The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 10 Chapter 35: The man caught in the middle ...

Facing the main task of the pose, Fang Senyan held the sun xué and thought for a moment, then looked up and said, "So, your task should always have a clue."

At this point, Zi began to sit on the mat, closed his eyes, and made a diamond-shaped energy crystal around him. At the same time, he said lightly, "My mission, which has now reached the middle stage, is to follow a man named Chadriacos Consortium heir: Chadrias Sisso, who has amber news. According to the latest data, that amber fell into the hands of this huge multinational consortium. The defense ability of this consortium is quite amazing, far exceeding Our imagination is that in the normal way, only a team composed of awakenings can compete with it. "

As soon as Fang Senyan heard the two keywords of the consortium and heirs, he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling: "Do you know the appearance of that Chadrias Sisso? Or the general characteristics."

He gave him a surprised look and said, "Of course, this guy is only nineteen years old and blond ..."

Fang Senyan interrupted the gesture suddenly and rudely, but continued it very simply: "... …… .. He is about 175 cm tall, wearing a shirt from Xianchi, and his watch is Patek Philippe. There are diamond studs in the ears and very rare ruby ​​rings on the fingers. "

Zi surprised, "How do you know? Have you ever met this person?"

Fang Senyan shrugged his shoulders, and Mo Gansha sighed, "We saw his body about sixteen hours ago ... we have been naive until you tell the identity of this unlucky child. Believes that what he has given us most is the introduction to Tyrannosaurus on the desk next to him. "

"It's a lot of trouble." Fang Senyan sighed, "Attitude, if your mainline mission fails, what punishment will you be punished for?"

Zi Leng said: "Forcing 50,000 universal points to be deducted, all genera xìng will be reduced by 20%."

Fang Senyan sighed with relief: "It's okay, it's not obliteration."

Zi Qi said: "What do you mean?"

Fang Senyan said: "According to my understanding, there is also a strange team entering this world. We will reward members for merit by killing their members. This team called Skeleton Club is also pursuing this ... Mr. Kos. Sisso's line. His name is so true. Attitude, you are receiving a task of competition!

"This task should be very rewarding. Especially the rewards given in terms of merit are quite generous. But ... I think you still have to prepare 50,000 points and deduct 20% of all psychological preparations. ! "

Zi Zi only felt dark before her eyes, and she felt that she had never had such a headache in her life: "Sailor ?! Is this how you treat the demon dream?"

Fang Senyan said innocently: "Attitude, you have to stand on our stand and think about it. We have now provoke the group of wolves and tigers from the glorious team. Unfortunately, when we entered the world, I also killed the Skeletons. I guess the two guys are not in a low position in the team. That is to say, we are facing a pinch by the two forces! The three Ps are already a crashing one. Thing. And very unfortunately, we are still the one who is going to be caught in the middle ........... "

Posture opened her mouth, but she was silent in the end. When she was always strong, when she faced the three of Fang Senyan, she felt caught in a quagmire, which could not help her to bind her hands and feet. The feeling was indescribable, but at this moment, there was a loud noise in the distance!

The nerves of the four were tightened at the same time! Immediately opened the tent and rushed out. The posture was still in the fog, but the three of Fang Senyan were very clear. The loud noise came from the motel where they stayed last night!

After so long layout, Fang Senyan has already selected observation points and arranged a series of observation methods. In order to avoid direct observation by the naked eye that caused some very powerful guys to warn, Fang Senyan adopted five cameras. The way to monitor and then play back in the device.

This method was obtained by Fang Senyan through the rank privilege inquiry, which can provide a good cover for this way of viewing from a long distance. Such indirect viewing can reduce the chance of being detected by 25%.

It has been shown on the screen that several people have been fighting fiercely with the mutant Detalon.

To be honest, the reefs couldn't help mō when they saw these fierce mutant Terrorclaw dragons. When the crazy attack speed and sharp razor's claws attacked the body, what protective gear was actually ineffective, The feeling of torn flesh and blood really makes people feel collapsed!

After seeing these peculiar Direclaw dragons, Zi looked at the situation again and couldn't help but stunned, and then said, "Is this the Black Diamond Direclaw?"

