang Senyan wanted to stay is also very simple, because before the jān cunning Lal faced his own attack, he actually dragged the Mi Xinsan directly over to serve as a shield and Fang Senyan Folded his fists.

There is no doubt that the hatred that these two men have formed since then has been too deep, so Fang Senyan left these two people to restrain each other, so they are not afraid of what they play.

After encountering such a thing here, Fang Senyan and they were also delayed for more than ten minutes. At this time, they brought the two guides, changed their direction under their guidance, and quickly according to the detector's The sign drove past.

I have to admit that Fang Senyan's foresight xìn is quite prepared. After embracing these two amateur guides, the efficiency of the group has indeed been improved with less effort. After less than half an hour, Fang Senyan has been very close to the goal, and If this place goes deeper, it will be the hardest hit area for dinosaurs! In this range, often only the military dares to enter the hunt under the cover of the Air Force tank, because it is likely to encounter powerful creatures such as Tyrannosaurus residing in the top biological chain!

Listening to the powerful roar of the defender's engine, one's nerves began to tighten up, preventing various unexpected situations from appearing.

At this moment, the black guys suddenly thought of something like: "Hey, reef, if you have a good attitude towards Aldarius according to what you said before, why does Aldarius go when the light will split? On Zeus' side? "After listening to the words of the black buddies, the reefs were a little stunned, and for a while they were also puzzled by Aldarius's approach.

However, Fang Senyan smiled and said, "Because this guy can't be stupid enough to be emotional in the space. If he joined the team at that time, Aldarus was just a hunter, the backbone of the team, top He became the fifth king of Zi, and four other people were juxtaposed with him.

"However, if he can manage Zeus' glorious team with his own power, take control of this team, and then merge the glorious team back, then it must be unique in Zizi's heart! How does this guy's idea and ten Five or six-year-old high school students are similar? However, there is always a cruel gap between reality and ideals. It seems that Aldarez has never found an opportunity to achieve his goals. The glorious team is getting stronger and the posture has fallen into the most. Dangerous edge, and according to the video data we got when we set out, even if Ardaris confronted Yuan Zhan, his situation was just as bad. "At this time, the reef was serious: "Boss, I think you must be measuring his combat ability by the strength shown by Aldarius before."

Fang Senyan whispered a little: "Yes, on the planet Avatar, I have seen the battle where Aldarus defeated him, and my judgment comes from this."

Reef slowly said: "But, Boss, if you just made the right judgment, will Aldaris go all out to the woman he loves secretly?"

Fang Senyan froze and said seriously: "No."

Reef's eyes were deep: "The enemy of the mage has very important meaning to Aldarus. This meaning is not that this weapon can cause P to the law contractor to burn P value and achieve considerable damage. Yes, the hidden special effect of the weapon is a P value that can draw to Aldarus and provide a continuous stream of feedback! "

"When Aldarius loses his weapon, he is the most terrifying time!" .....................

Aldarius has been surrounded and enemies are all around!

Powerful enemy!

In the face-to-face fight, a breeder hunter summoner can't even play a role as a reserve breeder hunter. However, as long as he is given enough time, he can play enough to make the battle stone reversal. Terror Force!

There is no doubt that before the arrival of Aldaris, Yuan Zhan had prepared a considerable amount of time, because he knew that he was facing the former head, the woman who knew himself well.

And the enemy that Aldarus is facing is still Yuan Zhan, or the powerful man who was once regarded as a team revival!

In such a situation, Aldarius is almost equal to facing the combined attack of at least four breeding hunters, and facing the crazy counterattack of the original Zhan Caochen!

But Aldarez's eyes were very tough ~ ~ and even brought an indescribable fanaticism. He looked at Yuan Zhan who had receded into the distance with an eye that seemed to pierce his heart. With a stinging expectation coldly: "Do you think that this will ensure that you are not dead?" Aldarius was in a half-kneeling posture at this time, his hands pressed on the ground, and at this moment, from him On the ground held by the palms of his hands, there was a dense white twisted light. If the snake snakes, it spreads out in all directions in high speed!

In the next second, those white twisted rays of light gathered on the summoning beast that was attacking him!

A dazzling horrible light flashed out! Almost flooded the world!

Everyone's eyes were shone brightly, a sharp and slender twisted lightning, actually flying out of the void like a snake, hitting straight down!

After the electricity was dropped, if it was grand and mighty, it was not as magnificent and brilliant as the lightning in the sky, but after it appeared, it gave a very sharp and eye-catching feeling. If the momentum of nature's thunder and lightning is like a sledgehammer coming down from the sky and knocking it down, it will open and close and cross the sky. It will smash people into the flesh and blood. Slender sharp thorns, straight cone heart! Then burst out from the heart, forming a terrible current storm! !! .

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