The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 29: Betrayed

Full Text No Ads Chapter 29 Betrayed

Sacred Oak Leaf Resolution:

For physical reasons, Elon the Lord of Rivendell, the protector of the Misty Mountains, the son of the great Elendil, and the owner of the Ring of Elon, will go to the Immortal in the near future to seek a complete cure.

He will be accompanied by the outstanding Dawn Elves: Fog Song. Sunstrider. At the same time, the elders Elder Stan, Yellow Pages, Bert Khan, Fuya and others will also go together. This envoy composed of more than 20 people will pass by. Trekking thousands of miles, on behalf of the Middle-earth Elves pays the highest respect to the supreme Elf Lord Iluwata, we wish Elon to reach the immortal land as soon as possible.

Great Dawn Elf: Griffindale becomes Ravendale's new king.

Lord Velia, the ring of air, will return to his free status, and the contract with Elon will be released. It will be held by Elven King Serendoui and Elven Lady Captain Kailan Trier at the same time to fight against the Dark King.

This resolution is signed by the Elven King Tsering Dui in the Undergrowth, the Elven Lady Leader of the Roslin Forest, Ellen Kelly (el), the King of Ravendale, and the Dawn Elf Grofindale. It has the supreme effect.

Anyone trying to change this resolution will be seen as provoking the elves across the Middle-earth continent, trying to intervene in the internal affairs of the elves.

Looking at this resolution posted on Rivendell Square, all the spirits of Fog Song were stunned at the same time.

Obviously, this resolution came out after various forces weighed and compromised. In all aspects, they got what they wanted most, made certain concessions, and Elon, who was about to get close, got the opportunity to go to the undead, but lost the power to continue to lead the people.

Gloverndale gained the position of Lord Rivendell he wanted, and there were additional tribes left behind, but he was lost to the ring of gas.

The elven king Tsering Dui in the dark forest, and the elven female leader Kailan Triel (el) in Roslin Forest failed to reach the elven clan of Ravendale, but got the artifact of the ring of gas. Right of use.

All the people involved were respected, only the wishes of the new dawn elf of Wuge ... were ignored by these guys without hesitation.

This outrageous approach even angered the elves who remained neutral and united in protest. (Full text eBooks are free to download) But if something like a protest march is useful, then what else does offensive magic do?

The forces of Middle-earth China are also satisfied with this result. The worry that Elon took away a large number of Ravendale elves did not happen, which means that the power of the spirits of Middle-earth China has not been weakened. Kings will undoubtedly have more confidence when confronted.

In the face of such a rapid turn, the only thing that seems the most calm is Fang Senyan. It seems that this result should have been in his expectations. Looking at the text on the resolution, Fang Senyan's mouth sneered:

"Sure enough, you finally can't help but ......... but, do you guys know that? Although your fox tails are well hidden, they are exposed too early. All this was as I expected. Medium. "

Time passed quickly, and Fang Senyan did not meet with Wuge Girl during this time, not even the communication through the oak tree. At this time Fang Senyan did not want to be caught by anyone. In his layout, obscurity and concealment are the most critical things. For this reason, even if Fang Senyan had risked the crime of Elder Dissie Sugagen, he would have spared no expense!

Fortunately, Fang Senyan can be very confident and expectant of Wuge sister. In fact, she is the most important part of Fang Senyan's plan .---- Fang Senyan's concept, even when she is away, Wuge She can also believe in herself so much. Now that she knows that she's around, she will have more courage than ever before! Believe that her faith in herself has never been shaken!

"I won't let you down." Fang Senyan looked silently at Wuge's elf residence.

On the morning of the fourth day after the resolution was issued, most of the businessmen around Rivendell had dispersed. Rivendell was shrouded in the drizzle, and the leaves of the trees were cleared and green by the rain. But the end of the leaf has already revealed a trace of withering, and it is estimated that a large area of ​​withering will occur within a month, which is the price of overrun the vitality of these trees to hold a rare celebration of Rivendell's centennial.

