The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 30: Ambush OR murder?

For most of the half-elven servants, it is quite normal to fall and work in such a violent storm.

And more importantly, after the short warning sound of the attacked elf was torn and filtered by wind and rain, it sounded more like an exclamation from an accidental fall.

Therefore, most of the elves glanced at it without a surprise, and then found that there was nothing strange, and continued to work.

The only thing that felt wrong was the elf who was pulling. He felt wrong when he pulled it. The arm of his companion was very strange. He didn't have the ability to move autonomously at all. It seemed that the pull was not a living person. .

He squatted down and turned the elf upside down, and immediately saw his eyes dull, his face pale, his back close to the heart, and there was a deep wound! What's even more weird is that the edge of the wound showed a dead white soaked in cold water for a long time, there was no blood at all, and the wound was squeezed gently, but turbid rainwater would flow out. Obviously, the breath of life is far away from this body.

As the elf watched his companion's wound in amazement, he suddenly saw that the rain dripping in front of him suddenly gathered in a strange way, forming a transparent bladeless blade, and then it was difficult to The speed described is passing by!

This elf's strength is not strong, even intuitively, it is very weak. In fact, only a quarter of his elves are from the grandfather's elf bloodline, and the rest are human, otherwise he would not be able to do this kind of servant thing. It is even more impossible to follow Elon who has lived a few years to bet on whether he can come to the dead.

So in the face of this weird and chilling kill, the half-elf just felt that the neck was actually very comfortable and cool at first, and then he didn't even feel the pain, and felt that there was something in his body Things spurted from the neck, and the spurt was strange and a little pleasant, but he immediately felt that his consciousness was also darkened, and he wanted to fly into the sky.

The paralysis of the half-elf, and the blood spraying from the neck immediately caught everyone's attention. It may be a coincidence that one person's slipping, then the meaning of two consecutive people falling to the ground is even more obvious.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

They suddenly shouted in a panic, but these servants who worked in the rain may be able to do the best in shì waiting for people. But if it is about fighting, they are very amateur, and suddenly turned into a pot of porridge, panic and vain looking That enemy seems invisible.

At the feet of a half-elf servant, suddenly a secretive large transparent hand appeared toward his ankle, and he was still looking for the enemy blankly, so he fell again and twitched.

This attack was only seen by the half-elf servant next to him. He immediately instinctively looked at his feet and screamed in horror! Because he found that the rain flowing under his feet also began to gather into a huge transparent palm, and he grasped his ankle fiercely.

At this time, the elf blood in the half-elf seemed to have exerted his powerful advantages, and he immediately jumped away from the catch.

It was just that the transparent liquid hand seemed very unhappy about his attack, and immediately took another one on the ground.

What's on the ground? Under the wash of heavy rain, in addition to the hard rocks, there is only flowing rainwater. The transparent liquid hand can only catch the flowing rainwater, but in its hands, it suddenly becomes a Take a sharp sharp dagger at a glance!

The dagger looked like a transparent ice blade full of sharpness, and it was necessary to poke people to ensure that it was a blood hole!

The liquid hand immediately stabbed it with an ice dagger. Fortunately, this half-king spirit is of good bloodlines, and he can continuously dodge with his own agility.

It's just that the weird transparent liquid hand's attack speed is just as amazing, it's often slashed out, and the second one has arrived. Even more frightening is that it will also be a means of transposition, suddenly dissolved in the water surface, the next time it is already behind the person! With the weird transposition that this transparent liquid hand can't capture, after being stabbed, the follow-up will be endless, as if it were a windmill that has already started, without any pause at all.

Fortunately, at this time, the half-guessing spirit had embarrassedly plucked a wooden board to build a tent on the ground, which had blocked several attacks.

Suddenly, the strange ice blade held by the transparent liquid hand flickered like ghosts, and even became blurred, which was caused by the extremely high spin speed! The part that it stabbed with each knife actually stabbed on the same part of the board precisely!