The three of them asked Yan Sè, who asked for her at the same time. After thinking about it, she said, "Because the dinosaur disaster was quite abrupt and rapid, it spread at an amazing speed in the early stage, so that there were three places. The nuclear power plant also experienced a severe leak. In the process, some dinosaurs died, but some dinosaurs survived. The dinosaurs that survived were mutated, more powerful and fierce, and the Black Diamond Terrorclaw was One of the mutant dinosaurs. Their attacks are like black diamonds, with horrible real damage capabilities ... most importantly, they also have a small probability of dropping real damage types of weapons, building materials, gems, etc. Wait, what is the value of these things, I don't need to say more. Even the quality of dark blue is definitely not worse than the quality of dark gold! "

Fang Senyan groaned, before his eyes brightened: "So, you mean, these guys are absolutely reluctant to give up here."

Cold road. "But I know you will not take advantage of this opportunity. Because even with the existence of the Black Diamond Terror Claw Dragon, facing these people, it is still not enough depending on your strength."

Fang Senyan stopped talking at this time, and he looked at a person on the screen intently.

A strong and burly man who seemed to have his armour broken by his muscles.

The weapon used by this man is a sledgehammer. This weapon presents a dark red color, full of metallic texture and domineering. The surface of the hammer body is engraved with dense patterns, and there is a primitive and mysterious origin from the flood. The sledgehammer's hammer head and shank are all cast together, and its weight can be imagined. It is estimated to be at least half a ton. Obviously, if it is not a hunter, it will be extremely difficult to use it as a weapon.

"What weapon is he using?" Fang Senyan asked suddenly. "Why is it dark red?"

He looked at Fang Senyan and said coldly, "This is a **** weapon."

Fang Senyan suddenly looked at him and smiled politely, "So what is a **** weapon?"

The posture gave birth to the feeling that it fell into the spider web and could not do anything. She made it clear that the sailor didn't want to talk to him, but the other party posted it like nougat, and he couldn't even lose his temper. I can only hate it: "Bloody weapons are weapons that can be exchanged for military ranks that have reached the rank of contractor. It requires a lot of common points and potential points. Of course, the most important thing is the value of merit. This kind of weapon If its power is used to deal with plot creatures, it can only be regarded as a silver plot, but if it is in the battle against the contractor, it is a dark gold level! Because many of the weapon special effects attached to **** weapons are targeted contracts Or, it can only take effect in the PVP battle against the contractor. "

"Then this guy must be heavily supported by Zeus? He must be very good at dealing with the contractor, and Zeus will find a way to get him such a **** weapon." Fang Senyan thoughtfully.

At this time in Zizi's subconscious, he felt that there was nothing he could do about Moriyan, so he simply said, "His name is: Torre? Hartnett, Zeus's confidant."

Fang Senyan watched this guy's battle earnestly: A rhinestone Devilclaw dragon rushed to Torre? Hartnett cut out a **** wound on his arm, but this guy swept across with a hammer and slammed the black diamond Devil-claw Dragon out of the air ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ bumped into the brick wall behind and bounced back.

At this time, Torre Hartnett did not swing the hammer again, but took advantage of the opportunity that the hammer head was in front of the hammer handle while sweeping, and pushed the hammer handle forward strongly!

This shot hit the head of the Black Diamond Devil Claw Dragon. After this monster was swept with all its strength, the body, which had been strengthened and mutated by the dinosaur gene, was also collapsed and fractured. In addition, this was poisonous and strong. The tǐng stab of the hammer handle immediately made him scream and vomit out the internal organs.

And Torre Hartnett has turned around at this point!

At this moment he was holding the alloy steel hammer that weighed almost half a ton in his hand! This rotation can't be linked to light agility, but it has an extra dull feeling. The strong wind is almost suffocating! The wind jīyang, but it feels cold, silent, and formidable firmness! !! !!

The unlucky black diamond Devil-claw dragon was directly blown out, and it took me a while to hear a "snap" from the distance, and there were no screams or shēn groans. The rotten pocket landed. By the way, two or three heads of the same kind were hit and flew. The set of combos that Torre Hartnett kept on hitting like storms had completely destroyed the vitality of this monster! !! .

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