The White Rock trail was no longer tidy, muddy and dirty, and there were dirty stains everywhere. The Ravendale, which was as clean as a fairyland, was once again beaten back to the prototype. The ants that had been motivated by magic, Shit Shell Lang died, stiffened in the muddy water.

At this time, the half-elf Elon put on his black-gold gold cloak, and the fallen leaves flew in front of him. He hugged the tall body and boarded the carriage with a light cough. The two powerful men were pulling the carriage. The stern unicorn, after his two henchmen helped him enter the carriage, walked on both sides to press the line.

The girl from Wuge was also impressed by two female elves who were lifted onto a carriage by the back. This carriage had traces of ivy, and there was even a dim green light on the edge, giving people a feeling of prosperity and even seeing When the green light will form clear buds and tentacles keep growing, the girl's thin white ankles are bound to a maple leaf that looks like red.

Seeing this scene, Elder Suegen Sugaon's face suddenly became very ugly:

"These guys who should accept the withering fate! How to deal with Lord Wuge with the spirit-drenching array and the breather leaf!"

It turned out that the texture engraved on the carriage's carriage was the spirit-drawing array! The magic power of the enemies in the circle can be drawn from time to time and converted into continuous life magic. This is why the ivy green light on the carriage will sprout and grow.

The fiery red maple leaf on the ankle of Wuge's girl seems to be ordinary decoration, but in fact, it can greatly restrain the external spiritual force from entering her body.

Suddenly sucking on this side, facing the imprisonment outside, and taking a two-pronged approach, she was not afraid of the tricks on the way. Only in this way, the pain and suffering she suffered was quite intense, but looking at the calm and gentle appearance of Wuge Girl, she couldn't imagine how intense the torture she was suffering at this time!

No farewell, no hug, no wave, no tears. The half-elf Elon's team left directly, but when driving to the middle of the mountain, Elon jumped off the carriage again, stared deeply at the magnificent city in the misty rain, and boarded the carriage again. I don't know what he was thinking in his mind.

Heavy rain,

In the sky, I do n’t know when the dark clouds were suddenly over, lightning struck the sky, and then the heavy rain fell. There was a lot of white around, almost invisible.

Half-elves Elon's team has left Rivendell for two days. The bad weather could not stop them from moving forward, but it effectively slowed down their speed. The strong wind tore the leaves of the surrounding trees, just like an invisible and rude hand tearing the delicate woman's hair severely. At the end of the line of sight, there is no road, only a bleak white sea, and the road washed by heavy rain But it is a bit daunting --------- The road is steep and steep, which can easily lead to the tragedy of car crashes and deaths.

The convoy finally stopped at the highest point of the ridge, and no one dared to go any further, because such heavy rain could easily cause flash floods or mudslides. Once in distress in that kind of trough, I am afraid that only a few of the entire entourage can survive. Ellen, the respected and accustomed, has become accustomed to the service of others, both in public and private. things happen.

An elf jumped down from the carriage in the heavy rain. He walked up to the already restless unicorn, calmed the two sacred creatures, and walked in front of Elon's carriage and bowed:

"Great master, we are afraid we can't go any further, because that will be a journey of forty miles in the valley. It is too dangerous to trek in such a storm."

Elon's deep voice quickly responded:


Soon ~ ~ Just jumped out of the elves from the last carriage and started to build magnificent spire square tents on the rocky ground. They can be said to be very attentive, and their efficiency is also fast, so they did not notice that the crystal clear and stagnant water flowing from the rain under an elf's feet had a strange change.

The stagnant water suddenly seemed to have its own life, and slowly formed the shape of a thick palm, and the crystal was like the bones of the palm were clear, and even the details of the blue tendons were clear. Suddenly holding the elf's ankle and pulling hard!

The elf immediately shouted a warning. After all, the feeling of slipping and being pulled down was very different, but when his companions looked back, it was difficult to notice what was happening because the elf was pulled After the fall, the palm of the rain that had converged had dissipated in time.

After the elf fell heavily, his back had just touched the ground, and a weird expression suddenly appeared on his face, then he froze. The rest of the elves thought that it was not a major event, and in addition, no abnormalities were found, so they were busy with the work in their hands and did not care about him. Only one person came over and pulled him up.

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