The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 72: Isinger

Chapter 72—Essinger

This sword cut his own body, but Fang Senyan didn't even raise his eyebrows, calmly like a rock. MWwW. NgWeNXuE. M

But the girl from Wuge exclaimed, the long bow that looked ordinary but was amazing once it was full was slightly flicked, and a dazzling green light flew sharply on the bow string, cutting the name The indigenous people of the wounded Senyan shot back two steps and then screamed. A large hole had just burst directly on the wrist, the green light spots were slowly drifting, and the white Sensen's hand bone was clearly visible at his wound. .

At this time, Fang Senyan was falling directly into the well, silently taking a big step, and stabbed into the belly of this indigenous people, clinging to it in a tragic cry, blocking the unlucky guy who was so pained to death as a human shield In front of himself.

In the next second, several flying axes were chopped on his body, and the indigenous life was harvested, and a burning bottle smashed on the guy's back in succession, setting off a raging fire At this time, Fang Senyan kicked him fiercely in the unfortunate chest and kicked him away.

At the same time, the silver claws of the reef also seized the throat of an indigenous people, tore it hard, smashed this guy into the opposite direction in the blood spray, and then fought back and retreated to the nearby teleportation building. .

At this point, the priest who controlled the teleportation team felt bad and wanted to run away, but his previous cold words had attracted enough hatred for himself. Franklin's staff had pointed him far away. The priest felt the fierce magic waves in the air, so he stood completely as if he was being held by a sniper rifle, but this face The guy with oil paint on his mouth is still hard:

"You stupid pagans! How dare you make trouble in Eliador. If you don't repent, you will no doubt be tied to the **** of a mule and dragged to death!"

Fighting and retreating Fang Senyan wiped a sweat --------- or blood, coldly said:

"Stop him."

At this time, the patrol on the street also rushed over, and the group of guide indigenous people immediately rushed over as if they had seen the reborn parents. Just watching the leader of the patrol captain beat the orc slave soldiers with a few lashes, so that these powerful soldiers were ready for the war, and Roar roared, knowing that they did not intend to give Fang Senyan any representation at all. Opportunity.

However, just as the patrol captain shouted and shouted to drive the orc slaves forward, the girl in the foggy song obviously did not hesitate to be treated by this group of people. .

Her face turned pale after the arrow was fired.

There was also a dazzling green light in the air, flashed away!

The strong captain in full body armor suddenly froze.

An extremely secretive and difficult-to-tell God appears on his face

The left hand trembled violently

It seems that I want to touch my throat, but it seems to have no power. An arrow that looks very ordinary--even a branch with green leaves is nailed to him On the throat.

This weird sight looked as if the branch had actually grown from his throat!

But all of a sudden, the branch cracked and burst into a green mist, slowly disappearing into nothing, and a blood mist sprayed in the next second.

Up to several meters long, everyone can see clearly

The strong captain was blasted with a fist the size of his throat and the deep pit of red meat rolled!

With the violent passing of life, the captain crashed and fell on the hard ground, and the blood gradually poured from the huge wound above the neck, soaking the ground. Everyone around me exclaimed!

Taking this great opportunity, Fang Senyan at this time did not hesitate to walk to the sacrifice that controls the teleportation array:

"Tune us a teleportation team immediately!"

"Shut up, you pagan! If you don't let go of me anymore, ah !!!"

Fang Senyan wiped it with a knife, then twisted his **** ear, and said coldly:

"Do I need to repeat it again?"

"I will never ... …… ..ah !!!"

There were two **** things on the ground this time, and it should look like another ear and a cut nose.

Fang Senyan continued this time:

"Ten seconds, I will only give you ten seconds this time, and let you debug the teleportation array for me. Now it will count down, 10, 9 ..."

"Yes, Ge Ge Ge ... next, but I don't have the right gems here to provide energy. What can I do after the commissioning?"

"That's my business. You have five seconds to fulfill my request. Otherwise, prepare to be separate from your own legs."

"Don't !!! I have debugged it!"

"You better not be a ghost because I will let you pass the teleportation first!"

"Wait a minute !!! I seem to have just forgotten to debug the transmission hub, and the connection coordinates here seem to have to be re-entered."

