The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 34: That 1 amber

After treating the wound on her body, the black buddies injected her with an anti-toxic serum. Symptomatic medicine and powerful data-based body, the posture situation quickly stabilized, life value began to gradually recover, the rapid breathing also slowly and smoothly, the whole person fell from a coma to a drowsy state ... .........,

Posture was awakened by the aroma of food. She had been fighting for a long time, and had been fainting for almost seven or eight hours. The body had already instinctively reacted with hunger. At this time, she smelled the smell of oatmeal and was on the fire. The fragrant smell of barbecued meat, the natural food yù flooded from the bottom of my heart, directly dissipating drowsiness.

Nevertheless, at the moment of waking up, posture was the first instinctual backhand to grab the weapon, then took the offensive posture and sat up. Next, she saw two men not far away using one Quite a weird look looked over here.

There was a very awkward silence in the atmosphere, and the reef coughed, using a tentative xìng tone: "Position, are you awake? Okay?"

The posture's eyes gradually became clear from the mí ,. There was a hurting **** in his eyes, and he nodded silently: "Well, reef, you saved me? Where are we now?"

"Dead city." Jiao Shen Shen said: "Be assured that we are safe now, let's eat something."

Zi nodded, and drank his own cereal, and finally couldn't help but said, "How come you are here?"

Lou Gansha swallowed a piece of barbecue: "It was the demon dream that sent a letter to the boss and then opened the space-time wife hole to teleport us over." The demon dream could not help but closed his eyes and buried his head. Murmuring: "I didn't expect that the prop was taken by Saibul, but I did not expect that the wormhole in time and space was in her hands!"

"Oh, you seem to have missed something." Suddenly a voice came from outside. Then Fang Senyan unzipped the tent and walked in. He smiled at the posture and said, "The demon dream is still Entrust us to bring you the last words: her affection for you has not changed, ... "After hearing this sentence, both Jiao Shi and Mo Gansha both laughed and dared not to laugh at the same time The expression that smiled, but the eyes were expressing a rapid and meaningful exchange, and Zi's face became red, and he gave Fang Senyan a hard look, and buried his head to continue to drink porridge.

Fang Senyan smiled and said, "I have to respect the last wish of a deceased person, right ......... As soon as I observed it, a scout of the glorious team should have arrived at the motel we stayed yesterday. The metal tutor will come with a large group of people, so Zizi, tell me your main task, we have to hurry up. "

Suddenly, she raised her head, and the charming eyes of Danfeng were suddenly filled with murderous anger: "What do you mean? Since Flora is here, I can't ask her to leave alive. The city of death is her burial body. Fang Senyan looked at him, and said seriously: "I'm sorry, ma'am, the enchantment of the demon dream we received just saved you alive, which definitely does not include the stern confrontation with the brilliant team ......... That It's to die for it! Unfortunately, the remuneration paid by Yaomeng is not worth the price.

"Rescue me alive? If I died in the showdown with Flora, if you stand by and watch, the commission will fail?" Zi Leng sneered.

Fang Senyan shrugged his shoulders and said, "You can go to death, but the three of us still cherish our lives quite a bit, so if you don't act in accordance with our arrangements, then I use the name of a reef to guarantee that we will only look around On. "

Jiao Shi suddenly said: "Why is it my name?" "Okay, okay, okay!" The way she gritted her teeth, her expression did not make people feel yīn vicious and hot, but there was a kind of frown similar to Xizi holding her heart She was standing up, stomping, and got out of the tent.

The black buddies and the reef were suddenly taken aback: "Boss ..." Fang Senyan ōng said, "Be assured, she will return, even if she did not give up when she fought alone yesterday, and ran away for nothing It ’s even more difficult now. ”After finishing speaking, Fang Senyan sipped himself a bowl of oatmeal, wrapped salad and vegetable leaves on the barbecue, made himself a big sandwich, and bite it hard After taking a sip, I sipped half a bite of oatmeal, and felt that the very thick fragrance of oatmeal had penetrated into the taste buds, and then the warm porridge liquid slowly poured into the esophagus, and I could not help exhaling a long breath of satisfaction.