The so-called dripping stone is worn through, and the wire saw is broken. Although this thick wooden board is quite tough, the power transmitted from the blade tip is also extremely huge. After all, it can't beat the persistent insertion of the blade. Resolutely quenched immediately.

Immediately after the transparent liquid hand crackled, it made a projectile action. Then, it even threw itself out of the water, and pierced deeply with a shape that grasped the sharp blade directly. The ōng mouth of this half-elf!

The half-guessing screamed, his lean body leaned backwards, and then fell to the ground. His beautiful blue-gray eyes quickly lost his life, just the transparent liquid hand and holding After successfully succeeding, the sharp blade became a pool of liquid.


At the same time, it was not only these half-elven servants who were attacked, but also the carriages.

In fact, it was a carefully planned attack, or murder.

Just when the transparent liquid hand was found, the elder Stan was guessed ... the rain falling from the carriage riding the yellow page suddenly burned, and a pale blue flame appeared strangely, followed by These flames actually merged into a violently burning light blue fire ball, if the meteor shower fell from the sky and burned.

However, at this time, the outer surface of the carriage suddenly burst into a green light, like a shield blocking the carriage.

"Boom boom boom boom!" A series of explosions sounded! The air was scorching and scorching, and the hot breath rushed towards the face. The horses pulling the cart were severely beaten, sizzling, and died instantly.

After the light blue flame came into contact with the rain, it became even more tumultuous, and even the unicorn in the distance was shaken backwards. Not only that, the blue flame that splashed out fell to the ground, burning those rocks to squeak, and the rain fell on the flame, as if the fire was pouring oil, making the flame more boiling. .

The light of the green shield protecting the carriage has also faded, and it is even more dazzled by the fire that is scattered and scattered! It seemed that it would be annihilated in the next second, and the torrential rain kept falling, and the whole carriage was ignited as if it were a cricket, and most of the carriage of the carriage was instantly burned to pieces.

Also, the decorations on the carriages collided, and they made a jingling sound under the wind and rain, and the sound of the flesh of the squeaking sound of the dead horse beside the fire was extremely clear. People find the situation weird!

Suddenly, the elder elder Stanwin yellow pages rushed out of the broken carriage.

Of course, he didn't show up alone. In front of yīn Shen's face, he had a huge earth element with teeth and claws. If a giant bear tore open the carriage and crashed.

Although Lan Sè's flames roared over the earth element's body, this guy didn't care about it at all. It was just at this time, suddenly in the distant rain and mist, there was an extremely fierce flash of light.

The radiance of the light seemed to burn the eyes, not only that, but also a kind of severe pain that caused the heart to twitch, as if the arrow appeared to poison the heart.

There are not many people who can shoot this arrow in the whole Lord of the Rings world, even in the elves who are very good at it! More importantly, in fact, the person who fired this arrow was not an elf, but the elves most hated the enemy.

... grab Orc Luz!

This arrow directly penetrated the core of the earth element. As an elemental creature, it would not die, but lost its ability to stay on this world, and immediately turned into a pile of rocks and collapsed ~ Even more horrible is that Yu Wei of this arrow has severely damaged the elder elder Stan's Yellow Pages. His ōng mouth was shot with a horrible wound, and his blood was stained with red robes instantly.

At the same time, the sky was turbulent, and a lightning bolt struck the elf elder in another carriage: Bert Khan, Fuya.

The two pure white unicorns that were the original King of Ravendale ’s Elon also raised their forefoot at the same time, hissing angrily, and their unicorns shone with a golden glow, this gorgeous The dazzling brightness is not a good phenomenon, it can only indicate that there is a powerful evil nearby.

In the rain and fog, an indescribable figure emerged slowly.

Whether it's an immovable knight right away or his majestic fierce mount, it's assimilating the surroundings of the body like a source of darkness at all times. It stays as if it has been smeared with ink Yes, yīn Shen, Sen Han, even more powerful aggression xìng!

Even the rain falling in the sky, once it enters its body, will be full of evil as if infected and assimilated! !! .

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