Next, the sacrifice to control the teleportation array was completely marginalized. After Franklin performed a large mirror image on the girl of the mist song, she created her illusion, then first entered the teleportation array and left, and then Fang Senyan in turn. reef.

After the last break, the girl from Wuge leaped up. After shooting three arrows continuously in the air, the backhand caught the oblique angle of the upper room with a long bow, and then the whole person curled up, and leapt to the side roof with a flutter. This action of her skillfully avoided the five flying axe thrown over. Then he smashed the next window again and entered the hall of the teleportation array, and started it smoothly. The whole movement is generally done in one go, giving people a pleasing feeling.

Before being teleported away, the girl of Wuge also learned the look of Fang Senyan and smashed a bottle of potion on the ground, but this bottle of potion was bought from Shire's magic prop shop, called a mistletoe potion, which will be injected according to The natural forces in the area produce a large number of parasitic plants crazy growth phenomenon.

With the explosion of the potion, a large mass of mistletoe burst out instantly on the ground. These dark green giant moss quickly spread throughout the hall, and a dark green bubble the size of a basketball was grown, even half. When the orcs step inside, they will also be entangled stiffly, and despite howling and roaring, it is difficult to pull their feet out of it. And these mistletoe also spread to the teleportation array, their strong and exuberant vitality even caused small damage to some structures of the teleportation array.

It is the purest natural force that the mist song girl injects the potion, so these **** mistletoe can theoretically grow for at least an hour, and more importantly, the easiest way to clear these things is to use fire , But the teleportation array is also a bit of a jeopardy, so when the people of Eliador clean up here, Fang Senyan they have left through the teleportation team for at least fifteen minutes ... plus they set up for Fang Senyan The sacrifice of the teleportation destination was also killed, so even if you wanted to chase them, you could only declare powerlessness.

Finally, the girl from the foggy song who stepped out of the teleportation formation staggered, her calf was still injured by the orc's flying axe, but when she looked at the surrounding environment, she was immediately shocked by the magnificent scene never seen before.

They appeared in a teleportation formation built on the top of the mountain, and the flag hung next to the teleportation hall was impressively from Luo Khan. Even if the sword of the Numanor warrior is strong, the dark king Sauron must give a high look. When the mountains were hunting, the wind made people feel like they were flying in the sky. When they turned around, they could see mountains surrounded by mountains, and a torrential river flowing from the west to the east.

The surrounding peaks are like arches and clusters surrounding the valley below. Looking at it from a distance, in the center of the valley, there is a huge city showing a concentric circle shape. The city is densely populated and the road is straight. You can see that this city It is still quite prosperous at present, and there are quite a lot of people in and out.

The city is heavily defended and can even be said to be a fortress, but under the nourishment of the river next to it, it presents a green and comfortable feeling, and there are a lot of trees and grass nearby.

The city's iconic building is a towering bifurcated tall tower just above the center of the city. This is a bizarre tower. It was originally built by people in ancient times in order to flatten Isinger. It is composed of four huge polyhedral stone pillars, and the top is divided into split angular peaks, pointed like spearheads, in the middle of the stone pillars. There is a small space, weird, tall, majestic!

The shape of this tall tower, even if placed in the large-scale environment of Middle-earth China ~ ~, is also unique, and it is absolutely impossible to admit it. This is the magic tower called Ou Sanke!

It was built by ancient craftsmen in ancient times. However, this tower is not like a human creation, but rather a skeleton pulled from the ground. It is actually an isolated rock peak. The black surface reflects the light. Four huge polyhedrons are forcibly fused together. At the top, they are scattered and scattered. The tip is as sharp as the tip of a gun and the edge is sharp like a blade. There is a platform between these sharp rocks. The polished smooth ground is engraved with many strange symbols. People standing on it can overlook the ground from a height of nearly five hundred feet!

Usually, it is the ruler of the entire city who can live in Ousangk.

The person now living in the Ozark is a powerful and majestic strongman, the speaker of the St. White Council, the acquaintance of Fang Senyan, and even his mentor!


Yes, this is one of the most famous fortresses on the mainland!


! @ #

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