Just two or three minutes later, the tent was pulled open again, and walked in with a cold face, walked to the fire and filled it with a bowl of porridge, then drank slowly, and finished the bowl of porridge. Later, she suddenly said, "If I remember correctly, you played a major role in the last death of metal teacher Flora?" Fang Senyan nodded, and in the mouth because of * chewing a large homemade hamburger, Ye said nothing. Qing: "Yes, oh, you should add Mr. Fano to the list of victims, don't you know he is resurrected?"

"No, otherwise Yuan Zhan would not be able to betray so easily. If Fa Nu was present, he would not succeed in becoming a core member." Zi Lenglian said: "Unfortunately, the light will be directed towards the team resources to Yuan Zhan. Leaned in the past, so there are not many general points, and I ca n’t bring any equipment to you. However, my lighting will be a high-level team that has been upgraded to PS, and the team ’s passive ability is quite powerful. The crit rate is increased by 3 ,

When entering the dying state, it instantly restores 5 health. The active ability is to absorb the target's threshold value in an instant! As long as you promise to help, then I will give you the leader of this team! With this team, you can quickly expand your strength to cope with the next attack from the brilliant team! Fang Senyan bit the hamburger in his mouth, looked at it with a very innocent look for three seconds, and then said very simply: "Oh! I think we have a divergent attitude. So far, I am quite satisfied with the current team and have no intention of giving up on it. "You" posture is really a bit disoriented this time. Look at it with a look to kill! "You don't go too far! !! reef! Does this mean you If you have any conditions, just say it directly. You don't need to let this guy talk to me! "

Jiao Shi looked at Zi with a very innocent look: "Zi is very sorry. Since my team was gone, the sailor has always been my leader." Zi has always been very calm and can't help but eat. Startled: "What do you mean?"

Mo Gansha also ignited a cigar and took a sip: "Master Zi, I don't think the boss has any other meaning. Alas, the light will indeed be a high level. It is a very strong team, but to be fair. , There is still no way to compare with our current team. "

Zi Zou was even more shocked, and murmured: "How is that possible? How is it possible? Even the glorious team of Zeus would not have a higher level of my glory!"

Reef sighed: "Sometimes it is absolutely not high-level that determines everything, just like the first-order ability can't be compared with the eighth-order ability most of the time."

After Zi Zi's words were heard, he suddenly said incredibly, "Are you ..."

"Silver team." The black buddies no longer sell their secrets, and directly display the team's data, after looking at it for a while, take a deep breath: "Why are you only three people now? You know, your team has and has support. The team is so powerful, and it's not too difficult to expand. "

Fang Senyan smiled and said, "First, it is a big move. Second, I do n’t want to have unstable factors in the team. Third, and the most important point. As far as my current ability is concerned, once it is greatly expanded, I There is no guarantee that the status of his team leader will not be challenged. "

Zi shook her head ~ ~ For her idea of ​​rapid expansion and the team's enlargement, it just happened to be incompatible with Fang Senyan, and the atmosphere became awkward for a while. Fang Senyan thought seriously and said in the future: "Although we have differences in many aspects, there is a saying that is good: seek common ground while shelving differences. In any case, we still have to cooperate at this time. You cannot deny this. So you have to tell us your mainline mission. ”Zi took a deep breath, and said silently for a while:“ Because our previous influence on the storyline of this world has been quite severe, so I am now entering this world In the future, the main task is also very difficult. It is divided into two stages. The first stage only needs to collect the genes of five dinosaurs. After completing the tasks in this stage, I can return to the nightmare space, but there is no reward. There is no punishment. The main task of the second stage is quite difficult. It is for me to find the amber. "" That amber? "The black man wondered:" What is the relationship between dinosaurs and amber? "

Fang Senyan's brow frowned: "Is that the amber?"

Zong gave Fang Senyan a cold look: "Yes, that is the amber, the amber that gave rise to all the present situation! The amber inlaid with a blood-sucking mosquito! The scientist came from that mosquito In the stomach, I got first-hand information about the dinosaur gene! Without that amber, all of this is a mirage in front of you! It wouldn't be possible to appear! "! .

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